Chapter 22

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It was 12 pm and me and Katy were just about to leave ..

"You ready?" Katy asked, looking at me up and down.

"Yes " I whispered.

Truth was I was scared. Scared to find out if I was right. Am I really Jack's mate?

Katy walked out the door and took my hand putting her finger across her lips telling me to be quiet. We walked through halls and down all the stairs until the stench hit my nose and Katy was nearly sick and I tried not to laugh.

The guard was sitting at the top of the dungeon and Katy sighed. I mouthed a 'thank you' and she nodded her head before running towards the guard fake crying. She managed to take the guard towards another part of the house and I tiptoed over to the door.

I took a deep breath and with all my strength I opened the door, the stench hitting me hard as I walked further and further into the dark.

I followed the long corridor until I came to the end cell "Jack?" I asked in the cell but he wasn't there.

"Bella? Is that you?" I heard somebody say further down the corridor into the darkness. I knew that voice was Jack. I rushed down the darkness and saw bright yellow eyes looking at me. Woah he was massive, he had grown, his muscles woah. I stared at him "What have I told you Bell take a picture? It will last longer" He smirked and I smiled god I've missed him.

"Jack .." I started and then stopped. He looked at me with concern in his eyes until his eyes landed on my neck where the bandage was and his eyes darkened.

"He didn't" I thought I heard him say "Come here Bella." He said.

I knew he wouldn't hurt me, don't ask me how I just knew he wouldn't hurt me. I walked towards his cell and he touched my cheek before his hand went towards the bandage, I felt tingles erupt on my skin and I gasped taking a step back. His eyes glowed bright yellow like he was angry "Take off the bandage Bel" He demanded.

"Why?" I asked with my head turning to the side.

"I need to see if he has claimed you?" Jack said and I looked at him.

"Jack I know." I said the words and he looked at me a bit taken back.

"What do you know about Bel? What has he told you?" He growled.

"I know that you're the werewolf king" I told him and he nodded his head "and I also know that I'm your mate" I took a deep breath ready for his expression. He just nodded and smiled like a crazy man oh god no not you as well Jack.

"Well you're smart. Here I was about to come and rescue you and tell you all romantically and you've ruined the surprise." he joked and laughed.

I giggled "Please Bel take off the bandage. I need to see?" He begged and it hurt my chest seeing him looking so sad.

"Ok" I unwrapped the bandage around my neck and when it was all off he looked at my neck closely and took a deep breath.

"Good he hasn't marked you, Bella I need you to listen to me ok? Can you do that?" He told me looking straight into my eyes and I nodded.  

"On the full moon, I will escape. Depending how much time I have I will get you out of here? If I can not reach you in time I will not rest until you are out of this dreadful place ok? Do not give up hope I will always fight for you my Luna." He said and smiled at me.

I moved closer to the bar and he stroked my cheek. I could feel the tingles going through my whole body. I then suddenly remembered the king "What about the king? He told me I'm his beloved?" I said stating the information I knew and his eyes widened.

"He said that to you?" He asked me.

I nodded my head 'yes'.


My eyes widened "I have to go." I said and started to breathe heavy.

"Remember Bel I will save you" Jack said and I nodded before running back into the darkness towards the light. I reached the top of the stairs and Katy was panicking "We need to go now" She said and grabbed my hand running back to our room.

We got into the room and took a deep breath falling down the door "That was close" Katy whispered.


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