And again.

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Have you felt it. The squeeze in your chest, the pain that leaves you breathless. What triggered it might be variable but it leaves you breathless, scared and vulnerable. I have felt it. Though it's has brought me many a times to breaking my inner self.
The pain makes me want to cry and scream. To throw out all my emotions and make myself empty, but I'm scared, scared that somebody would stumble upon me, upon those emotions and then, it's out, out to the world to see. To know,
but to never understand. And then I hold myself still and let that pain pass, tightly screwing up the exit for those emotions. Not wanting anyone to notice the redness of my eyes I rub them. I act a yawn to stifle a upcoming scream. Slowly allowing the pain to pass the emotions and thoughts to make themselves scarce.
Until the next time I need to do it again.
And again.

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