Meet Fangs

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Draco woke up the sound of people talking and the smell of burnt toast.

"You idiot," Remus burst out laughing.

"Shut up Moony," Sirius snapped.

Draco groaned and sat up turning around to look at the two adults fighting in the kitchen.

"You can't even make toast," Remus said between laughs.

Sirius just rolled his eyes and threw the singed toast in the bin.

Draco laughed slightly and they both turned towards him.

He was leaning over the back of the couch with his head resting on his hands.

A smirk crossed Sirius's face and Remus started to laugh harder.

"What," Draco frowned as a Sirius began to laugh.

"I never thought I would ever see Draco Malfoy looking like this," Sirius grinned and Draco glared at him.

His blonde hair was messy and falling all over his face. He was wrapped up in a blanket and his eyes where only half open.

"Here, there some unburnt toast on the table," Remus smiled and Draco jumped up and stumbled over to the table.

"What's the time," he muttered as he bit into toast.

"just gone 9, you missed first period but it's fine we'll come up with an excuse," Lupin smiled.

"Don't worry I had charms, I skip it all the time," he said carelessly before his eyes widened at realisation of what he just said.

"I didn't mean, I don't skip class, I just," He stuttered but Sirius and Remus just laughed.

"You should head back and get changed, you've got defence next and I won't be happy if you skip my class," Lupin smiled.

Draco gave them both a nod and grabbed another piece of toast which he stuffed in his mouth as he ran towards the door.

"See you later Blondie," Sirius called after him and Draco waved goodbye over his shoulder.


Draco showed up at Defence early and opened the door.

Sirius was sitting on a desk while Remus bustled around setting up for his lesson.

Hey Fangs," Sirius said jumping off the desk and walking towards Draco.

"Honestly why did I get stuck with the name Fangs," Draco moaned.

"Oh sorry little dragon," Sirius teased.

"Shut up I wasn't asking you to change it," He snapped as he walked over to Lupin.

"Ickle little Dragon," Sirius smirked as he walked up behind Draco.

"Shut up Pads," Draco yelled as he tackled the older man into a headlock.

"Jesus," Sirius exclaimed while Remus burst out laughing.

Draco snickered and Sirius took it as a chance to mess up the boy's freshly gelled hair.


They all lost it and Remus bent over his desk while Sirius fell to the floor slamming his fist down.

They didn't notice Harry, Hermione and Ron walk into the classroom.

Harry stopped in his tracks at the scene before him. He felt a wave of jealousy as he saw Draco laughing with his godfathers.

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