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Draco woke what must of been an hour later to someone tapping his arm softly. The light under the curtains had faded meaning it must of been late.

He opened his eyes to see Narcissa sitting next to him and he slowly pushed himself up, "Yes?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something," She sighed playing with the ring on her finger.

"What," Draco asked curiously, not intending for it to sound so blunt.

Narcissa took a deep breath, "You know Mark right."

Draco tensed, he knew what was coming next, he wasn't stupid, he'd seen the small acts of intimacy and the silver rings that decorated their hands, "When did you two tie the knot then."

Cissa paused and watched her son with wide eyes, "We haven't, we aren't married like that, we got engaged years ago but i'm still stuck with your father and he won't sign papers and I-."

"You aren't married like that, what the hell mum," He hissed. He watched her eyes go glossy and regretted his words instantly, "Ah shit, i'm sorry, really, you're allowed to be happy, I don't know why I lashed out."

Narcissa took him in her arms and hugged him tight, "i've always loved him, I never liked your father but I didn't have much of a choice did I, I stayed to help the order and i've always questioned that decision, i'm sorry but now I have a chance to fix it and build a happy family and I need your consent, please Draco," 

Draco sighed, "Lucius will never be a father to me, as long as you're happy i'll always suppport you ma. Once he's back in Azkaban we can get him to sign the papers alright and you'll have the best wedding ever."

Narcissa let tears of joy gleam her cheeks as she kissed her son on the head, "Thank you my boy, now get some rest."

She stood up slowly and left the room. shutting the door softly behind her.

She tiptoed up the stars to the room her and Mark had chosen.

"How'd he take it," Mark asked nervously, his eyes wide with trepidation.

Narcissa smiled at his worried expression, "He was alright about it, apparently he already knew and he never saw Lucius as a father figure anyway which is what I told you plenty of times."

Mark ran a hand through his hair and let out a relieved but long awaited breath, "What if he doesn't like me."

Narcissa stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzling into his chest, "He will."

Mark smiled and pulled her closer, letting his eyes close as they began to sway. Narcissa hummed a tune under her breath as they stood together, in the faint glow of the moon. The soft carpet underneath their feet, content in each others company. A glow bouncing in the blonde woman's heart, a feeling she hadn't felt before and one she never wanted to let go of.

Draco closed his eyes for a moment, feeling his breath leave his lips and focusing on the feeling of the sheets beneath him and only that. He let his eyes close, only to twist and turn until he gave up and sat up with an agitated groan.

He was running his hands through his hair when the door opened quietly. He glanced up, with a jolt of hope that he would see Harry but alas it was someone else.

Sienna entered his room cautiously, closing the door behind her, "Draco," she questioned.

"Yeah," he responded under his breath.

"Were you," she paused, "crying," she finished, biting her lip, not wanting to meet the wrath of the boy if she chose her words wrong.

"No, not crying, just thinking and not being able to sleep," he answered with a sigh, falling back on his bed to stare at the ceiling.

He heard footsteps approaching him on the carpet, "Can I," she gestured at the bed and Draco glanced at her with a nod before turning back to stare at the ceiling.

It was dark in the room and she could hardly make out the boys profile as she turned to face him, "What's on your mind, your mum mentioned she was gonna talk to you."

"So you're close with my mum then," Draco turned the conversation back on her.

She chuckled, "You're a lot like her, quite manipulative, you have a way with words."

"Well you never answered the question," He countered turning to face her so he was supporting his head on his arm.

She smirked again, "I guess you could say we were close, a real couple of misfits we were, not belonging in the right houses. It's how I got close with Sirius as well and it brought the whole group together," she grinned fondly at the memories, "Oh how I miss those days, before Lucius came along, he didn't really like me," she added with playful scoff.

Draco smiled, "Did you know Mark."

Sienna frowned, "Not at school, he never went because of his furry little problem but he was homeschooled by his mother, she was a really nice woman, raised a wonderful child on her own. Anyway I met him through the order and Remus, so did Cissa and those two hit it off instantly but yeah he's a wonderful guy, a bit odd sometimes but a great laugh," She beamed.

Draco rubbed his face, Mark didn't seem that bad and he had always been nice to Draco, there was no reason to hold a grudge against him.

"So, Harry," Sienna brought you the boy who was asleep next door and Draco tensed.

"What about him," He muttered rolling onto his back and crossing his arms.

"Young love at it's finest," She teased, squinting to watch the wave of emotions roll over his face in the dark. When Draco didn't answer she spoke again, "You know you should actually consider being a healer, you did a bloody good job for someone with no idea what they were doing."

"What do you mean, i've been studying it, I really wanna be a healer," Draco lied, the words slipping off his tongue all too smoothly.

Sienna frowned for a moment, "Draco I may have been better suited in Gryffindor but at heart i'm still a Ravenclaw," She stood up and headed towards the door, "I checked him over, and i know what I saw, so you better get over this feud and talk to him and be there for him," she muttered before closing the door and leaving.

Draco lay in the darkness, pondering over the events of the past few hours, Merlins beard couldn't his life just go smoothly for once.

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