Futile Routines

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"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN," Sirius voice echoed through the house as soon as they returned home.

Draco gulped. Narcissa sat on the couch, with teary eyes, Mark with an arm thrown around her, while the others stood in the kitchen. Alastor and Annie as well, glaring at the two boys.

"We were at beach," Harry answered frowning.

"Right well i'll be going them," Alastor muttered as he turned and dissaperared on the spot.

Annie made her way over to Sienna, her scowl deepening as she watched the two boys.

"You can't just go out, what if death eaters had been waiting," Remus huffed crossing his arms.

"Well they weren't, were they," Harry countered, raising an eyebrow.

"They could have been," Remus snapped, causing Sirius to throw an arm around his shoulders.

Harry didn't answer and stormed off towards his room.

"Where are you going, we're all eating together tonight," Sirius stepped forward, hurrying after him.

"I need a shower," Harry slammed his door and stalked into his room.

"I don't like him like this," Remus sighed before turning off towards the stairs, headed for his own room.

"Does anyone," Sirius added, walking after his husband.

Remus was sitting on the bed, staring at his knees.

Sirius stepped forward, a chocolate bar held out in his hand, almost a peace offering.

"Moons," He spoke softly, closing the door and sitting down next to his husband.

Remus gave him a shy smile and took the chocolate bar, slowly taking a bite.

"Sorry I've been snappy, he apologised quietly and Sirius pulled him closer, "it's been hard on all of us, I understand."

"I shouldn't have taken it out on you, i'm just so worried about him," Remus took another bite, savouring the chocolaty bliss.

"Well all are, but this will be over soon and it will all be okay," Sirius soothed serenely.

Remus glanced into his stormy grey eyes, one's he had know for years, and sometimes if he looked closely, he could still picture the happy child, skipping down the corridors of the Hogwarts express or the moody teen, who relished in music and being 'punk rock'. Who only cared about pranks and his moony but yet had come out the other side of his own suffering as a bright and caring man.

Not being able to resist he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his husbands lips, Sirius's eyes widening in surprise and then fluttering close.

"What if he doesn't get his magic back," Remus asked against Sirius's lips but Sirius just kissed him and didn't answer.

"I love you," Sirius muttered as he finally pulled away.

Remus grinned and hummed in response as he kissed his Padfoot again, pushing him back onto the bed. The chocolate bar and two pairs of socks discarded on the floor.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Sienna waved her wand, food flying through the air at her command.

Narcissa and Mark had gone out for a walk and Annie was laying on the couch, her blonde hair strewn across the place, some sort of panic stirring in her absent eyes.

"Are you alright," Sienna frowned watching her girlfriend and soon to be wife intently.

Anne jumped and glanced towards the kitchen, "Yeah," she answered swiftly.

Sienna frowned and didn't say anything, biting down on her lip.

Anne had been distant, they had all been busy with missions but she seemed to find every reason to avoid her and avoid any sort of talk about their wedding.

"Smells good," Mark announced entering through the front door, Narcissa under his arm.

Their faces were both tinged pink from the sun and sand layered their feet, shoes in hand.

Narcissa walked up behind Sie and took a bite out of one of the many bread rolls.

"You'll get sand in," Sienna hissed, although she couldn't hide her smirk.

She had know Narcissa for year, almost as long as Lily and the other boys and never once had she seen her this relaxed and happy. It was almost out of character for her, although maybe they had never seen any more than a made up character.

"Well look at all of us," Sirius sang prancing into the room, "Happy, happy couples."

To say the least, his mood had improved.

Draco coughed awkwardly from where he was standing near his and Harry's door, Harry a couple steps in front of him.

Sirius smirked as he watched them and opened his mouth to speak.

"How about we eat," Remus said quietly, putting his hands on Sirius's shoulders and guiding him towards the table, being careful to dodge the flying plates and bowls.

The took their seats at the round table, Draco distancing himself as far away from Harry as possible, both the boys faces splashed with a blush after the incident before.

Chatter began as food was passed around, bowls clinking together and forks scraping against plates. Harry watched as Draco picked at his food, moving it around his plate slowly ,and seemed to be the only one to notice when Sienna nudged him and placed a couple potatoes on his plate which only seemed to darken the green tinge on his face.

Harry gripped his fork tighter, a protective anger washing over him, not that he would admit it.

"Harry?" Draco's voice sliced through his fury and he glanced up, everyone was watching him as he glared at Sienna who looked rather taken aback.

"Sorry," he murmured, turning his attention back to eating.

"Right well as I was saying, no one leaves the house, if you really want to, go with an adult," Remus continued.

"But I am an adult," Harry and Draco spoke different variation of the same sentence at once, their voices intermingling in protest.

"Fine, you are not allowed to leave the house unless you are with someone older than 18," he rephrased and the boys went to argue again.

"End of story," Sirius stated planting his hand down on the table.

And so the rest of the days continued, Harry spent hours in the sun, lounging about or in his closed off room, waving around his wand desperately and feeling like a stupid child. The bags under his eyes deepened still as he spent most nights in the small attic, reading under candlelight, trying to grasp any sense of what the words meant. But alas, there was still nothing he could decipher, other than a few photos of Charlus and his friends at school.

His futile routines continued, undisturbed until one fateful night when he tiptoed into the room next to his.

"Draco wake up."

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