Silky Blonde Hair

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wow 11k reads i never expected anything like this, i'm honestly so surprised because i've never really liked my own writing but people are actually reading it, i'm gonna go through it tonight and make some minor edits and stuff !!

Mark played with the shiny silver ring on his left hand as he walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, which were quiet apart from the loud chatter, of students at dinner, sifting through the great hall doors.

He turned down a corridor and passed the door labeled Lupin, Black. He stopped only steps later however and turned to the door next to it, whispering the password and entering an identical room.

He waited for the door to slam shut behind him before dropping his bag and taking a deep breath. His nose twitched as the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies filled the room.

A woman with silky blonde hair lay on the couch by a sizzling fire, newspaper in hand. Her blue eyes scoured the words, her eyebrows presenting in a slight frown. She turned as the door closed and stood up, an apron tied around her waist, her hair falling messily around her shoulders.

Her pink lips turned upwards into a smile at the sight of Mark, "Evening,"

Her turned to her, "Did you make cookies," he asked, nose still twitching in the direction of the couch.

She laughed and waved at the plate of cookies on the coffee table, untieing her apron and throwing it over the side of the couch to reveal the large white shirt and grey trackies underneath.

He grinned as he grabbed a cookie, "I see you haven't changed all day,"

She shook off his teasing, "Not much I can do around here, is there, I can't leave the school, let alone this room,"

"Wasn't Sienna gonna to come around," He asked through a mouthful of cookie, "Bloody hell these are good,"

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "She's still on the mission with Anne, they haven't contacted Dumbledore in a week or two and he's so calm about it, what if something happened to them," her eyes were glossy by the time she finished speaking.

"Hey, hey love," he hushed, pulling her into his arms and placing a loving kiss on her head, "They're gonna be alright and if they're not back by Monday, Kingley and I are going after them,"

She bit her lip and stepped away from him, wiping her eyes, "And Draco,"

"He's alright, looks a bit malnourished and sleepy but he's got Harry. I might grab him a sleeping draught and a draught of peace from Severus just in case though," He responded thoughtfully, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear.

"You're little one is alright, love," he added when the worry didn't fade from her face.

She wiped her eyes again and sat down on the couch, Mark following, "I got rid of the boggart," she spoke softly.

Mark tensed, "You didn't have to, I could of done it, I know how much you hate them."

"Well I had to do something," She yelled suddenly. She shrunk back down at the hurt look on his face, "Sorry, oh i'm really sorry, it's just everyone's out there trying to stop him and I can't do anything."

Mark pulled her under his arm, "You've done your part already, you suffered with that trash of a man for years, you could of left with me and Draco but yet you chose to stay and risk your life, working for us on the inside,"

She sniffed and shivered at the horrid memories, "I can't bear it if anyone dies and i'm sitting here all safe, you know when the boggart, when I killed it, I saw them all dead, you and Draco and Sienna and Annie and Remus-,"

He cut her off with a soft kiss and she melted into his touch, relaxing instantly.

"I love you," he whispered into her ear, "And it's all going to be fine, we have to trust him, even if we don't completely agree,"

She sighed and leaned into him, her head on his chest, listening to the soft thump of his heart, "I wish I could see him, I miss my son,"

"Soon my dear, we have to be patient," he murmured back, holding Narcissa Baxter right in his arms.

"He said her name i'm sure of it, alright Harry," Draco yelled.

They were both still in McGonagall's classroom, standing now, facing each other across the desk.

"Ok so maybe he did, what about it," Harry countered.

"WHAT ABOUT IT, WHAT ABOUT IT, that's my mother Harry, my fucking mum who was working with Voldemort, they can't trust her,"

Harry winced and rubbed his face with his hands, "Gods when are we gonna stop fighting,"

Draco didn't answer but instead moved to pack up his books.

"Draco don't leave like this, just come to dinner,"

Draco continued to ignore the other boy and instead picked up his bag and headed for the door.

"Draco don't do this," Harry yelled storming after the boy and grabbing his wrist.

Draco spun around wand drawn and Harry ceded, taking a step back.

Grey icy eyes met his once more before Draco left the room, doors slamming with a bang.

"FUCK," Harry screamed, kicking his foot into the desk so hard that it flipped, ink pot crashing and shattering on the floor.

He didn't seem to care anyhow and instead grabbed his shit and left, not even bothering to follow Draco and instead heading for the forest.

Draco, in the heat of his anger, had gone the other way and was now knocking on the door labeled Lupin-Black.

"Fangs," Sirius smiled, letting Draco inside and pulling him into a hug.

The blonde boy quickly wrapped his arms around Sirius's middle and held him tightly.

His shoulders shook rather suddenly and sob wretched through his entire body, filling the air around them.

"Hey what's wrong, what's wrong kiddo," Sirius panicked pulling away from Draco and sitting him down on the couch.

Remus looked up from where he was studying a text book, "Whats going on," he asked Sirius who shrugged before turning back to the crying boy.

"Can you tell us what's wrong," He asked softly.

"Everything," Draco sobbed, his voice was low but vehement as he threw his arms around Sirius again and cried into his chest.

Sirius eyes were wide with dejection and his arms easily slipped round the boys waist. He frowned as he noticed how skinny he was, bony arms and ribs that speared from his stomach.

His eyes met Remus's, trepidation so strong it was almost tangible

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