Magicless Magician

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Give me some quality drunk Harry lines... for no reason at all.

Harry groaned, he opened his eyes as another burst of pain shot through his body, layering over the steady, dull ache.

He clambered for his glasses and placed them carefully on his nose, taking deep breaths. He let his senses wander back to him and the strong scent of bacon and eggs filled his nose while voices fluttered about his ears.

He reached out for his bedside table moving his hand around blindly until it rested on his wand, which he closed his hand around.

He couldn't remember anything, just hazy images that flashed momentarily, but he did know that he had never felt this tired in his life.

He felt partly empty, as though he was missing something that he couldn't place and every joint and bone in his body was screaming with exhaustion.

He flicked his wand towards the curtains, willing them open and waited for the light to hit, to feel that natural pulse of magic travelling out of hand and into his wand, however he never did.

He frowned, and turned his head to see the curtains, still firmly closed, swaying ever so slightly from the fan on the ceiling.

He flicked his wrist again, and still nothing happened. He could feel panic build in his chest, tingling his stomach and chocking his throat. His heart was pounding, "Wingardium Leviosa," he yelled pointing at the cup of water on the bedside table.

It didn't move, instead the water sat stationary and still inside an equally still cup.

He let out a nose of frustration, his head was spinning, what was going on.

He heard a flurry of footsteps and the door burst opened to reveal a very panicked Sirius. Harry spun on him, aiming his wand, "Stupey, Expelliarmus, Incendio."

Sirius jumped out of the way, but his mouth feel open as no spells left the boys wand, "Harry, what-,"

"GET OUT, JUST GET THE HELL OUT," He screamed throwing his wand to the floor and Sirius hurriedly shut the door.

Harry took in a deep breath, tears stung his eyes as he sat down, thoughts ticking to no avail.

Sirius left the room, his eyes wide. He turned back into the kitchen where Remus, Sienna and Draco where watching him curiously.

"What the hell is going on," Remus asked hurriedly.

"I- I don't know," Sirius stuttered.

Another yell echoed through the house followed by the sound of something smashing and everyone winced.

Sienna made eye contact with Draco and raised her eyebrows meaningfully. He shrunk back and shook his head, eyes pleading but she only continued to cross her arms and with a defeated sigh Draco turned and made his way towards the room.

He slowly turned the cold metal handle and pushed the door open.

Harry sat stoically on the bed, a smashed glass vase at his feet, kicking around the broken shards with his bare foot.

He looked up at Draco before dropping his gaze back to the sharp glass.

"You'll hurt yourself if you keep doing that," Draco murmured, closing the door and taking a seat on the bed next to Harry, being careful to step over the glass.

In one swift movement he lifted Harry's legs across his lap, forcing the black haired boy to face him, "What's going on."

Harry threw his wand across the room, from where it had been dangling limp from his fingers and it hit the wall with a clatter, "It doesn't fucking work, i'm broken, i'm a muggle," he hissed.

Draco frowned, not understanding, "You're wands broken?," he questioned.

"No i'm broken, my magic doesn't work," Harry's lip trembled, it was all too much, the emptiness, the lack of memories which he couldn't focus on no matter how hard he tried and now Draco, acting so nice all of a sudden.

Draco watched the boys lower lip tremble as he tried to find some sort of explanation, it had to be some sort of hex or curse or-

A sob left Harry's lips and be brought his knees into his chest, hiding his face. Draco felt his heart clench and he wrapped his arms around the the smaller boy.

Pulling him close and merging their bodies together. Harry took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the boy next to him, although tears still rolled down his cheeks, catching on the corners of his mouth and tumbling down his chin. He could feel the black hole inside of him, ripping him apart, sucking in every ounce of spirit left in him. He felt empty and drained as though every important part of him had been taken and sucked from his very blood.

"I'm broken, i'm broken, i'm broken," he whimpered like a scratched record.

"Ok, ok just lay down," Draco soothed as he let Harry lay down on the bed, the boy instantly curling up into a ball and beginning to rock, mumbles still leaving his mouth.

Draco backed towards the door and then turned, running back into the kitchen, his mouth wide open.

Everyone turned to look at him with wide eyes, Sirius was clenching the handle off his umsipped coffee cup so tight it looked like it might break off.

"He- he said he was broken and his magic was gone, that's not possible, I didn't know what to do," Draco stuttered, his tongue lost in the black abyss of his own mouth.

"SHIT," Remus swore, dropping his head into his hands and beginning to pace.

Sirius coffee cup fell from the floor, shattering and splashing hot coffee against the walls.

"Merlin's hell Sirius," Remus yelled his hands gripping his hair.

Sirius's eyes went glossy and his bit his lip, pulling at Remus's heart strings, "Sorry, i'm sorry alright." Remus muttered, his tone still disheveled and panicked.

Sienna's eyes were wide, "But, but I didn't think that could actually- I didn't think it would actually happen."

Remus glanced at her, "If he fully exerted his magic it could, which it looked like he did."

Draco frowned, "What do you mean, what-."

Remus took in a deep breath, "Harry, well, when your father was.. hurting you. Harry performed wandless, and very powerful wandless magic out of anger. Something i've never seen anyone do but it must of weakened him and drained him off his magic."

Draco's mouth gaped for words, "You mean, he's a muggle."

"No, he's still a wizard, he's just," Sienna began.

"Magicless," a voice finished her sentence as Harry stepped out of the bedroom. He was limping slightly, his previously broken leg still aching.

The bags under his eyes seemed to have grown tenfold and his usually olive skin was ghostly pale and tinged green.

"Merlin Harry," Sirius murmured from where he had finished cleaning up his mess and he ran forward to help the boy.

Harry pushed him off and made his way to the couch flopping down, "Look at me, it's the world famous muggle, a galleon a photo."

"Harry don't say that, we'll figure this out alright," Remus hushed franticly, "We'll speak to Dumbledore, he always knows the answer," he stopped, the room so silent you could hear a breath being drawn.

"I'm going to bed, wake me up when i'm out of this hell hole," Harry hissed, pushing himself back up and disappearing, tears gleaming his eyes.

Draco stood hesitantly, glancing between Harry and his own room before sighing and heading into the room he had claimed.

"That didn't play well did it," Sirius chuckled wryly.

The two other adults glared at him and he shrugged, pouting.

"Come on, let's go figure this out," Remus shook his head, heading to the floo.

"What's going on," Narcissa frowned, coming down the stairs with Mark on her heels.

"I'll explain on the way, we need to go to Hogwarts," Sienna said ushering them forward towards the floo.

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