River, Stars and Bartenders

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I'm not good at spanish, so if anyone wants to correct my spanish please do and i'll put what the english translations are meant to be in the comments of each paragraph.

Also i'm working on a one shot book for wolfstar and drarry so keep checking my page or follow me because I will post them soon!!

"Draco, wake up," Harry hissed from where he stood above the sleeping boy.

Draco groaned loudly and Harry shoved a hand over his mouth, causing the blonde boys eyes to flash open in the darkness.

Harry slowly released his hand and placed his finger on his lips, "Get up," he whispered.

Draco rubbed his eyes and sat up, surveying Harry. He he was wearing a grey 'joy division' shirt, tucked into baggy jeans and a leather jacket thrown over his shoulder.

"What's going on," Draco murmured horsely.

"We're going out, get changed," Harry snapped, his voice still a whisper as he threw a pile of clothes at Draco.

Draco stood up clumsily and pulled on the band shirt Harry had handed him, "Where are we going, I thought we weren't allowed out."

"I'll tell you outside," Harry responded bluntly, folding his arms.

Draco sighed, not even bothering to try and argue, "Fine, turn around," he countered, holding the pair of jeans in his hand.

Harry raised an eyebrow but huffed and turned around, facing away from the blonde boy as he slipped off his dark green cotton shorts and pulled on the ripped pair of jeans. They were baggy around the waist.

"Who's clothes are these," he asked, fiddling with his belt.

"Sirius's," Harry responded, turning around and stepping forward, he grabbed the bottom of Draco's top, untucking it from his jeans.

Draco froze and clenched his jaw as he the raven haired boys warm hands on his lower stomach, his cool metal rings scraping his skin.

Harry puffed out the top slightly, before admiring his 'work' and grabbing Draco's clammy hand.

He dragged him towards the door and opened it carefully, Draco making sure to grab his wand before they tiptoed through the house.

Draco's heart was pumping in his chest, pounding against his ribs as they approached the door. He bit the inside of his cheek, glancing at the staircase, straining his eyes for any movement.

He walked into the edge of the table, letting out a pained hiss and gritting his teeth again, crouching forward slightly as he followed Harry, who was now glaring at him.

Harry shook his head and placed his hand on the doorknob, pulling the door open and wincing as the lock clicked. He watched the ground carefully as he stepped out onto the path, holding the door open for Draco before closing it slowly.

The two continued down the path, Draco's wand tightly in his hand. The warm air cloaked them as the moon illuminated their path.

They walked until they reached the small gate at the edge of the property and then Harry took Draco's arm and the two boys spun on the spot, dissaperating with nothing more than a crack.

"WE'RE FREEEE," Harry yelled out into the air as the appeared in a small dark alley. He ran forward into the bustling streets, Draco close after him.

It must of been the back of 12, almost one, and shop lights were glowing, casting them in neon purple.

A groups of adults walked past them, raising an eyebrow at the two British boys but kept walking. Draco eyes watched them uneasily, his hand clutching his wand in his pocket, although everyone seemed mostly harmless.

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