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holy mother of merlins tits, I am a sobbing mess, I made myself cry, anyway hope you enjoy :)

Harry jumped down off the table after dancing with Draco.

The world was blurry, his hands and feet tingling, eye half closed. The music seemed to mix with voices and he felt someone slipping their hand in his.

"Kiss me," A voice asked softly.

Harry caught a glimpse of blonde hair, as he struggled to keep his eyes open

"Draaco," his words came out slurred, breaking, incoherent.

"is that a yes," the voice asked again, nerves dancing on his words, not that Harry would notice.

"Mm yeah," Harry muttered his eyes closed.

He felt a pair of lips push against his and he stumbled back into the wall, he saw Draco's pale hand slip into his hair. He kissed back, lips moving together although it didn't feel the same, maybe it was the abundant amounts of alcohol consumed, Harry wondered.

"Get a fucking grip Potter,"

Harry's eyes flashed open, he stilled for a moments taking in the blonde hair, a couple shade too dark and the pale skin, a few shades too pink. He shoved the boy off of him, who stumbled backwards, mouth open like a fish.

"Wha, wha, what," He gaped watching as Harry stared at him with horrified eyes.

"You're, you're not, you're not him," He stumbled over his words, eyes scouring the room for Draco.

"Shit," he yelled before running out of the room and leaving the Ravenclaw boy behind.

He almost stepped in a pile of sick as he left the common room and he paused to clean it up with his wand, before running towards the staircase.

He was about to run down it when he slammed, full force into another body.

"S-sorry, Sir," he slurred, falling back and struggling to stay upright.

"Mr Potter," Dumbledore straightened his robes quickly, "I was looking for you."

Harry looked up to meet the headmasters eyes, frowning at the subtle worry in them, "You were?"

"Yes, come along, quickly please," Dumbledore said as he began to hurry off down the hallway, Harry at his heels.

"What is it Sir," He questioned struggling to keep up in his intoxicated state.

"I'll explain in due time, Harry," He stated briefly and he continued down the hallway.

They remained in silence until they reached the staircase to the astronomy tower and Dumbledore paused, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders, and bending down slightly to reach eye level with the boy who was almost as tall as him.

"I need you to stay silent, whatever you do, you have to stay hidden and silent, i'm trusting you, please let me know I have your word," He spoke quickly and softly.

"What's going on,"

"Harry, things happen, we all have our time, fate will always win out, we can't beat it. We can take precious seconds but we can never beat it, it was always come around, death will always deal us a hand as you said before. There is only one thing stronger than fate and that is love, hold onto love Harry, once you find it, hold tight and never let go because it won't always come back, it's limited, so when you find someone with an unlimited supply for only you, don't let go. Trust your gut and don't let anyone take it away from you, now do I have your word, do I have your word Harry," His voice was calm but chilling and Harry noticed the glossy look in his eyes.

Harry stared at him for a moment longer before taking a deep breath, "You have my word, you always will, I trust you,"

Dumbledore smiled thinly, "Thank you Harry, you have done your parents proud," and with that he drew his wand and tapped Harry's head.

Harry felt a chill go through his body, like someone cracking an egg and tickling his spine. He had felt this feeling before and he glanced down at his hand, true to his thoughts he couldn't see it, he was invisible.

Dumbledore nodded and signed for him to follow as they made they're way up the spiralling staircase.

Dumbledore subtly stopped Harry at the top step, but Harry was already frozen at the sight before him.

Lucius Malfoy stood, wand drawn, flanked by another death eater in a mask.

"Mr Malfoy, it is very lovely that you requested a meeting," Dumbledore smiled at the man, giving him a curt nod.

Lucius snickered, "Ah Albus, you foolish man, so very foolish,"

Dumbledore just kept his smile, "I presume there is a reason you have asked to speak."

"Yes, I am under the knowledge that you are unwilling holding my son and wife and I would like them back," He stepped forward, his wand arm twitching.

"I am so sorry Lucius, but they are no ones property to give or take and no they will not be paying you a visit any time soon," Albus stated.

"Then i'll kill you right now and go find them," Lucius snapped his patience growing thin.

"I may be old, but i'm not stupid, you are here only under my invitation and if I were to pass the school would no longer welcome you," Dumbledore pulled out his wand, toying with it in his hand. (you dirty minded creature, his actual wand)

"Expelliarmus," The spell shot quickly from Lucius's wand as a wash of fear covered his face, only to be quickly hidden.

Dumbledore held up his hands as his wand flew to the floor.

"I don't know what you are playing at, you- you should be scared of me," Lucius hissed, stepping forward.

Dumbledore smiled again, "Ah Lucius, I can still see you as a small first year, full of joy, unprejudiced, happy if I may even suggest it,"

Lucius spat on the floor, "I'm happy, what do you know about happiness you old git,"

Dumbledore shook his head with a soft smirk, "I know what you are here for, i'm getting rather tired of the small talk, so please fulfil your task,"

Lucius took another step forward, "Why aren't you scared,"

"Dumbeldores eyes swiveled quickly in Harry's direction, "Because love will always find a way,"

"AVADA KADAVRA," the spell cut through the air, hitting Albus directly in the chest as his last words fell from his mouth.

His body fell as his life left it, his spirit, soul and light gone, as he tumbled off the astronomy tower, falling.

Lucius twisted on the spot and disappeared into a black cloud of smoke, along with the death eater beside him.

Harry waited until they had disappeared to crumple to the floor, sobs wracking theough his whole body, short of breath, his chest heaving. Tears broke free, scratching down his cheeks as he screamed in pain. His hands slammed the floor, ripping at his hair in misery. He let out another scream, sitting back on his heels and cursing out the sky.

The stars watched down on him with sorrow, one more added to their mix, one shining brighter than all the others.

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