Perfectly Harry

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A/N: Thanks for 2k reads :)
Also are we vibing with top Harry or bottom Harry
TW: mentions of self harm

Draco woke with another body pressed into his, he groaned and opened his eyes.

Harry was curled into Draco's chest, their legs intertwined and his arms wrapped around the smaller boy.

He looked over at Madam Pomfrey who was watching them with a smirk on her lips.

She saw him looking at her and he blushed deep crimson, quickly trying to untangle himself from the smaller boy.

However as soon as he moved his arms Harry woke and stretched out pushing Draco to the floor.

"Harry you git," He snapped as he clambered to his feet.

Harry just frowned and curled up again, obviously too tired to care at all.

Draco sat down in the bed facing Madam Pomfrey who was busying herself with fixing another already made bed.

"Um Madam Pomfrey," Draco asked awkwardly and the older lady looked round at him curiously, "Do you think I can take Harry outside for a bit,"

Her smile dropped, "Oh no dear, I don't think so."

"Come on please, I'll make sure he sits down and he's fine, look," he flicked Harry who slapped his hand away fiercely, "See he's perfectly Harry, he's fine, please," Draco begged.

"Dumbledore's orders, i'm very sorry," she grimaced apologetically.

"I won't let him drown himself in the lake or hurt himself i'm not a blithering idiot, anyway fresh air would be good for him," Draco countered.

Pomfrey hesitated, biting her lip, "I guess it would be okay, but if you get caught I'm not taking the blame," she muttered before disappearing into the side room.

Draco smirked and turned to Harry who was still curled up in bed.

"Rise and Shine Scarhead," He sung yanking the covers off Harry.

Harry whimpered in response and pulled his knees into his chest, tucking his chin down.

He was wearing trackies and a hoodie unlike Draco who was in the same baggy jeans and and now untucked t-shirt from yesterday.

"You walk or I carry you," Draco listed the smaller boys options.

"Go to sleep," Harry murmured, his eyes squeezed shut.

"I'll go with my options," Draco sniggered as he placed his arm under Harry's knees and lifted him up with another arm supporting his back.

Harry's eyes spun open and he looked around in confusion at how he was moving. He tilted his head back to see Draco's face.

"Put me down," Harry hissed, suddenly very awake.

"No can do Potter," Draco responded cheekily as he walked quickly through the empty halls.

He hadn't realised how early it actually was when he was up in the hospital wing. It was only now that he could see the rising sun barely leaking through the windows did he realise that it must of just gone six.

Harry began to squirm in his arms and Draco tightened his grip, "do you want me to drop you,"

Harry stilled but his face was plastered in a pout.

"Can you put me down now," he begged as Draco stepped out onto the dew covered grass.

"Gimme a second," Draco responded tiresomely.

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