Sink And Die

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TW slight self harm

Harry stood alone in the alley.

The distinct noise of Hogsmede grew quiet.

The light faltered at the entrance, leaving the boy in empty darkness.

Towering brick walls on either side and cold ground beneath. His whole body shook and convulsed, his trembling knees collapsing, forcing him drop to the floor.

Draco's words left seeping scars, leaking blood.

They rang in his head as he stared at his hands. The hands he punched him with. A tear crept up, spilling from the corner of his eyes and tumbling down his cheek.

He threw his head back making contact with the stone cold wall.

Once, Twice, a cool trickle of blood ran down his neck and he leaned forward, satisfied.

He didn't want to hurt the blonde boy, he didn't want to hurt the boy that meant so much to him, that meant so much that it scared him.

He didn't like feeling too much, every time he did. Someone died.

The man in black would come and take them and they'd slip away, escaping his grasp, leaving him broken.

If he dared to get too close, if he dared to care for anyone.

His mothers screams, ripping him apart from the inside out, they would also be there to remind him.

If he thought he was worthy of love, the man with no nose and spitting red eyes would appear, putting him in his place and then forgiving him for overstepping.

His heart felt heavy yet non existent, bruised, broken and not put back together.

A pain that went unnoticed, a sadness so constant it seemed normal.

He picked at the weeds fighting their way through the cracks in the pavement, twisting to find light.

The tears came again, warm and sickly. Sliding down his cheeks and catching on the corners of his lips.

He rubbed his eyes with his palms desperately trying to stop them, he didn't deserve to cry.

His face scrunched up and he let out a trembling breath, silent sobs to match his tears.

His head throbbed, stinging where the skin had broken from the hard contact with the wall.

"Harry," A young girl whispered, her voice sweet and lively.

He looked up, her blazing red hair flowed behind her, piercing green eyes lit up the alley. She couldn't of been older than 12 and she looked ghostly, almost transparent.

"Who are you," His raw voice questioned.

The girl giggled softly as Harry pushed himself to his feet.

She smiled at him, a grin with missing teeth, emanating kindness and love.

"Come on," She beamed pointing down the alley.

Harry tilted his head out of curiosity stepping forward. The girl looked so familiar yet unrecognisable.

She skipped off down the alley and he followed as she turned left and right down the back streets of Hogsmede.

Soon the buildings disappeared and he found himself at a clearing in the forbidden forest.

He recognised it, having investigated most of the grounds of the forest that were close to Hogwarts.

Only this time a girl and a boy sat on a rock, laughing and smiling, their backs to Harry.

He turned around, searching for the little girl,
but she was gone.

He stepped forward carefully, "Excuse me,"

The guy turned around, he must of been a couple years older than Harry, but he looked so happy, black unruly hair, round glasses askew on his nose, hazel eyes. He had a wide grin, his lip catching up on his tooth and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

The girl looked around as well, red hair and green eyes.

Harry seemed at a lost for words.

A small boy stumbled past him, a mix of running and crawling.

Harry jumped back and he realised the eyes of the two adults were never on him but instead they were eagerly watching the small boy.

The small boy with wild hair and green eyes.

"Come here Harry," The woman called again and he frowned.

She wasn't looking at him but at the small boy, who she lifted up in her arms.

Harry moved closer, letting out a cough to remind them that he was there but they still seemed oblivious.

He reached out to touch the woman, his arm so close to her.

Inches apart, he tried to tap her shoulder but it wasn't there.

His hand ran straight through her and the family of three disappeared. A chill shot down his spine.

"Wait come back," Harry panicked, "What's going on, come back, don't leave me,"

"Don't leave me," He yelled, his voice spinning through the trees and off into the forest

He stumbled forward, tripping over a rock and falling silently into the lake of water.

He sunk like a rock, so deep that up became down and left became up.

He flipped under water trying to push up to the surface.

"Help," He yelled but his voice was nothing more than a mere stream of bubbles.

His arms flailed about in an attempt to attract attention but no one came. There was no one to save him, no one to be his hero.

The water was dark around him as he went still.

The fight inside him letting up easily, looking for an excuse to stop.

Water constricted his lungs, his chest stung, his head begging for air.

A wash of peace came over him, a readiness.

I'm ready to die.

The last thought in his mind before it all went black.

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