Oh Sweet Revenge

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Draco trudged down towards potions with Pansy and Blaise talking in front of him.

He hadn't gotten much sleep last night and his muscles were aching from the amount of times he had been thrown against the floor.

He entered the potions room where most of the class where already sitting.

Pansy and Blaise took a seat at the back of the classroom without looking at Draco who sighed and took a seat at the desk in front of them.

Harry was laughing with Ron on the other side of the room and Hermione was talking quietly to a Gryffindor girl that Draco didn't recognise.

He felt a slight pang in his chest that he wouldn't be able to sit next to Harry but he brushed it off as nausea.

The sound of laughing students was causing Draco's headache to worsen so he was glad when Snape entered and everyone died down.

He surveyed his class with a deadly glare pausing to look at Draco a little longer, suspicion shown on his pursed lips.

"I see we have moved seats again," He grunted standing behind his desk.

There was a slight murmur from the students causing the teacher to raise his eyebrows, "Move back to last lessons seats,"

The murmurs grew to groans and shouts of complaint.

"That wasn't a question, move now," He snapped slamming his hand down on the desk.

Everyone jumped and students hastily moved seats.

Draco saw Harry walking sourly towards him and he sighed.

Harry took the seat next to him and once the class settled down Snape began to talk, "Today we are not going to be brewing potions but instead you and your partner are going to be writing an essay,"

Everyone groaned and exchanged glances which the teacher ignored.

"What is it with this school and essays," Harry whispered in Draco's ear causing the boy to smile slightly.

"I know, we're definitely screwed," He whispered back playfully.

"Right I will put some prompts up on the board and you can all get started," He explained as people began to pull parchment out from the their bags.

"Wait what are we writing about," Harry asked.

"The potion we brewed last lesson, look at the bored scarface," Draco muttered obviously.

"Alright calm down," Harry shot back.

The lesson continued for a while and everyone settled down chatting loudly as they worked.

"God you idiot don't write that," Draco hissed snatching the parchment from Harry.

"GoD YoU IdIoT," Harry mocked the blonde boy and Draco rolled his eyes.

They both looked up when Snape stood up from his desk and began walking around looking at essays.

Draco felt a smirk creep onto his face as an idea popped into his head.

He inched his chair closer to Harry, subtly placing his hand on his thigh. The raven haired boy jumped and looked up with wide eyes.

"What the hell are you doing," He hissed as Draco hand moved swiftly up his leg.

Harry took a sharp intake of breath and spun his head to see Snape moving closer towards them.

"I don't know what you're playing at but knock it off," Harry snapped quietly, only encouraging Draco.

"Oh this is called revenge," Draco smirked moving his hand onto the bulge in the other boys pants.

"Potter, how's the essay going," Snape said walking up in front of the two boys.

Harry squirmed as Draco gripped him through his clothes.

"Um it's going good," he ask shakily biting down on his lip.

The teacher frowned as he watched the boy who was sitting awkwardly and Draco who was smirking and trying to hold back a laugh.

"Um professor can I go to the bathroom," Harry spat out.

The teacher nodded and Harry jumped up running from the room.

Draco burst out laughing and Snape glared at him, "Be quiet and get on with your work,"

Draco shut up and kept working in silence until Harry returned.

"Did you take care of your little problem," He slurred breathing hot breath onto the boys neck.

"I know it turns you on to try and seduce me Draco but you really need to control yourself," Harry shot back smirking proudly.

"I'm not gay like you, fag," Draco hissed turning his head towards his parchment, guilt already building in his stomach for turning their playful banter into an argument.

Harry's eyes went dark and he gave Draco a glare that could freeze water.

He didn't tell anyone about his sexuality apart from Ron and Hermione but it wasn't really a secret anymore. He assumed that Hermione must of told Pansy who told Draco and Blaise.

Harry reached into his robe pocket and grabbed his wand subtly aiming it at Draco under the table.

"Eat slugs," he whispered before shoving his wand quickly back into his pocket.

Draco gagged and stood up stumbling away from his desk.

Everyone looked up as he bent down and threw up long sickly looking slugs onto the dungeon floor.

"Draco," Pansy yelled rushing to her friends side.

Snape looked up finally noticing Draco, "Miss Parkinson please taking Mr Malfoy to the hospital wing," he said urgently.

Pansy nodded and put her hand around Draco's waist supporting him while still trying to keep as far away from him as possible.

The blonde boy turned his head quickly before leaving the room and Harry was surprised to see an apologetic frown instead of a glare.

He was pulled out of the classroom by Pansy and the dungeon door slammed close causing Harry to jump.

He turned back around to see Snape standing over him.

"Mr Potter, what was that," he hissed pointing at the door.

"I don't know sir," Harry pouted trying to look as worried as he could for Draco.

The teacher grunted unbelievingly, "Class dismissed,"

There was still ten minutes remaining but everyone happily left the room.

Harry tried to get out as fast as possible and he had made it to the lake before Ron, Hermione and Blaise finally caught up to him.

"HARRY WHAT DID YOU DO," Hermione yelled and Harry was glad that the cloudy day meant most people where inside.

"I didn't do shit," Harry countered turning around swiftly.

He was preparing another argument in his head when Hermione snatched his wand from his robes.

She pointed it up and muttered something under her breath. Golden thread shot out of the end spelling the words eat slugs.

"Really Harry," she snapped throwing his wand on the floor which he scrambled to pick up.

"Well maybe," he yelled with his voice growing louder than the anger in his stomach, "Maybe I should of used a stronger spell on that homophobic little shit," he finally said before storming off towards the woods.

"I though Draco was gay," Hernione asked Blaise who seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Come on, lets just go talk to Draco and find out what happened," Blaise said walking back towards the castle.

"What about Harry," Ron argued pointing to the boy that had disappeared into the woods.

"Let him cool off," Hermione said, sadly following Blaise.

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