Just Need You

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Chapter 37

This chapter is kinda short but it's by far my favourite!

"Shhh hurry up," Harry hissed, playfully.

"Alright, i'm sorry," Draco wheezed, leaving over the stair railing.

The common room was unfortunately packed, it was slightly cloudy outside, so most students were lounging about on couches with packs of cards or study books.

"If you don't shut up we're gonna get caught, what are you even laughing at," Harry waved his arms about in exasperation.

"I dunno, it's just the whole plan you came up with to sneak me out," Draco snickered.

"Yeah and if you don't shut up you'll ruin it," Harry muttered, "Alright, three, two," he began to count down before Draco could talk again and both the boys lifted their wands.

"One," Harry ordered.

"Fumus," Both boys hissed, pointing their wands at the common room fire, which erupted with black sooty smoke, drenching the air and leaving the common room in chaos.

"Come on," Harry grabbed Dracos hand as they made a wild dash through the murky air to the portrait, not stopping untill the were in the entrance hall.

They collapsed agaisnt the wall by the doors to the grounds, panting and laughing, "That... was the funniest thing ever," Draco cackled.

Harry didn't have the breath to respond so instead he fell agaisnt Draco, shaking with silent laughter. Draco shook his head and grabbed Harry's hand, "Let's goooo for Merlins sake," He whined, still chuckling as he pulled a wheezing Harry onto the grounds.

"Fancy a swim," Harry asked when he had regained the ability to talk.

"What, with the giant squid," He snickered pointing at the lake, which was surrounded by students, studying and laughing.

"No you idiot, at our lake," Harry emphasised pointing at the woods.

A smirk crossed Draco's face, "Fancy a ride, Pottah,"

The two boys flew through the woods, Harry clinging tightly to white fur of the wolf below him, his head thrown back in ectasy, an effervesent laugh kissing his lips.

Draco's padded, paws hit the ground in a steady rhythm, barely touching the dirt flew below him. His tongue lolling out of mouth as wind whipped his fur.

The trees blurred on either side of them, a mix of earthy greens and browns. "Faster Wolfie," Harry howled into the wind. Draco sped up, twisting through natures maze, his nose twitching with the mix of smells.

The boys slowed as they reached the clearing, Draco slowing to a stop, allowing Harry to clamber off of him. He changed back, gasping for breath, his nose pink and his hair washed with wind. He turned to look at Harry, a dopey grin clambering up his cheeks.

Without warning he grabbed Harry into a hug and placed a meaningful kiss on his lips. Spinning him around until they fell to the dirt, dizzy with laughter, blood pounding through their veins.

Draco rolled onto his side, not caring about the dirt gripping to clothes and hair.

"Fuck, I love you," The words barely registerting in his head before he said them.

Harry's grin only windend, "Lucky for you Mr Malfoy, I love you more than you could imagine,"

Mr Potter, Draco Potter, the though swirled in his head as Harry sat up, pulling off his top and jeans.

"Are you coming then," he asked before turning, running, jumping and then disapearring into the greeny blue water of the pond.

Draco stripped down to his boxers and followed quickly, "Watch out," he yelled before his feet left the floor and he landed in the swirling mess of water.

Harry came up beside him, his wet hair clinging to his forehead, he swam over to Draco, clinging onto his shoulders since he was unable to reach the sandy floor.

Draco being a few inches taller, pulled Harry into his chest, the smaller boy's legs wrapping around his hips and his arms around his back.

Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder as they swayed in the cool, refreshing water, safe and satisfied in only eachothers company.

A small beam of sunlight cut through the clouds to shine down on them and just them, so very alone in the wide forest.

It was a day they would both remember forever, maybe because it was the best in a long time or because it was the last before everything they had built crumbled.

But they would both never forget as they spent the day swimming and talking in Harry's small shack, their initials freshly carved into the wooden walls. Shared words between them that sparkled with joy and love, laughter breaking the serene silence. As they spent the night, wrapped up in eachothers arms, pointing out the stars through space in the trees, and running after fireflies. As they kissed under the moonlight, humming their own slow song to dance to. Or when they crept back to their dorms in the dark with bruised lips and aching feet but yet feeling so warm and full of happiness that they would never ask for anything more.

Never ask for anything more than eachother.

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