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Chapter Thirty Eight

Halloween came around sooner than expected, the days bluring together all too fast.

It was a Friday afternoon, students sitting in class, feet tapping the floor and pens clicking, just itching to get out of the musty, dark, potions classroom and start their celebratory plans.

Harry was secretly using his wand under the table, as Snape droned on, changing the pattern and colour of socks with a flick of the wrist.

He was trying to wordlessly untie his shoelaces when a papercrane landed in front of him. He glanced at it and quickly opened it under the desk. Draco, who was his potions partner, leaning over to read it as well.

'Halloween party tonight, Gryffindor common room, you're both coming no matter what.

Pans and Mione'

Harry glanced at Draco, who gave him a quick nod before turning round in his chair to give Pansy a thumbs up.

The bell rang in the distance and the scraping of chairs abruptly cut over Snape's speech. Harry grabbed up his book bag and him and Draco ran from the classroom, catching up with the others who were walking up ahead

"Mioneee," Harry sang throwing his arms around his friends shoulders.

"Harryyyyy," Hermione responded as she stumbled forward and pushed Harry off, causing him to turn his attention to Ron who was holding a conversation with Blaise.

"How's my ickle Ronykins," He reached out and squeezed Ron's cheeks, before placing a large, wet sloppy kiss on his forehead, all the while walking backwards.

"Oh, bugger off," Ron groaned playfully, wiping Harry's spit from his face, "Why's he in such a good mood."

"Pansy, Blaise," Harry acknowledged with a smile and a tap on head.

"Blondie," He smirked approaching Draco and jumping on his back. Draco stumbled at the sudden weight before regaining his footing and continuing to walk, adjusting Harry on his back.

"So where are we going," Harry asked loudly, attracting the attention of a couple other walking students, most of whom gave him and Draco rather odd looks.

"Ron and Blaise are going to grab some food and drinks for tonight and the rest of us are going to set up the common room," Pansy told him as they started up the starts.

"Woohooo, hangover here I come," Harry howled causing a couple first years to scamper out of their way.

Preparations for the party went on up until the feast, since it was scheduled to take place after dinner. Bottles of firewhiskey and piles of candy has been stolen from the kitchen, the Gryffindor common room had been magiced purple and orange. There were pumpkins glowing and filling the room with a dim eerie light and some Hufflepuff's radio had been magically altered by Hermione to play a long list of songs.

The great hall was full of excited eighth years, at least half the year must of been planning on going. Whispers and plans shot up and down tables all while food was passed around.

The teachers must of suspected something because as soon as Dumbledore had finished doing his speech half the year ran from the hall, most of the boys hooting with joy.

No one could of known how badly it would play out, no one could of predicted the losses that would occur and no one would ever fully connect the five tragic stories of that fateful night, but let me try.

Draco's Story

Draco gulped back his glass of firewhiskey, the warm liquid slipping down his throat and burning its way to his stomach.

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