The Bleeding Boy

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Draco met Sirius Black on the edge of the Forbidden Forest ten minutes before curfew.

The moonlight danced around the trees, casting long shadows over the grass.

Owls hooted in the distance, or at least Draco forced himself to believe it was the owls.

"Evening Draco," Sirius called and he jumped back, drawing his wand before seeing it was Sirius and relaxing.

"Bit jumpy tonight are we," he chuckled throwing his arm around Draco's shoulders and leading him into the woods and towards Harry's clearing.

Draco gripped his wand tightly, his eyes flicking left and right at nothing more than a mere wind whistle. His bones ached to transform, to forget the fear swimming through his veins, to let the wind whip his fur as he pranced through the woods.

They reached the clearing and Sirius dropped his arm from Draco's shoulder stepping back.

"Tonight I want to focus on the same things as the night before, we'll try it again and I want you to really focus alright,"

Draco nodded feebly, feeling rather nervous. Sirius transformed and he followed, levelling himself with the great shaggy, black dog in front of him.

He tested out his paws for a while, stretching out his back, his bones clicking.

Sirius growled and he whimpered, edging back and lowering his stomach to the ground.

Something similar to a smirk flickered across the dogs lips and he let out another growl of success.

The wolf's eyes flickered green as the dog walked forward, high above him and he jumped back up pouncing.

Sirius who had read his actions before his paws could leave the ground, dived to the left leaving Draco to crash onto the forest floor rolling to a stop by a tree.

He stumbled back up onto his paws, wincing at the pain in his ribs.

'Control Draco, Come back' the words echoed in his mind as Sirius growled.

Draco battled his own mind as he trotted back towards the center of the clearing, approaching Sirius.

Grey eyes met grey as they circled each other in a sort of dance. Sirius growled again, requesting submission from the smaller, silver wolf.

As usual Draco pounced in protest and Sirius dodged leaving the silver wolf in a pile on the floor, although this time Draco jumped to his paws, the fight already ignited in his bones, he pounced again.

Sirius was taken by surprise as the wolf pushed him to the floor, his claws sinking into the dogs shoulders.

Sirius jumped, shoving the wolf off him as they scrambled about in the leaves and twigs.

The wolf twisted as was pinned down by the dog, sticks pressed into his back as he lay with his stomach exposed.

Sirius held him, hoping that the small wolf would calm down but he never did, he continued to squirm and Sirius grip was weakening.

The dog sunk his claws into the wolf's stomach, as lightly as possible although it had the opposite effect and only provoked the wolf.

Draco fought out from under the dog and brought his paw down hitting the surprised dog across the back.

Sirius spun, regaining his balanced, and grabbing Draco's scruff in his mouth. Draco stilled the way a child would when being told off by their father.

Sirius let a threatening growl escape from the sides of his mouth as he dropped Draco who lah flat against the earth.

He stepped back and transformed and allowing Draco to do the same.

The boy laid in a mess on the dirt, his hair sticking up at odd angles, his back and chest covered in bruises, blood was dripping down his neck from where Sirius teeth had sunk a little too deep, staining his hair crimson.

Sirius rushed forward as Draco tried to move and fell to the ground clutching his ribs.

"Hey mate, I'm sorry," Sirius soothed, "This is gonna hurt alright but I gotta get you back to the castle," He slipped his arm under the boys knees and his other behind his back, picking him up off the grass.

Draco cried out in pain and Sirius pulled him closer into his chest, walking slowly to minimise movement.

The bleeding boy passed out before they made it out of the woods.

Draco lay in a bed of soft white sheets. His whole body ached and his muscles felt like dough. At first he assumed he was in the hospital ward but as his sight became clearer he realised he was in someone's room.

The moon was still rising up in the sky, casting light over Draco's face.

He glanced around, his range of vision rather abysmal considering the fact that he couldn't move his neck. The light of the moon glistened on a glass jar of flowers beside him and the bright white sheets were stained red with blood.

"How did it get this bad," Remus Lupin's voice sifted through the wood.

"He wouldn't back down, bloody hell I didn't try to hurt him," Draco trained his ears on the voices.

There was a long pause, the only sound was Draco's pounding heart.

"I know you didn't," Remus finally spoke, "But how are we meant to explain this to Dumbledore,"

Sirius bit his lip, "I don't know but it doesn't matter at the moment,"

"Merlin's sake Sirius,"

"I'm sorry," Sirius pouted.

Remus took a deep breath, "Technically you beat him right, he submitted,"

Sirius nodded and Remus dropped his voice causing Draco to squeeze his eyes shut focusing on their voices so he could make out the words.

"So he's your omega,"

"Well I guess but I don't understand why he couldn't control his animal form, it isn't normal, I mean maybe for a werewolf but animagi are meant to have control," Sirius pondered.

"That's what I was thinking, it shouldn't of gotten this bad. The only explanation is somethings going on with him mentally, like he's not strong enough to control it,"

Draco's heart pounded and he took a deep breath wincing at the pain in his ribs.

There was a knock at the door that echoed upstairs.

"Bloody Merlin it's late, who the hell would want to bother us," Sirius scoffed walking downstairs with Remus following.

Draco closed his eyes, focusing only on the sweet oxygen filling his lungs.

More voices wavered up the stairs but Draco was off again, dreams flickering under his eyelids.

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