Chapter 22

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Lisa's PoV

I said thanks to Nayeon unnie and we exchanged numbers.

I don't know why, but I feel like she's very sweet and nice lady. She helped with all this pregnancy stuff, so I really grateful for her.

I drove myself to Jin oppa's apartment.

I feel weak, panic, vulnerable, scared, terrified, nausea and pale. I didn't tend myself to cry, but the tears suddenly just dropped down to my cheeks.

I feel like my eyes are swollen now because I couldn't stop the tears to fall. My heart is also feel heavy like I carried all the world's weight on my shoulders.

Once I arrived and parked my car, I went straight to Jin oppa's unit.

I knocked a couple times and Yoongi oppa opened the door for me and he smiled a little.

"Hi, oppa." I said softly because I didn't want to sound weak.
"Hi, Lis. Come one in." Yoongi oppa said.

I entered the apartment. Yoongi oppa leads me to the living room.

I found everyone in the living room. Even Jennie unnie is here. They're all look so serious, like something is happening and I didn't know how to act.

Then I found Jungkook looked down. He didn't even look at me at all. He just stared at his hands.

"Come sit, Lisa." Yoongi ordered.

I did what Yoongi oppa told me and I sat beside Momo unnie.

Is Jungkook in trouble? Why is everyone looking at me now?

I haven't even tell them that I'm pregnant yet, but they're all looking at me like they're ready to eat me alive.

"Is there anything wrong?" I said as I break the iceberg.

Jisoo unnie was glaring at me. I gulped because I know something is wrong if she looked at me that way.

"Lisa, did you know that Jungkook stay the night here?" Jisoo unnie asked.
"What?" I said and furrowed my eyebrow.
"Did you know he stayed at Jimin oppa's for a whole week?" she asked again.
"Did you know he stayed at Yoongi oppa's for three days?" she asked again.
"Noona, stop. I told you, she's been busy with her career." Jungkook cut me off this time.

He looked at me blankly. I didn't get the message that he sent me through his eyes. I don't know anything. I feel lost.

"That's a whole bull! I know Lisa more than you ever think, Jungkook." Jisoo yelled.
"Jisoo, calm down." Taehyung said.
"I can't calm down!" she protested and stood up.

She stared at me like she's about to cry and I frowned. Then she was staring at Jungkook who's still has his head down.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you two? Huh? Jungkook answer me!" Jisoo yelled at him. "Yah! Jungkook, can't you speak?! Are you deaf now?" she went on. "You've promised me! You've promise me that you would take care good at Lisa! I trusted you, you jerk. I trusted you. What would you hurt her? She's been hurt a lot of times! Don't you know the girl was suffering a lot already?! Lisa had been trough a lot for her whole life. What the fuck did you do?!" she said as I saw her would start to cry anytime soon. "No offense here, Jennie." She said and glanced at Jennie unnie.

"It—it's okay, Jisoo." Jennie unnie said and Taehyung oppa comforted her.

I have to do something. The tension in the room is full with anger and I couldn't help it. I stood up and walked towards Jungkook.

Everyone was surprised when I walked towards him. I kneeled down and hold Jungkook's hands and smiled. I found his face was surprised too. I just nodded a little as I gave him a sign to just followed everything that I'll do next.

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