Chapter 5

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It's 7 o'clock in the evening and I finished to pack my things.

I didn't bring much because I knew the apartment is fully furnished and I'd just bring some of my personal stuff.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day since I'm going to move in with Lisa. I can't believe that both of our dads decided to make a silly decision for me and Lisa to live together. I was shocked too to be honest. I know that Lisa is thinking me as this jerk and an asshole guy since she knew that I've been with a lot of girls on campus.

But what can I do? The girls just forced themselves to me and who am I to reject? I'm a man after all.

Like I said before, I just kissed or bang some of them but turned out that they like to begged for more when me in the other hand don't like to be in a serious relationship before my dad told me that I have to marry one of his dear friend's daughter. I can't say no to my father.

I was interrupted when someone knock my door. I went straight to the door and opened it.

Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung were standing there with a wine and chicken in their hands. They're smiling like a creep people and I rolled my eyes and let them in.

It's usual for both of them to enjoy a wine and chicken night here in my room since we were still in high school. I know, we're such a bad guys before. I was three years younger than them but it feels like we are on the same age. We connected very well.

"Cheer up, Jungkook. This is our last wine and chicken night before you live with your wife." Jimin hyung said and rested himself on the bad.

"She's not my wife yet." I told him and I sat next to him.
"Seriously, your dad is awesome. He even allows you to live with a woman when you two haven't even married yet." Jimin hyung said with his hands under his head.

"So, what makes Lisa agreed to live with you? It's unusual of her." Taehyung hyung asked me while he poured the wine in our glasses.

I helped him to unpack the chicken so we can eat it easily and comfortably.

"I told her that it's her free pass to get out from that house. Her step mom and step unnies are awful to her." I told him and he just smiled sadly. "Are you close to her, hyung?" I asked Taehyung hyung because he told me that he knew Lisa.

"Pretty much." He told me. "She used to come by to the coffee shop every day when she has no classes left. She hates being at home." Taehyung hyung informed me.
"Because of her step family?" I asked him.
"I guess. He said. "She doesn't like to argue you know? She'd rather stay silent and keep the hurt feelings by herself. She doesn't want people to worry about her. She doesn't like people's attention towards her. Her step mom and unnies just hate her for no reason when Lisa on the other hand still try her best to respect and love her step mom and unnies just like her own." Taehyung hyung said 5and passed the wine glass to me and Jimin hyung.

I took the glass and started to drink a little.
She must have been through a lot. Then I remembered her quotes from the university's website. Now I know why she smiles a lot. She doesn't want people to worry about her life.

She just wants people to know her as this kind and smiley person. No wonder why the sophomore year from the dance class adore her so much.

"I thought an evil step mother and step unnies are no longer exist in 2020." Jimin hyung said as he drank her wine.
"I know right?" Taehyung hyung said. "They might not hurt her physically but they hurt her mentally and emotionally. I remembered one day she went to the coffee shop with her puffy eyes. I asked her what's wrong and she just said that it was nothing. She just stared to the window for 20 minutes straight without her realizing that tears slowly running to her cheeks. I walked towards her and asked her what's really happened. She said that her mother said that she was useless and a family's shame. Since their unnies have this amazing jobs and she's no one. That's when we become pretty close." Taehyung hyung said.

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