Chapter 24

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Lisa's PoV

I was pacing back and fourth with the print of baby's ultrasound in my hand.

Jungkook is home and I badly want to tell him. I just feel like he has the right to know since it's his baby too after all.

What if Jungkook isn't on his mood? What if he's drunk?
It's 8 o'clock in the evening, he wouldn't be drunk, right?

I looked at myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath and smiled. I put the print on my pocket and took another deep breath.

"You can do this, Lisa. You have to be strong for both you and the baby. Whatever happens, that's God's plan. Be strong. You can do this." I said to myself and exhaled for the last time.

I went outside my room and started to walk to Jungkook's room.

I intertwined my fingers together and hoping it will went well, at least I know Jungkook wouldn't do anything physically to hurt me, right?

I was about to knock, but it already revealed Jungkook. His hair already covering his eyes.

"Can I help you?" Jungkook asked me.

I held my breath for a few seconds. I tried to talk, but no words come out from my mouth. My mouth started to mumble gibberish.

"I'm in rush." He told me.

"Ca—can't we tal—talk?" I stuttered.
"About what?" he asked.
"I—I have something important to tell you. I—it won't take long, I promise." I convinced him. I really hope he would let me talk this time.

"Better worth my time." He said coldly.

He went back inside his room and I followed him slowly.

My hands are cold, my body was shaking. I was trembling. I gathered all the courage in me. I need to do this. There's no way to escape.

"What is it?" he asked lazily and crossed his arms together.

I stared at him for a few seconds. I keep mumbling something, but no words came out.

"You know, I—It's been three months since the uhm—"
"I thought we've talked about this." He cut me off.

I sighed again. This is so frustrating. I keep on stuttering and mumbling to nothing. Why can't I just tell him the truth already?

"Jungkook, I—I"
"You what?" he asked but I didn't reply.

I looked down and he sighed.

"You know what? You just wasted my time." He said and he's about to walked away.

This is it, Lisa. This is the time to tell him the truth. You can't let him go this time.

"Jungkook, wait!" I shouted and he stopped.

He turned around and looked at me. He raised his one eyebrow and stared at me coldly.

I walked towards him and face him. I took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

There. I said it.

He looked at me blankly. I can't read his expression from the look of his face.

Then he started to laugh loudly and clapping his hands. He keep on laughing and laughing. I'm in the state where I don't know what to do anymore.

"Nice joke, Lisa." He said coldly.

Another pain he stabbed right on my chest, but it didn't affect me anymore.

I took away the print of the baby's ultrasound and handed it to him.

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