Chapter 31

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Lisa's PoV

"So, you can dance, cook and now you can sing? Is there anything that you can't really do?"

I asked my now officially fiancé who was laying on a bed beside me.

The proposal was magical. I couldn't stop thinking that I'm one of the luckiest girl out there.

Jungkook really prove it to me that he really did change for good now and I'm ready to be fully committed to him.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." he said and smiled.

I hit his shoulder and giggled. He wrapped my body around his arms and now we were cuddling.

He kissed my forehead for a long time and I found peace beneath it. Now I know one thing for sure, Jungkook's arms are my home now.

"Are you happy?" he asked.
"Are you kidding? Of course I am. You're making me the luckiest girl ever. Thank you, Jungkook." I replied.
"No. Thank you, Lisa. Thank you for never giving up on me." he said and kissed the tip of my nose.

I kept staring at my finger that has a ring on it. It's still feel a bit surreal that this was happening.

"Don't you think it's funny that we've been engaged for 9 months, but now I feel like we're just engaged now?" I asked him.

"It is. I just want to make it official, you know? Like, I really want you to have an amazing proposal that you deserve." he said.

I looked into his shining eyes and I straightly know that he meant everything he was saying.

He put up my chin and kissed the bottom of my lips slowly and softly. The kiss was tender, warm and full of love. The kiss of happiness that we both need.

I pulled away with a gentle smile on my face. Our nose tips were touching and he giggled.
I really glad that I make Jungkook happy all this time, at least that's what I thought.

I flashed back when the first time my father announced that Jungkook chose me to be bis wife the other day. I was so scared, so terrified of everything that would had happened, but I guess the world was revolving around me now.

"I need to get some water from the kitchen. I get thirsty so easily these past few days." I told him and stared to get up from bed and pulled up my hair into a messy bun.

"Don't take too long." he said and pouted.
"Geez, I'm just gonna go grab some water, Mr. Possessive." I said and I rolled my eyes.
"I just don't want my fiancé leave me too long. Look, I feel like I'm dying, I miss you already. Come back to bed now." he said as he opened his arms and waiting for me to go back to bed.

I rolled my eyes and wore my robe and slippers. I left him with his arm opened.

"Yah! Lisa! What did you do this to me?! Yah! Come back!" he screamed, but I didn't bother to look back instead of giggling my way to the kitchen.

Jungkook could be really childish and cringe at the same time. It still gives me goosebumps every time he does it.

I walked my way to the kitchen and rubbed my tummy. This baby inside me just grow bigger and bigger, so did my tummy. I can't wait to meet this precious one.


I startled when I saw a girl with a white dress and was drinking I don't know for sure, but I pretty much know it's a alcohol.

Her black long flying hair, her pretty eyes and lips. The one that made me insecure about. She stared at me and smiled a little.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought wine can help me. I really want to offer you to join, but we both know that's not possible, right?" she said and smiled.

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