Chapter 2

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I reached InvadedLands and tried to look for the office. I looked at a staff member nearby and walked towards them. "Uh, question, do you know where the staff office is?" I asked them.

"The staff office is that way!" They said. "Thank you." I said. They smiled, and turned away. I walked towards the direction they pointed out. After a few minutes of walking, I reached the staff office and walked in to meet the owner.

"Skeppy?" I called out, but nobody was inside the office. "That's weird.. The owner should be here." I told myself. "SKEPPY!!" Someone shouted out. I went towards where the sound was from and found the owner trapping people inside an obsidian box.

"There we go, just like so." Skeppy said  as he placed obsidian. "Skeppy?! The heck! This is the 13th time you trapped our players!!!" A person beside him said. They looked like a staff member because he was floating. "Uh hello?" I said randomly.

Skeppy turned to me and went towards me while adding obsidian to the box. "Bad! This one got out!" Skeppy said. I looked confused, "wait what? No, I'm here to meet you for sta-" "Bad! Give them the roasty toasty!" Skeppy interrupted.

A person with a red hoodie turned to us and had a lava bucket in his hand. "Roasty toasty it is!" They said happily. "Wait! Before you do what your doing, I'm actually here to meet skeppy for staff." I explained.

"Oh? Skeppy! They're waiting for your approval!" They said. "Well why didn't you say so! Give me a moment to slash slash undo." Skeppy said. He then reverted everything back to normal and teleported me back to his office.

《𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗸𝗣𝗩𝗣 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻》・『❈ 𝗜𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗨❈』Where stories live. Discover now