Chapter 12 :

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Skeppy's POV :

(Before Bad was killed)

"Mega! Fight them off for me please!" I ordered. Mega agreed, and turned back to the masked person. "George! Follow Skeppy!" They ordered. The "George" guy smiled, and started following me. I started running as fast as I can. I see BBH, being followed by another enemy. "Why do you want to kill bad?!" I asked the two following us. "It's non of your business Skeppy." They said. "Skeppy! What are you doing here?!" Bad said as he ran. "I'm here to rescue you bro!" I answered.

We both started getting tired. I only knew one person in the enemy's group, which was Dream. "I think.. I have.. to stop." Bad said, tired. "We got them!" One of them said. They cornered us, and there was no escape. "Bad, I know you might not like this, but we need to fight them." I suggested. I took out my sword, but Bad held my sword down. "No skeppy! There must be a way to solve this peacefully!" Bad insisted. 

I held my sword back from his grasp and looked back at George.

 (shhhh I'm just tired of having to say "them" qwq) 

and started fighting him. "Skeppy! No!" Bad said. "What choice do we have?!" I yelled. Bad stopped, and didn't fight for the rest of the battle. "Bro! Come on! They're out here to kill you!" I said. "I'm not fighting back!" Bad said. He kept dodging Sapnap's attacks. "I GOT YOU NOW!" Sapnap said happily. I looked back at Sapnap and Bad, and saw Sapnap choking him to death. "Bad!" I shouted. I turned back from George and started running towards him. 

I suddenly felt a push, and fell to the ground, like I was forced. "I don't think so Skeppy!" George said. George pinned me to the ground and stepped on me, with a gun. "And stay down!" George stated.  I couldn't move. I just layed there, helpless, watching bad die. "Bad!" I shouted out. Sapnap turned to me, and smiled. He pulled out a gun, and shot him. 

"NOOOO" I shouted. Bad stopped struggling to move, and stopped breathing. Sapnap released him out of his grasp and his body collapsed onto the floor. Bad's green eyes were lifeless as blood came out of his mouth. I felt George's weight lifted and turned back to see the two walking away. "Well, that was fun!" George said happily, "Race you to dream!" Sapnap said. He started running away, leaving George behind. He looked back at me, in pity.

"What do you want?" I asked. George looked at me, but turned away. "I guess Bad was just bad at fighting, such a shame though." George said. He continued walking away, and it was just me and Bad's corpse. Suddenly, Zelkam appeared, running towards me. "What happen-" Zelkam stopped, and looked at Bad's dead body.

"Holy crap.." Zelkam whispered under his breath. "Go back to Invaded, I'll catch up with you soon." I ordered. Zelkam nodded, and ran away. BBH's body started dissolving into red ash, filling the air with dust. "Don't worry Bad.." I said, clutching his red ash. "You're death, will be avenged." I finished.

《𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗸𝗣𝗩𝗣 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻》・『❈ 𝗜𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗨❈』Where stories live. Discover now