Chapter 21

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MegaPVP's POV :

I wonder how Skeppy's been doing without bad, haven't seen him since last week. Maybe he's just trying to get allies against the Dream Team or some shit. I looked through my window, and saw Zelkam waiting by my door, jeez, why is he always there ever morning?? It's not like he's going to do anything cool or something. I walked downstairs and grabbed my green scarf, opening the door. 

"Hi Mega!!" Zelkam said cheerfully. "Hey furry." I said as I walked out the door. "Mega, I would appreciate it more if you would just call me Zelkam instead of furry." Zelkam stated. I glanced at him and looked away, "It's not like your name is important, you're still a furry." I stated. "Jeez Mega, harsh!" he stated. I sighed and just continued walking down the sidewalk. 

Zelkam continued with me, and just started talking about random shit and stuff, kinda lame to be honest. I heard Zellie coming from behind, it looked like she was running towards Zelkam. "BIG BROTHERR!!!" Zellie called out as she ran. Zelkam turned around, and was knocked over by  her. "Zellie! You gotta stop running over me! It's really annoying." Zelkam stated.

"Ahah! Sorry Zelkam! But come on bro, can you just skip today's work or something! We could play some games or something back at home-" "No Zellie, go play by yourself or with your friends, I'm busy." Zelkam interrupted. "Come on big brother! You haven't been playing with me since last month! And I'm getting bored of playing jump rope by myself!" Zellie complained.

"Sorry sis, maybe next time." Zelkam said. As Zelkam tried to let go of Zellie's little hands, she instead jumped onto Zelkam's back for a piggy bank ride. "I'm not letting you two go alone then! If you're going to hangout with Mega then I'm going too!" Zellie said. "Fineee!! Well, you can come along with us until we reach InvadedLands, then you can go back home and go on your Xbox or something." Zelkam agreed.

"The fuck Zelkam, a 3rd grader with us? Hell no. Just drop her off back at your place or some shit." I said annoyed. "Well aren't you the jealous one! Maybe you just want to hangout with Zelkam too!" Zellie teased. "W-What?! As if I could be jealous! And also, no way am I wanting to hangout with a furry like Zelkam!" I shouted. "Zellie calm down, leave Mega alone-" "Zelkam and Mega sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Zellie teased. 

"Listen here kid, you are just ONE step away from me punching you in the fucking face you hear me?" I threatened as I held up a fist. Zellie was really pissing me off with her laughing her ass at me. "Oh wow, look who's blushing haha!" Zelkam said as he turned to me. "h-huh??" I asked myself. I touched my face a little, and It felt like I was burning in fire. 

"Oh my god damnit!" I mumbled to myself. "BAHAHAH!! YOU'RE SO EMBARRASED GOD DAMNIT LET ME TAKE A PHOTO OF YOU HAHAHA-" Before Zelkam could laugh any longer, I punched him in the head real hard, same goes for Zellie. "SON OF A BITCH DON'T YOU DARE TEASE ME!" I said angrily. "Ow, ow, ow- that hurts, real badly.." Zelkam mumbled as he patted his head. "Same big brother!" Zellie pouted.

"Like brother like sister, you guys are as stupid as flies, I can just kill you guys at any given time." I compared. "True true, but wait would a fly be able to suck from the ski-" "HOLY FUCK ZELKAM THE FUCKING FUCK MAN HOW STUPID ARE YOU?!?!" I said as I slapped him.

"Also Zelkam that's a mosquito not a fly you dumbass, eventually Hell is going to act like you someday." I said. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME HELL?!" Zellie said angrily. "It's the truth though kid, you're a living hell!" I said happily. "BIG BROTHER HELP ME OVER HERE-" "what do you expect for me to call you huh? Princess clingy chicken big Mac or some shit?" I asked.

"Nice nickname mega, hey, how about I call you sir edgy gay shittypants then?" Zellie countered. "You wanna fight you ass?" I intimidated. "Oh you bet I am, I'm ready to kick your ass in front of my big brother!" Zellie said as she pointed to Zelkam.

"Hey guys we're already here at Invaded soooooo, how about you guys don't kick each other's asses while we're here?" Zelkam suggested. "Fair enough. Wouldn't wanna have a 3rd grader fighting me in public." I said. "Yeah! It would be a shame if the people here saw me winning against you!" Zellie teased.

I ran out of patience and decided to punch Zellie in the head and eventually walked away. "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS SIR SHITTYPANTS!!!" Zellie said as she stood there. "Hey uh, Zellie you should probably go now. You guys can go punch each other after me and Mega work." Zelkam said.

"Well okay then, bye big brother! See you back home!" Zellie said as she waved goodbye. "Took her long enough." I mumbled as I walked inside the building. "Wait up Mega!!" Zelkam said as he ran towards me. After having Zelkam caught up to my pace, and eventually we started our shifts.

from author :

HOOOOO HOW'S IT GOING GUYSSS!! Sorry that I haven't been uploading a lot or updating Irodim a lot lol. School is being a huge ass right now. But yeah, that's all I wanted to see XDDD. also, had fun making this chapter ngl, Zellie and Mega have the best enemy relationship XDDD

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