Chapter 14 :

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This is kid dream or like, the dream team when they were kids so like, ye qwq

Dream's POV :

I was standing around the MCPVP stadium, just looking at everybody who were having fun with their friends. Always laughing and playing with each other, I really wanted one.. Too bad they all made fun of me with my mask. I wasn't really respected there.. then, a group of 3 people were coming towards me, one was a diamond figure, and the other looked like a gray colored person. And they started making fun of me. It was like this everyday, always helpless, and lonely. They started pushing me around until I fell to the ground. 

"Skeppy stop making fun of the poor muffin!" a person said. I looked behind the diamond figure, and saw a person with a black cloak and a red ribbon attached behind them. "Aw come on Bad! why do you always have to ruin the fun with trolling?" The person in front of me asked. The red one shoved the diamond figure away from me and offered me their hand. "Don't let them get to you muffin! I'm badboyhalo! You can call me bad or bbh though!" They said. 

I looked at them, and looked at their hand. "Oh uh, thanks.." I said quietly as I stood back up. "That's Skeppy," Bad pointed to the diamond guy, "And this is A6D!" Bad finished as he pointed to the grey person. I looked away from the other two, and they did the same. "What's your name though?" Bad asked. I turned back to bad, who was smiling at me happily. "Oh, I'm Dream!" I answered. 

"Dream? That sounds like a nice name! I'm so excited to be friends with you!" Bad said happily, Skeppy and A6D turned to Bad, in confusion. "Wait what?" Skeppy asked. "Why would you want to be friends with a person like me?" I asked. "Because everybody deserves to have friends you muffin head!" He answered. nobody ever said that to me before... I felt confused, but happy at the same time, I actually have a friend???

"Oh wow, I've never had an actual friend before.." I said. "Well now you do! And trust me, I'll always be your friend!" Bad said happily. After that, my life somehow got happier, people started treating me better, and I got new friends! Me and George met when me and bad stood up to his bullies. After that we met Sapnap! He was all alone in the MCPVP stadium like I was. Everything went well for about 5 years. We eventually made a team called the Dream Team (Named after me ofc)

Eventually, Bad chose Skeppy over me, George, and Sapnap. The Dream Team and the Muffin Trio were always in fights, except for bad, he was always on both sides, which didn't really make sense. Then, the Muffin Trio challenged us to a battle to see which team was number one. Turns out, Badboyhalo was part of the Muffin Trio when they fought us. In the end, the other team won. Me, George, and Sapnap, wanted to take revenge, especially on Bad. And to be honest, I kinda wanted to get revenge too. 

He betrayed us, he was supposed to be part of the Dream Team.. But a few years later, we got the revenge we wanted, we invaded skeppy's server and killed Badboyhalo in the process. I kinda felt a bit sad, and guilty about it. But at least I got to see Skeppy lose. What I did was right? Right? ——————————————————————————————————————————————————

Woooooo Holy muffins it's finally out hHhHhhHHh sorry Chapter 14 took so long qwq Ya know, uploading daily and all! Great, now I gotta work harder to get my meme done for tomorrow :') also, I think I might reboot Irodim lol. But it's going to take a while until I update this story XD (I hope this chapter isn't trash doe qwqqqq) 



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