Chapter 11 :

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Dream's POV :

During our time attacking and destroying Invaded, me and the Dream Team met our enemy team once again. Our rivalry was held for many years. The Dream Team, versus the Muffin Trio. The Muffin Trio were one of the greatest teams in Invaded. It would be nice to overthrow the trio. In the smoke, I saw Sapnap on the floor, with little injuries. Me and George went to help him up.

"You okay Sapnap?" I asked. He nodded. In front of us we're two people, they looked like staff members of Invaded. "Who are you?" One of them asked. "We're the Dream Team!" George said. The two staff members looked at each other, and laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Oh nothing, it's just that your name, 'Dream team' doesn't really suit your group haha!" One of them said. 

"Who are you anyways." I asked. "Nah, you go first." They said. "Nah, how about.." I stopped, and secretly took out my gun, (I know I know, there's no such thing as guns in mc lmfao) "You go die and I go live, how does that sound?" I said. "Good idea dream!" George said. We both took out our weapons, and so did they. 

Before things got violent, Skeppy and Bad appeared and flew towards us. "What's going on here?" Skeppy asked. My attention turned to them, and I aimed my gun at Skeppy. "Sap, I'll distract Skeppy, you go kill Bad." I whispered. "Oh really, distract me? Nah, also, you're never going to kill bad-" I jump right towards him, cutting him off, and started shooting at him, he kept using his shield to deflect the bullets. 

He's distracted by my attacks. "Bad! Run!" Skeppy warned. "But Skeppy! I can't let you fight alone!" Bad said. "You're the one who doesn't know how to fight! Now run!" Skeppy insisted. Bad sighed, and flew away. "Follow him!" I said to SapNap. He nodded, and started following him. 

I looked back at Skeppy, clutching his sword and shield harder. "It's just you and me now." I said. "I don't think so." Someone said. Beside them was a furry, with a Santa hat?? It's not even Christmas. Skeppy looked at them, and smiled. "I knew you guys came!" Skeppy said happily. I turned my attention back to Skeppy and started shooting him once more. 

"Mega! Handle him for me! I need to get to bad!" Skeppy said. "No way am I letting you go alive!" I said. "And no way am I letting you get away with murder!" Mega said. "Yeah!" Zelkam joined. I knew it, I was outnumbered, 1 versus 2 people. Oh well, whatever, I can handle them both. "George! Take on Skeppy will you? Don't let him get to Sapnap!" I said to George. He smiled, and started catching up to Skeppy. 

"Are you kidding me? You just outnumbered yourself!" Zelkam said. "Zelkam, Follow that George guy, make sure he doesn't get to Skeppy!" Mega ordered. "But Mega! You'll be dead by then!" Zelkam said. He turned back at Zelkam, "That's why they call me MegaPvP, the pro of PvP" Mega said. He turned back to me, and took out his sword. "Go! And keep them away!" Mega said. Zelkam nodded, and flew away. 

"Wow, what stupidity do you even have?" I asked. Mega sighed, and smirked. "I'm not the one that's stupid," He said. Underneath him was a command block and a button. "You are." He finished. He pressed the button of the command block, and suddenly, I was poisoned. "Poison? Really?" I said. I held up a flame charge, and blasted fire towards him. 

"DAMNIT!" Mega shouted. I burned half of his face, gave him a brown scar on his face. "That should teach you a lesson." I said. I came towards him, and when I was about to kill him, Someone knocked me with a sword. "Damnit!" I said to myself. "Mega!" Zelkam said. Huh, he did come back after all. "Zelkam? What are you doing here? I thought you-" Mega stopped. He saw tears running down Zelkam's face. "What happened?" Mega asked. And this was the news I was waiting for. 

"Mega... Bad.. Is dead."

《𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗸𝗣𝗩𝗣 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻》・『❈ 𝗜𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗨❈』Where stories live. Discover now