Chapter 22

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Zellie's POV :

I was at home, all alone with no one to talk to. And I was starting to get sick of drawing butterflies and flowers, I really wanted to play some video games with Zelkam. Oh well, I guess he's just busy with his new Boyfriend or whatever.

I picked up the red colored crayon from the crayon box and started coloring the flowers on my drawing with red, until the crayon broke. Jeez, everything is so boring without Zelkam around.. I took out another sheet of paper and started drawing Megapvp, I drew first his hair, then his scarf, and then the rest of the body.

Grabbing the green and dark green colored crayons, I started coloring the picture within the lines. "Looks ugly, just like he is." I said to myself. I got a pair of scissors and started cutting up my sheet of paper taking off the pieces of papers that had any drawing of mega. "I'll show that meanie who's boss!" I said as I cut the paper apart.

Before continuing my little genocide on paper, I looked up at the clock and saw that it was already 12 AM, what is taking so long??

I already did my homework, and I was done doing all my chores for the day, maybe I'll go call big brother on the phone. I walked towards a telephone near the TV and picked it up. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, Is Zelkam finally back??

I rushed towards the door with a happy smile, ready to hug my big brother home. "Coming!!" I shouted as I ran. I unlocked the door knob to see who it was, "Welcome home Zelk-" I stopped. When I looked up at who it was on the door, It wasn't Zelkam.

Instead of the usual santa claus furry I always see, It was a guy with a mask. "Hello, uh, Zelkam's sister, mind if I get inside? I'm looking for something in here that your brother stole." The guy said. "And you are?" I asked.

"I'm Dream, I uh, saw that Zelkam had something from me so I came to get it here." They stated. Is this guy... Dream?? What a pathetic name to be honest. "Sure, come in, but be quick, I don't want my brother knowing that I Iet a stranger walk into the house." I said.

Dream stepped into the carpet and started walking up to his room. How strange, he didn't even say thank you. "Hey uh, can you ask me why you're here?" I asked. Dream turned back at me, repeating what he said at the door, "I told you, to find something I own." Dream repeated.

By the look in his eye, I could tell that he was hiding something. "You're not actually finding something, are you?" I asked. Dream eventually stopped walking up. "Yeah.... I'm not.." Dream said. From his hand, I can see a few blocks of TNT, I knew what he was about to do.

"HEY HEY HEY, NO. Do not put in TNT in the house ya got it dude?" I said. "Well, your brother is a friend of my enemy, Skeppy." Dream stated. A thought suddenly popped up into my head. "Okay, how about, instead of killing my brother, why don't you kill my brother's friend! Megapvp!" I suggested.

Dream looked interested in what I was saying. "That sounds like a good idea, but, why would you want me to kill Mega instead of Zelkam?" He asked. "Because Mega has been stealing all of my brother's attention! He's been hanging out with Zelkam a lot and pisses me off too many times. I'd rather have them die than my bro." I explained.

"I also have another idea! Why don't, I become a little helper of yours in return of killing off Mega for me?" I offered. Dream looked surprised, "A helper from the inside? Sounds like a good plan to me. Alright then, I can let you help me take over InvadedLands-" "Oh! And two more things, You must never lay a finger on my big brother, nor kill him. And another thing, don't tell anybody I'm helping you, you can tell your little trio though I'm fine with that." I stated.

After saying the conditions, Dream sighed, and was ready to make a deal with me. "Okay then, I won't do anything to your brother, and you will help me with my plans." Dreams stated. "Deal!" I said happily. After shaking hands with him, he handed me a little mask of my own. "If your going to hide your identity while helping me, might as well get a disguise." Dream suggested.

"Oh, and try to think of me as your, 'friend' as an excuse to come and help me with plans, meet me every Sunday in Hypixel at 1 PM." Dream ordered. "I will!" I said happily. As dream left the house, I waved good bye to them in my bedroom window and smiled happily.

This will be an enjoyable playdate.

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