Chapter 24

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Skeppy's POV :

I've been gone from my server for a while now, trying to find a way on how to destroy the Dream Team, yet, I still couldn't. I couldn't do much without my friends, not like I'm clingy or anything, it's just that It's been so lonely without Bad on my side. I decided to go back to Invaded, to at least calm and chill for a while, I've been pretty stressed lately, so a good return to Invaded would be great. 

Suddenly, I heard my phone ringing, it was Zelkam. "Hello?" I asked Zelkam on the phone. "Skeppy! Good news, we got some new allies! They seem to hate the Dream team too! You should come back over to Invaded to see them!" Zelkam said happily. "Great! I'll uh, be there in 5 minutes." I said, I hanged up and took out my elytra, nothing better than flying through the sky right?

I walked over to a nearby cliff and got out some fire works to boost myself. "3, 2, 1,, go!" I counted down, I started running off the cliff and launched fireworks, boosting myself high up into the sky. As I started flying, I saw an arrow passed by me, someone was gonna shoot me down.

I looked down to see a pink looking figure, launching arrows at my elytra. Nothing to worry about though, I kept dodging the arrows from their crossbow. I started flying towards Invaded while keeping up with the arrows, I was almost there. Suddenly, my elytra started going down, I looked at the wings and saw an arrow stabbed through it. "fuck." I said to myself. As soon as started going down, I took out a water bucket and was ready to MLG water drop. 

After a few seconds of falling from the sky, I placed my water bucket onto the grass, making me land without losing any HP. I started running towards Invaded, only a few 30 blocks left until I get there. Until, a person blocked my path, Technoblade. "Oh, it's Techno, I should've known it was you who shot me down." I said to Techno.

"Ehhh, Not that big of a deal, anywayyy, I was assigned to kill you! So uh, any last words until I one shot you?" Techno asked. "Pfft- No way am I going down without a fight! Besides, don't you have anything better to do?" I asked him. "Nope! just won around 100 rounds of Bedwars in Hypixel, killed about 50 orphans, and that's probably it, so I'm all clear for today." Techno answered.

"God I hate you." I said pissed off, I took out a diamond sword and looked at Techno in the eye, ready to kill him. "Don't worry, I'll give you a good gravestone to rest In." Techno said happily. Instead of getting a weapon, he readied his fists, as I suspected, going for the no weapons strat.

"Weapons are overrated." Technoblade added. I made the first move and swiftly ran towards him with my sword. Once I got close enough, I tried to slash Techno with my sword, until he held my sword and punched me in the face. "Eat that nerd!!" Techno shouted out. 

Man do I fucking hate that guy, I ran towards him again and this time, I decided to bring in TNT to the battle. "TNT! My one weakness!" Techno said bluntly. "I know how much you hate these things." I said happily. I took out a Flint and Steel and set the TNT on fire, throwing it towards Techno. 

"CASUAL!!" Techno commented. He jumped away from the TNT I threw at him. One by one, they all exploded into smoke and ash. "Fuck I can't see him." I said to myself, as the smoke drew nearer, an arrow was shot through the smoke and was aimed at my head, luckily, I dodged it in time, only getting a little cut. 

"Damnit, I thought you said weapons were overrated!" I reminded Techno. As Techno's shadow peered through the smoke, I got out my crossbow and aimed it towards their shadow. "I got you now bi-" Before I fired my crossbow, I felt a punch behind me and got knocked towards a near by tree. "THAT WAS A PIG ON TOP OF GRASS BLOCKS YOU NERD!" Techno said. 

"Son of a bitch." I murmured to myself. "This is getting a little boring, I'm feeling a little bit, stabby today." Techno mentioned. He took out an iron sword and dashed towards me, before he could kill me in one swift stab though, I pushed back his sword, trying to fight back. I got out my sword again and fought back, pushing him away from me. 

While he was away from me, It only took a few seconds to regenerate to full health again. "Skeppy!" Zelkam shouted in the distance. I turned to see Zelkam and saw him, Mega, and 2 little kids standing outside Invaded's walls. "OH COME ON! YOU WERE SUCH A COWARD THAT YOU JUST HAD TO BRING IN SOME OTHER NERDS WITH YOU?!" Techno shouted.

The two kids that were with Mega and Zelkam placed their attention on Techno, with one of them giving him an intimidating look. "YOU. YOU LITTLE BITCH FIRST YOU BETRAY L'MANBERG AND NOW YOU'RE WITH THE DREAM TEAM?! HOW LAME COULD YOU GET OLD MAN." One of them shouted out.

"Ah, long time no see Tommy and Tubbo, say, how's that lil friend of yours Tubbo?" Techno asked. "Phukkit? Oh, they're fine!" Tubbo said happily. "TUBBO! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO SHARE YOUR FISH PHUKKIT, ITS NOW TIME TO KILL SOME PIGS!" The child stated. "Yeah, time to slaughter some orphans." Techno said as he got out his sword.

"Hey kids, how about you kick his ass later?" Mega suggested. "Okay!" Tubbo said happily. "You guys are such weaklings." Tommy said quietly. "To be honest I'd rather punch a 16 year old than Zellie." Mega whispered to Zelkam. "YOU SON OF A-" Tommy shouted. "I can outplay 4 people at once, but, I guess attacking people without armor is no fun at all." Techno stated.

"Hey guys! I'm heading off now, atleast get stacked somehow, see you orphans!" Techno said happily. He dove into a small pond and leaped away with his Trident. "SEE YA NERD!!!" Techno shouted to me. After that, I went back to Invaded and looked over at the logs, checking for Bad's name to log in.

"Sorry Skeppy, Bad hasn't logged on for the past month." Zelkam said. I sighed out of disappointment, and went out of the log screen. "I'm not giving up on him, not one bit am I gonna give up on Bad." I said to myself. "Yeah yeah, try all you want it's not gonna work." Mega said bluntly. "That's not helping!" I said to Mega.

Mega took a big sigh, and walked away from me and Zelkam. "Has he always been like this?" I asked Zelkam. "He always has been. Besides, that's just his nature, if you hang out more with him you'll get used to it." Zelkam answered. "Oh yeah, the new allies we got are Tommy and Tubbo, we just got them yesterday." Zelkam mentioned. 

"You got children, really? Man, I should've gotten Mega to be in charge." I said to Zelkam. "Hey! Atleast I'm doing something! Mega hasn't done a single thing for the past few weeks!" Zelkam said back. "Okay lol, anyway, you're free to go back home or something, I'll be staying here for a while." I mentioned.

As soon as Zelkam and the other staff members were gone, I flew out of the window and into my office, it reminded me of how I was trolling with Bad. I stepped onto the quartz floors in the office and walked towards my ender chest, I took the ender chest off the floor, and beneath it was a trapdoor.

I went down the trapdoor and found a short staircase, after the staircase was a large room, and in it was a white table platform, regenerating Bad's being. After all these weeks and months of loneliness, I can finally get BadBoyHalo back into Invaded! "I guess tomorrow is when Bad comes back, hope he doesn't get confused." I said to myself.

He's coming back.


Sup mates, it's me, Irodim, and yea you guys can finally get BBH back XDDD Since ya'll hated Dream for being a massive BS to the story smh, I decided to be a lil nice to ya'll, so lemme explain what's happening :

I've actually been planning to try and get bbh back lol, since you can't get someone back from the dead with a command, LITERALLY ITS HARDCORE MODE LMAO- once they're gone they're gone forever right? N O P E. You guys forgot one thing, it's called ✨creating a new account✨ Hardcore mode may stop you from respawning, but it can't stop you from recreating your account. In the last paragraphs, when Skeppy is recreating Bad, he's actually creating another account of him to get him back. Since it's a new account, you can go back, but it's new, so you won't have any memory or data from your old one. FRICK I SAID TOO MUCH- oh well, might as well wait on the new chapter lol, SEE YA'LL



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