Chapter 4 :

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Zelkam's POV :

"Wake up big brother!" Someone said. I felt a shake on my body which woke me up. I see my little sister, looking frustrated at me. "If you keep waking up this late you'll never be able to keep up with the other staff!" My sister scolded. "Isn't mom supposed to do that?" I said. I she looked even more angry, "Dummy! Mom isn't here!" She said exasperated (big word in class lol uwu)

"10 more minutes.." I procrastinated. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my shirt and was being dragged onto the floor. "Jeez! You, are, so, heavy!" She stated. "Stop being such a responsible sister Zellie!" I said. "Oh god shut up Zelkam!" Zellie shouted, slapping me in the face. "What is your problem?!" I asked. "It's my job to wake you up, mom said." Zellie said. "Yeah, I know, just try to be more nicer somehow." I said. "Whatever, just go eat breakfast!" She said. 

"Alright alright!" I followed. She looked back at me, and smirked. "What a baby!" She giggled behind me. "I can hear you stupid." I said. I continued walking downstairs and went to the table, but there was food already in the table. "I made you lemongrass muffins, don't forget to bring them to Invaded, and share them!-Mom" A note said. I smiled, and placed them in a plastic bag. 

"Can I come with you? Pleaseee!!!" Zellie pleaded. "No." I said. She did her little please face again. "PLEASEEEE!!!" She pleaded once more. I couldn't stand her little face, and gave up. "Fineee, but you have to go back home after, okay?" I said. Zellie' s face brightened happily and smiled. "Yep! Okay!" She agreed. She then held my hand as we went outside. 

As we were walking, I saw Mega again! He was holding his phone again and wasn't looking at where he was going. "Mega!!" I shouted out. It caught his attention, he turned around, but once he did, his head hit a lamp post. "Ow!" Mega said, he placed his hand onto his forehead and sighed. "Haha! Should've looked where you were heading!" I laughed. 

"Hahah, very funny... You're the one about to trip in 2 seconds." He said. "Wha-"I looked down onto my feet and found myself already tripping from a pebble. "Ah!" I shouted, I was tumbling down the sidewalk hill and layed on the floor. "Haha! Still clueless as ever." Mega teased. "Dangit Mega!" I yelled. "Zelkam!" Zellie called behind me, she came running down to me and looked down at me, worried. "Wow! I didn't know you were worried!" I said. Zellie' s worried expression changed into a more pissed off look.

《𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗸𝗣𝗩𝗣 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻》・『❈ 𝗜𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗨❈』Where stories live. Discover now