Chapter 23

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MegaPVP's POV :

"Ghhhhh I'm so bored!!" I yelled out. I've been hanging out with Zelkam on this stupid tower at InvadedLands for HOURS. As I was busy smacking my head against the walls, Zelkam was just busy staring at the sun, doesn't he know that his eyes are gonna burn??? "Bored, bored, bored, bored.." I said continuously. "Mega, are you gonna do anything other than saying 'bored' for the whole day?" Zelkam asked.

"Atleast I'm not staring at the sun like a moron." I mumbled quietly. "I can hear that you know." Zelkam pointed out. "Whatever, anyway, I'm gonna go skip today's shift and head out-" Before I finished my sentence, I got hit by an arrow on my arm coming from my left. "Mega! You alright?" Zelkam asked. He then ran over to me to check the wound on my arm, before he could though, I forced myself to stand up while trying to overcome the pain.

After standing up, I grabbed the pierced arrow in my arm and pulled it out, with a little bit of blood coming from my arm. "I'm fine dumbass, just go check out who did that." I said to Zelkam. I dropped the blood stained arrow and got out a golden apple, soon after eating it, I started regenerating my HP. 

The bushes and trees outside of Invaded started rustling up, and revealed two other people in the midst. "Hahaha! Why hello Americans! How's about you give me this server of yours?" A person shouted from the distance. I went towards where the voice was, and saw 2 little kids trying to go past Invaded, one kid had a bow and arrow with netherite armor, another one had a diamond helmet and a sword. 

"T-Tommy, maybe w-we should uh, not attack this server?" The kid behind them asked. "Tubbo don't be such a coward and help me overthrow this place!" The other kid said in front of them. "What's up Zelkam- Oh, never mind, it's just a bunch of kids, teehee! Look at them tryna swing their little swords!" I said giggling.

"Hey! We are not little ya hear me?! I'm Tommy! Wilbur's right hand man!!" The kid introduced themselves. "Yeah! And I'm Tubbo! Tommy's other right hand man!" The other kid joined in. "Wanna annihilate them Mega?" Zelkam asked. "HmMm, uh, nope!" I said to Zelkam. "I just wanna see these little kids try and break Invaded's walls." I said happily.

Zelkam sighed and stood by me, watching the two little kids trying to break in. "You're gonna regret calling us kids!" Tommy shouted. He then shot another arrow at me like before, but this time, I caught the arrow in my hand, throwing it back at him. "That all you got kid?" I asked him. "You guys seriously piss me off!!" Tommy shouted at us. 

"Ooooo, I'm so scared!!" I said sarcastically. That made the little kid a bit more angrier, with their face turning red with anger. "Son of a bitch you little American your arse is gonna be kicked and what I mean by that is that I'm gonna fucking shoot you to the ground you little-" "Tommy, clam down, calm down Tommy, no need to say such mean words!" Tubbo said to Tommy.

"what the heck do you mean mean words the two are literally calling us kids Jesus Christ Tubbo you coward!" Tommy said in a quick speed. "Okay okay I'm sorry Tommy! I'm sorry!" Tubbo apologized. "Jeez, that kid really needs a self-confidence boost." Zelkam whispered. "Well whatever, I'm done with this kids, let's just finish them off." I said with disinterest.

"Urgh, if only the dream team didn't attack us in the first place then maybe we wouldn't even be struggling! Man do I wanna beat them up!" Tommy mumbled upsettingly. "Wait wait wait, did you just say you wanted to beat up the Dream Team?" Zelkam asked. The two kids looked at Zelkam and nodded. "Yeah! Recently, the Dream Team took over our independent city called L'manberg! And we've been trying to regain our independance once more." Tubbo explained.

"You know, the Dream Team is a major enemy to Invaded, and maybeeeee, You guys might be able to help with our little hunt-" "Are you CRAZY Zelkam?! Are you actually gonna let these two into our plans?!" I shouted at Zelkam. "If your plan is to take down the Dream Team, then HELL YES WOULD WE LIKE TO JOIN YOU GUYS!!" Tommy said happily. 

"Told you they would accept it!" Zelkam said. I let out a long sigh of disappointment, and walked away from Zelkam. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Zelkam asked. "I'm gonna go back home, this whole mess is giving me a headache, why don't you go babysit the kids for a while ey?" I asked Zelkam.

"Like I said mate, we aren't kids! We're men!" Tommy corrected me. "Tch, That'll never happen." I said to Tommy. "WHAT WAS THAT ASSHOLE?!" Tommy shouted. "Tommy, no. We are out of here!" Tubbo stated. "No way in hell am I leaving! We have a chance to take back L'manberg if we helped these guys!" Tommy stated.

"We could take back L'manberg! And Wilbur! Doesn't that sound good?" Tommy asked. Tubbo sighed, and looked back at Zelkam. "Alright fine, wherever you battle, I'll battle with you. Just promise me you won't kill yourself in the process?" Tubbo asked. "Haha! As if anybody could kill me that easily!" Tommy laughed. 

"We'll join your takedown! Down with the Dream Team!" Tommy shouted. Zelkam smiled back, and joined with him. "Down with the Dream Team!!" Zelkam joined in. He then looked back at me, like he was telling me to join him and Tommy. "I'm not joining your revolution Zelkam." I said turning away from them. 

Zelkam frowned upsettingly, "Jeez, don't be such a downer Mega! Atleast shout it with us!" Zelkam said. "As much as I hate Mega already, I think we should embarrass him more." Tommy suggested. "Tommy don't act like a jerk." Tubbo said to Tommy. "Urgh, fine.... down with the Dream team.." I murmured quietly. 

"C'mon say it louder!!" Zelkam said. "Hurgh, I already said it, you're gonna give me a headache with all that noise, so yeah, see you tomorrow." I said waving goodbye. "Awww, okay, bye Mega!!!" Zelkam waved happily. "So long bitch!!!" Tommy waved back at me. Tubbo shot a look at Tommy, and punched his arm as a way of telling him to apologize. 

"Ow! Okay man, I was just kidding!" Tommy said to Tubbo. Tubbo sighed once more, and looked away from Tommy. "We'll see you all tomorrow, later!" Tubbo said, he then grabbed Tommy's bow and started dragging them with him. "C'mon Tommy, let's go." Tubbo said as he dragged Tommy along. 

"See you guys!!!" Zelkam said happily. And just like that, the day ended..


YOOOO BEEN AO LONG SINCE I'VE UPDATED THIS LMAOOOO- anyway yea I introduced Tommy and Tubbo into this one, and in this AU, the Dream SMP war actually happened, but instead of Tommy giving his disks away to gain independance for L'manberg, Wilbur sacrificed himself for Tommy and Tubbo to get away. So, yea, big plot coming, sooooooo, TBC


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