Chapter 26

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Zelkam's POV :

[Last night]

"Zelkam!! You're home!" Zellie said happily. As soon as I stepped foot into the house, I closed the door behind me, locking it as Zellie hugged me from behind tightly. "How was work big brother?" She asked. "Oh, it was awesome! Me and mega found some pink haired human trying to attack Skeppy! Boy was Skeppy having a hard time!" I said happily. "What else?" Zellie asked once more. "Well, me, Mega, Tommy, and Tubbo, we met them 2 days ago by the way, we stepped onto the gate and stopped that person from attacking Skeppy!" I continued on.

"Cool!" Zellie said happily. She was munching on lemon grass muffins while listening to my story. "Oh yeah! Yesterday me and Mega did a lot of-" "How about we skip that for another time." Zellie said with disinterest. Seemed like Zellie didn't like hearing me saying Mega's name, oh well, she should probably get over him or something.

"ANYWAYYY, since I've started 4th grade, there was this thing on M.E Elementary saying that it was sibling day!" Zellie mentioned. "Yeah? And what?" I asked her. "What do you think dude? I said "Sibling" can't you guess what it is?" Zellie asked back. I didn't think of anything, my thought were as blank as the weather in Invaded, in other words, I didn't know what she was saying.

"uhhhh..." "God you idiotic brother, Sibling day is when you get your younger or older sibling to come compete in games with other people's siblings at school!" Zellie explained. She handed me a paper that was a form for the school. "Sooo, since it's Sibling day, I was hoping for you to come with me-" "Can't. Not right now I meant." I said putting the form onto the table. 

"Oh come on Zelkam! It'll just be a day of fun! Besides, you're always hanging out with that idiot and started playing games with me less and less!" Zellie explained. "One, Mega's not an idiot, two, you should've gotten some friends by now." I stated. "Yeah yeah I guess that's one thing,, but come on bro-bro can you PLEASEEE come with me for just one day, please!!" Zellie pleaded.

She was looking at me with that puppy face, trying to convince me to go with her. "Alright alright, fine, I'll go with you, just for one day okay?" I said to Zellie. "Pinky promise?" Zellie asked, raising her pinky. "Okayyyy, I pinky promise." I said crossing her pinky. She then went away squealing with happiness, and ran up to her room. 

"Man, she should really have some friends, after all she IS in 4th grade." I said to myself. I went up to my room as well and slept until the next day.


"Bye bye big brother! Have fun with your so called "friend!" Zellie said waving through her window. "Bye Zellie! And Mega IS my friend!" I waved back. "Alright let's get going furry." Mega said walking away. "Okay Mega!" I said happily! As soon as I caught up with Mega, we were walking straight to InvadedLands, this time, a lot of players were heading in to play the mini games. 

"Finally, the server's back open I guess." Mega said in a sarcastic voice. "Stop being so negative Mega! Look on the bright side, we got some people to troll with!" I said as I pointed out some of the players. Mega looked back at them, and did a deep sigh. "It's not like it's gonna be fun or anything." Mega said. "That isn't a no!" I said as I took Mega's hand. I dragged him over towards the mini games and picked one.

We teleported towards the main lobby of KitPVP and saw a bunch of players with armor, fighting each other with swords and axes. "Hey Mega! Wanna try erasing some players' inventories?" I asked him. "Isn't that Skeppy's thing?" Mega asked. "Yeah, but, it'll be fun!" I said trying to convince Mega. 

"*sigh* well, I guess trolling people Isn't that big of a deal I guess." Mega said agreeing. "Great! Let's go have fun!" I said happily. I got out my command chat and cleared a random person's inventory. "Let's go see their faces teehee!" I said happily. I teleported me and Mega to the person, seeing them type in chat furiously. "WTF HAPPENED TO MY ARMOR WTF?" "What?" "SKEPPY?" "SKEPPYYYYYY" "SKEPPY'S ONLINE!" "Focus on the game idiots" The chat spammed. 

It was a bit funny haha! Although, Mega wasn't laughing with me at all. "What's the matter Mega?" I asked. "Oh, nothing, it's just that this isn't my type of trolling." Mega answered. "Well, tell me what type of trolling do you like?" I asked Mega. Mega smirked in delight, "Well, you see, it's like this." Mega then started doing /kick on me, causing me to get kicked out from the server. 

"OKAY HAHA VERY FUNNY MEGA-" He then kicked me out once more, teleporting me to the main lobby of invaded. "Alright that's enough Mega." I said as I entered KitPVP. When I got in, I didn't see them at all. "Mega? Where are youuuuu?" I called out. "/Tp @Megapvp" I commanded in my chat box. It then teleported to where mega was. But I didn't see them anywhere. It was like they disappeared or something. Suddenly, my game mode was set to survival somehow, and I felt like someone was punching me from thin air. 

"Ow!" I said as I lost half a heart. "Hahahaha! You can't see me furry!" Mega called out. They were using an invis potion and turned off particles, I should've known they were good at commands. "Mega I swear to god stop being invisible-" I got kicked out again by Mega. Okay this is actually starting to annoy me a lot. 

I joined back and they kicked me again, and again, and again, until the fourth time when I got back, they instead surrounded be with obsidian walls with world edit, and got my game mode to survival. "The furry's in a box, what will do?" Mega narrated. I forgot what was the world edit command to delete a wall, so I started mining it off with my diamond pickaxe. 

Suddenly, the wall disappeared, and there was mega floating in front of me. "BAHAHAHAAHAH! YOU LOOKED LIKE A TOTAL IDIOT PFFT- HAHAHAHAAAH-" Mega laughed maniacally. I just stared at him as he was laughing, it was kinda rare for him to actually laugh. "HAHAHAhAhaha... ahh, wow that was HELLA fun!" Mega said as he calmed down. 

"Haha! We should do more trolling with the other players Mega!" I suggested. "Pfft- the only person I'd troll that would actually be entertaining would be you Zelkam!" Mega said happily. I stopped talking for a second, trying to understand what he said.

Wait what.

After that, when Mega looked at me, he stopped smiling, He then restated what he said in his head and then covered his mouth with his scarf. "Fuck, That came out wrong-" "To be honest, the only person I'd like to troll with would be you, Mega." I said back. Mega looked back at me, but turned away instantly covering his face. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU FURRY ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME MAD OR SOMETHING?!" Mega yelled at me. 

He then punched me in the face, but that didn't even felt that painful. I looked back at him and he looked a little red. "Urgh, lets just get out of here dude, it feels like it's burning around here." Mega said floating off the ground. "But it's literally in the middle of Fall how is it burning-" "Just shut up and get moving would you!" Mega interrupted.

I shrugged it off and just flew off with him. Before I knew it, the sun was setting in Invaded. "Who the fuck changed the time." Mega asked. "Wait, why are you bothered about the time? Did you wanna troll more with me?" I asked. "U-uh, NO- It's not like that idiot! I was just bothered because it was much more faster than usual! Nothing else!" Mega explained. 

"Okay then, well, I guess it's time to go, see you tomorrow Mega!" I said happily as I flew away. "Bye furry." Mega said back. As soon as I head home, I opened the door and saw Zellie at home, drawing on a blank piece of paper on the table. "I'm back Zellie!" I said happily. "Sup, Zelkam." Zellie said bluntly. 

"Tell me bro-bro, who and where were you with before sunset?" Zellie asked. "At Invaded with Mega, where else would I be?" I answered. "Oh, okay, can you remember what I asked you to do last night?" Zellie asked once more, still looking at her paper. "Uhhhh, no??? Anyway, I'm going up, don't stay up late sis!" I said as I went up. 

"Yeah,  see you in the morning Zelkam." Zellie said still drawing. As soon as I got to my room, I flopped over to my bed, still fluffy and comfy as always. Thinking about what happened a few seconds ago, something,,, was a little off about Zellie, oh well, I guess she just missed me. I turned of my night light and hugged my little Elk plushie and slept happily. 


LMAO THAT WAS  S U C H  A LONG CHAPTER JRIGFODHEOEI, Anyway, M.E Elementary, the school Zellie goes to, is actually just short For Minecraft Education Elementary, there was a Minecraft edition for school, so I took inspo off that- can you guess what Zelkam forgot :)



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