Chapter 5 :

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"What the heck Zelkam!" Zellie shouted. Zellie then looked at Mega, and turned to him. "Who are you?" Zellie asked. "Who are YOU" Mega pointed back. "You first!" Zellie said. "Nah, you first." Mega said. Without notice, their eyes zapped, looking for a competition. "Stop trying to question me the same thing!" Zellie zapped. "You're the one who started it." Mega zapped back.

"Seriously, you two are like the same thing!" I compared. The two then looked at each other, confused. "No way! I could never be compared to this kindergarten kid." Mega said. "HEY! I'm a 3rd grader you bish!" Zellie said back. "Guys stop, lets continue one to Invaded-" I said. "Not now Zelkam!" Mega interrupted. "Yeah! Not now big brother!" Zellie added.

Okay, now I got pissed. I punched both of them in the head. "Ow!" They both yelled. They then glared at me, and held up their fists. "Now you're going to regret that." Mega said. "Take that back big brother." Zellie added. without any warning, I got punched back. After a few minutes of arguing, we finally calmed down and continued on our way to invaded. 

"Alright! We're here!" Mega stated. "You two can go now, see y-" "Oh, my sister is the one that's supposed to go, I work here too." I interrupted. "Oh? Well then, you can continue on." Mega finished. "Oh well, bye Zelkam!" Zellie said. Zellie then let go of my hand left. But before she did, she yelled out, "Have fun with your boyfriend!!!" Everybody noticed the little girl standing in front of Invaded and then ran away, laughing. Good thing they didn't noticed the two of us. 

"What was that about?" Mega asked. I turned red, before I turned back at him to answer. I shook it off and forgot about it a few seconds later. "Ahah! Nothing, lets just get onto the server platform!" I distracted. "Oh, okay." Mega agreed. We then turned away and went towards the staff room. When we got there, we saw a few people, chatting with one another. "Oh! Look, it's the last two!" One of them said. 

A squirrel closed the doors behind us and some other people were snickering at us. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Oh, nothing.." A squirrel furry said, "It's just that, you two look like a couple!" A another person finished. "I'm not gay idiots." Mega dropped in. "Salty aren't you?" The squirrel said. "You're the one who's being a literal jerk." Mega said. 

"Lol, enough of that, I'm Spifey!" The squirrel said. They then pointed towards that grey person (SO MANY SHADES OF GREYYYY) "This is A6D." Spifey added, "Hi." A6D said bluntly. Spifey started introducing the others such as Candi, TehNeon, and Kobuto. Suddenly, A dash of blue bursted into the room, and there was Skeppy. "SKEPPY SMASH!" Skeppy yelled. Glass was on the floor and the window was broken. "SKEPPY!! Do you know how many times we have to remake that window?!" Bad asked. "What?" Skeppy asked back. 

"13 TIMES!?" Bad answered. "Dangit, one more to go to get 14!" Skeppy said. He flew out of the window and went towards another window. "SKEPPY NO!" Bad said, catching up to Skeppy. "What a ship indeed." Spifey said happily. "So beautiful lol." I added. "AYYYYYYY!!" Spifey pointed. "AYYY!!" I pointed back. "We have reunited shipping bro!" Spifey said. "Yes indeed bro." I agreed.

《𝗭𝗲𝗹𝗸𝗣𝗩𝗣 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻》・『❈ 𝗜𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗨❈』Where stories live. Discover now