Chapter 19

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(A few days back when Sapnap attacked)

Skeppy's POV :

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK-" Sapnap was still trying to catch up to me, I already had a ton of cuts and I don't need another god damn cut from Sapnap. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit-" I said in my mind. I only have 4 HP left, one more cut and I'll die. Sapnap took out his crossbow and shot it towards my head, but instead it got my arm. "FUCK!" I shouted in pain. The arrow was bleeding on my arm.

I had only 2 HP left and If I got damaged even more I'm dead, I took out a golden apple and regenerated my HP. After regenerating I started running faster and faster so Sapnap couldn't get me. I heard Sapnap's crossbow fire multiple times, but they didn't lay an arrow on me. Suddenly, I saw an ender pearl being thrown above me, and Sapnap appeared in front of me with a sword. "I got you now Skeppy!" Sapnap said. 

He dashed towards me with his sword, trying to stab me, I used my sword to block the attacks and tried to get him out of the way. He then ignited a fire under me and got me burnt with flames. "DAMNIT!" I didn't have any water buckets with me, so I used a fire resistance potion. Me and Sapnap kept blocking and attacking each other. I finally cornered him, and when I was about to launch my sword onto his body, he ended pearled behind me.

I turned around and saw Sapnap with his sword, ready to kill me. I was fast enough to avoid the sword from stabbing me, but he aimed for my arm at the last second and slashed my arm off. "FUCKKKKKKK!!" I screamed as my arm was bleeding. I used this moment to lay an attack on Sapnap and gave him a cut on his face, too bad It wasn't severe though. He backed away, and looked at me with a smile. 

"What are you going to do now? You got 1 arm." Sapnap said. I looked at my arm and then at Sapnap. "I swear to god I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do." I said, I prepared my elytra and fire works, and dropped down in the cliff and flew away using my elytra. Sapnap didn't follow me and went away. I was finally safe, but I needed to go back to Invaded If I ever want to regenerate.  

Once I got to Invaded, I immediately went towards Bad's old room. He had heal pool, which helped healed my arm a bit. Looks like heal pool wasn't really that useless. I used up some golden apples, healing potions, and regeneration potions. I looked at my arm, and it started reforming back into a fully recovered arm. 

I can't believe I failed to kill at least one of the dream team. "You should've fought back Skeppy." I said to myself. I started thinking about what could have happened if I still fought back, Sapnap could've been killed if I didn't retreat like a coward. But hey that's in the past I'm sure I'll kill him tomorrow or something. Until then, I'm going to gather some allies to attack those bitches.

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