Chapter 1

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Mangle and Chica were sitting at their table, eating pizza as usual, until Toy Chica ran over to them and slammed her hands on the table.
Mangle and Chica jumped and stared at her as she shook and panted.
"Wwwhat is it?" Mangle asked.
"Why do you look so happy?" Chica said, looking at her with wide eyes.
Mangle's and Chica's eyes went wider. They both jumped up, dropping their pizza, and hugged her, they all squealed with excitement.
"WHEN IS THE WEDDING? GIVE US ALL THE DETAILS," Mangle said, shaking her.

But before Toy Chica could even start, Springtrap jumped up from behind Mangle and jumpscared them, they all screamed and stared at him.
Springtrap laughed, "Oh my GOSH! You guys should see your faces right now! It's hilarious! Oh man, now my stomach is hurting..."
"Good! You deserve that from scaring us!" Mangle said, pushing him, he laughed more.
"We were talking about something important!" Chica said to him, crossing her arms.
"Oh really? About what?" Springtrap asked, raising an eyebrow.
Mangle looked at Toy Chica. "Should we tell him?"
Toy Chica nodded, "Yeah, we need to tell everyone."
Mangle looked over at Springtrap. "Alright. Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie are getting married."
Springtrap's eyes widened with surprise. "Woah, really? That's cool, congrats. First Chica and Bonnie, and now you two? Awesome. But, didn't he give you anything to propose to you to? You know we don't have rings..."
"Oh yeah, here. He made me a bracelet, take a look!" Toy Chica held up her right arm, showing the bracelet. It was made with yellow, light blue, and silver pieces of cloth, there were white beads on it that said: T.B + T.C.
Chica gasped, "Wow, that's so pretty!"
"How did he know how to make these? Did you teach him?" Mangle asked her.
"Yeah," Toy Chica nodded, and then she added, "Also, we talked to Puppet about it, and he said we can have the wedding in two weeks, so we'll have time to find some decorations and presents and all that stuff."
"You mean WE'RE doing it, you don't have to do anything! We got it! We don't wanna spoil the surprise for you," Chica told her.
"Oh, alright! Thanks!" Toy Chica smiled at them.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go somewhere else now, because I'm already getting bored of this conversation, no offense though! I'll just leave you guys alone..." Springtrap grinned at them before running off to the other guys. Mangle rolled her eyes and laughed.

Chica put her arm around Toy Chica. "Alright, now that he's gone, I've been wanting to talk to you guys about having a girls' night, with just the four of us, including J.J. No guys, just us. I've kinda been wanting to take a break for just one night, just with you three. What do you say?"
Mangle and Toy Chica looked at each other, and then nodded.
"Sure, why not? I mean, we do this a lot anyway, so it wouldn't really be different, but it would still be fun!" said Mangle.
"Yeah, let's just leave the guys alone for a while. And this could be a way of celebrating that Toy Bonnie and I are about to get married," said Toy Chica.
Chica beamed at them. "Yeah! Exactly! Now, let's go tell J.J."

1 hour later

All of the guys sat around, being bored. Bonnie sat on the stage, playing his guitar. Toy Bonnie sat by him, trying to fix his own, while B.B laid beside them, watching. Toy Freddy sat in a chair beside Freddy, eating a slice of pizza, Freddy just sat there while his head rested on his hand. Golden Freddy and Springtrap sat by them, giving each other tired glances every few seconds. Foxy was laying on a table beside them.
He sighed. "Man, where are the girls at? I wanna bother them!"
"They're on the roof, hanging out, like they always do. But we're not gonna bother them while they're up there, having fun...while we're not..." Freddy said to him.
Foxy thought for a minute, and then sat up. "I know! Let's prank them!"
Freddy glared at him. "Didn't I just say we're NOT bothering them?"
"Oh come ON, Freddy! If they're gonna have their own little party and have fun, then we should too! Look, we're all just sitting here, being bored! What's up with that? We're not usually this bored!" Foxy told him.
"Not all of us are here, where's Puppet?" Bonnie asked.
"Who knows, he's probably at his box like always...he told us not to bother him," Toy Freddy answered him.

Freddy rolled his eyes and looked at Foxy again. "We're not doing it, Foxy. Do you even know how mad they would be if we did it? Oh wait, yeah, you DO know, because you've always done it!"
Foxy scoffed, "Yeah, so? I just wanna have some fun, and I know you guys do too! We're bored here, what else are we suppose to do?"
"We could play the arcade games..." said Toy Freddy.
Foxy shook his head. "Nah, we always do that, it's getting kinda boring."
"Okey then...we could think of a game to play," said Toy Bonnie.
"Ooh! I wanna play hide and seek!" B.B shouted, sitting up.
"Eh, too old..." said Freddy.
Suddenly, Foxy got up from the table and looked at everyone. "Guys! I know what prank we can pull on them!"
Freddy turned to Golden Freddy and Springtrap, "You see this? He never listens!"

Golden Freddy sighed, "Of course he doesn't, what makes you think he would? At least he isn't as bad like he used to be..."
"Hey, is...Springtrap, asleep?" Freddy asked, looking over at him.
Golden Freddy looked over at his brother and stared at him, surprised.
"I got it!" Foxy went over to Springtrap and flicked his nose.
Springtrap jumped awake and sat up, he glared at Foxy. "Really? There better be a good reason why you did that!"
Foxy laughed, "You fell ASLEEP!"
"Springtrap, you never do that! You know we don't sleep at night!" Goldie told him.
"Sorry, I guess I'm just tired or something," Springtrap said, rubbing his eyes.
Golden Freddy frowned. "What? Why?"
Springtrap got up. "I-I Don't know...I just couldn't sleep much I guess..."
"Are you having nightmares or something?" Goldie asked him.
"What? No! I was just thinking too much!" Springtrap said, annoyed.
Foxy stepped between them. "Alright, alright! We're done here. Now, who wants to hear about the prank I came up with?"
No one said anything. Foxy continued, "Great! Alright, first, we-"
"Aren't doing ANYTHING!" Freddy said as he got up.
Foxy sighed deeply. "Freddy, my FAVORITE friend-(everyone glared at him, because they knew he wasn't his favorite), would you rather sit here, bored, or have some fun for once?"
"Hey, I do have fun! Sometimes...but this ISN'T fun!" Freddy told him.
"But you haven't even heard my plan yet!" Foxy said to him.
Springtrap came closer to him. "Alright, is anyone gonna get hurt?"
Foxy shook his head, "Nope, no one. This is just a harmless prank that's meant to make EVERYONE laugh! Even the girls, they won't get mad at us!"
Springtrap eyed him, unsure if he was telling the truth.
Golden Freddy sighed, "Alright, we'll listen to your plan, and then we'll decide if we'll help you or not."
Freddy rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine..."
Everyone else looked at Foxy and nodded.
Foxy grinned, "Alright then..."

Dang! It's been 12 days since I've posted the first chapter to my new story (yes I counted). Sorry, I couldn't really think of what to put for this first chapter, but now I did! Also, Xbox is really addictive 😬 another reason why I was gone for a while ;-;

Springle part 2: Meet the Sister Location!Where stories live. Discover now