Chapter 15

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     While Foxy and Lolbit were on their way back to the others, Lolbit said, "Ya know, you don't really TALK like a pirate..."
Foxy chuckled, "Heh, yeah...but I didn't always talk like this, either. I was made to talk like a pirate while I performed on stage for kids. And then after everything that went down years ago, after my friends, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and I finally got to have peace, we just hung out. But they had a hard time understanding me when I talked like that, so they taught me how to talk more like them. It took me a while to get used to it, but once I did, I just stuck to it. I might not look much like a pirate, but I can still talk and act like one, I'm good at it."
"I think you make a pretty cool pirate," Lolbit said to him, smiling. Then she said, "The same thing actually happened with me too, but I'll still talk like a pirate any time, matey!" Foxy snickered.
"So, what is it with you getting rejected by girls?" Lolbit asked, changing the subject.
Foxy frowned at that question, but wasn't surprised that she asked it. He just replied, "Eh, I don't know. I guess they just can't handle my good looks or something."
Lolbit looked up at him, raising an eyebrow, "Oh really? Is that it? You're just so good looking that none of the girls have any problem with rejecting you?"
Foxy faked laughed, "Funny."
"No, I wanna know! Really! I'm curious, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Lolbit asked him. Foxy didn't answer her, he felt too ashamed to, but didn't want to admit it. He just sighed, lying, "I don't know..." Lolbit frowned, but decided to let it go.

     Plushtrap still sat in the chair with his little feet resting on the table in front of him, feeling proud of himself for stealing Foxy's eyepatch. He grinned to himself, laughing a little. He started to hear footsteps coming towards him, but he didn't pay attention to who it was since he had his eyes closed.
"Hey Plushtrap," said Mangle's voice. Plushtrap opened one eye and looked up at her. "Sup," he said lazily. Mangle sat down beside him. "So uh, I was thinking...You don't seem to be in the best shape, with all of those holes on your body. I was just thinking...maybe I could fix you up some!"
Plushtrap frowned, "Why would I need to be fixed? I look fine."
Mangle looked at him, surprised. "Really? But...look at yourself! You look like you came back from World War THREE!"
Plushtrap smiled, "Awesome!"
"How is that awesome in any way? Doesn't it hurt?" Mangle asked him.
"Well, it used to, but not anymore. I'm fine! Don't worry about me," Plushtrap said, waving his hand for her to go away.
Mangle looked at him sadly, "Plushy..."
Springtrap laughed as he walked by, he looked at Plushtrap and said, "Told ya." Plushtrap sat up and glared at him, "You know what? GO EAT SOILED DIAPERS YOU TURD-SMELLIN' NAZI!" Everyone in the room looked at him, very surprised. Funtime Foxy looked over at Springtrap, "Well, guess you heard that..." Springtrap continued to look at Plushtrap with that same smirk and said, "Okey, leprechaun, go enjoy your Lucky Charms."
Plushtrap's eyes widened so wide they looked like they were about to explode, "WHY YOU LITTLE-" He was about to charge at Springtrap, but Mangle and Funtime Foxy held him back.
"Plushtrap, don't! He's not worth it. Springy, you might wanna go somewhere else..." Mangle said to him. Springtrap shrugged, "Okey." Then he walked off. Once he was gone, Mangle and Funtime Foxy released Plushtrap.
"Okey, DON'T go after him, he didn't mean it!" Mangle said.
"Whatever..." Plushtrap said, looking away from her and crossing his arms, pouting.
"Aw man, I was kinda hoping I'd see a roast-off. That's what Lolbit and Yendo used to do..." said Funtime Freddy, disappointed. Bonbon patted his cheek. Funtime Foxy came back to him, "C'mon, let's go check up on Ballora and Baby."
Funtime Freddy nodded and they walked over to the stage, with Bonbon and Bonnet in their arms.
Mangle sighed and looked back at Plushtrap. "That was my fault anyway, I shouldn't have called you Plushy..."
"Whatever...Why did you call me that, though?" Plushtrap asked, a little curious.
"I'm just used to giving my friends nicknames," Mangle said. Plushtrap went quiet for a second, not looking at her, before saying, "We're not friends..."
Mangle's face expression changed to a look of shock as he said that. She just quietly said, "O-oh..."
"I mean, I just came to get you guys down here! I never wanted to be in this mess! Especially with you guys! I hardly even know any of you! I shouldn't have even left the elevator..." Plushtrap said angrily.
Mangle frowned, " would've just left us here?"
"Well, no...I should've just waited in the elevator, I don't even know why I came here with you people! I could've finally been living a life up there in the house by myself for the first time!" Plushtrap said.
"Well, you'll still get to do that...when we leave..." Mangle said, feeling sad.
Plushtrap sighed in frustration, "What were we talking about earlier, before that limp-head showed up? You said you wanted to fix me, but I'm gonna be fine. Really."
Mangle looked at him. "Plushtrap, if you don't get fixed, you'll rot even more! You'll fall apart and decay! You'll smell and you won't work right! Please, just let me try to fix you, you won't last long if you stay like this..."
Plushtrap went back to being silent. But then he frowned and looked at her, "Why do you care so much?"
"Because that's just how I am! I care about everyone I love! My friends, Springtrap, even you, even if we're not friends! I just want you to have a perfectly working body...before we leave here. That's all I ask, is to fix you," Mangle said, hoping he would accept.
Plushtrap closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing his eyes. "If I let you do this, will you leave me alone after?" Mangle's mouth opened with surprise at that question, but she slowly nodded. "Yeah, sure..."
Plushtrap got up and stretched. "Okey then, let's just get this over with..." Mangle got up too, but before they started walking off to the "Parts and Service" room, Bonnie approached them. "Hey guys, what're you two about to do?"
"Mangle's just gonna try to fix me, that's all..." Plushtrap replied tiredly.
Bonnie looked at Mangle, surprised. "Really? Do you even know how to fix an animatronic?"
"Well, no. BUT I'll at least try to sow the holes closed for him..." Mangle said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"You're gonna need to do a lot more than that. But don't worry, I'll help you, I don't mind," Bonnie said.
"Eh, okey, sure. Will the tools be in the 'Parts and Service' room?" Mangle asked.
"Yeah, I put them there after taking them out of the elevator. Now let's go before my legs break from standing here too long," Plushtrap said as he started walking off. Bonnie and Mangle followed behind.

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