Chapter 5

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     When Springtrap finished explaining everything, his friends looked at him, speechless.
"Well, you were right when you said that we would be surprised..." Mangle said as she looked at everyone's faces.
"Woah, he...had a FAMILY...but, he was a bad person! They all died because of him!" Bonnie said.
"Wow, this is uh...a big shock," said Foxy.
"Yeah, but...What I REALLY wanna know is...why he doesn't want us to know any of this!" Goldie said, frowning.
Springtrap sighed, "It's because he doesn't want us to find them and bring them back here...He thinks they're dangerous and that that was all they were made for...but I don't believe that, I mean, look at us! We don't hurt people, we have emotions, we have minds! Wouldn't they have that too?"
"I don't know, Springtrap, some robots are programmed differently, not all of them have what we have. They could be a lot different from us, like Puppet told you. We don't know if they'll be nice to us and accept our help, or try to kill us! We don't even know if they're still alive!" Golden Freddy told him.
"Well, we could go find out for ourselves! I don't wanna sit here for the rest of my life, thinking about them and wondering if they're long gone or not! What if they are good and can't escape the underground? What if they're trapped and have been trying to get out, but never could? I just want to help them, I can't help but feel a little bad, they might need help..." Springtrap told them.
Goldie sighed. "Look, it's nice that you wanna help them and all, but what if they aren't good, and they try to kill us instead? What's the plan for that?"
"If they try to kill us, we'll just have to fight back the best we can and kill them, and when we leave and come back here, you and Puppet can punish me for dragging you guys into this, if you even wanna come."

Golden Freddy thought about it for a minute, and then sighed again. "Alright, the punishing part I agree with, but I'm still not sure if ANY of us should even go."
Foxy stood by Springtrap's side. "I'll go with him! Even though we don't always get along, I still wanna join in on this adventure, I'm tired of sitting in this pizzeria all the time. If there's gonna be some action and fighting, then you know I'm tagging along! And besides, I might find me a girlfriend."
Mangle scoffed and rolled her eyes, Bonnie just looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
Golden Freddy frowned, "Really? You're gonna join in on this? Why do you always pick the worst decisions?!"
"Hey, we don't even know if this will be a bad choice or not, we'll just have to find out when we get there! It's better finding out for ourselves than not knowing at all," Foxy told him.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but he DOES have a point. Don't you wanna know what they're like first before assuming what they could be? If they are good, we'll help them leave the place and bring them back here, we could have a bigger family! We could also find out more secrets about them and the place too, they'll probably know," said Springtrap.
Bonnie shrugged and looked at Goldie, "He could be right, you know. I kinda wanna go see them for myself now...but, where even is the place?"
"It's underneath Afton's old house. If we find it, we could go in and try to find a way underground to them," Springtrap replied.
"IF we find it, that is. And, how do you know where it's at? Does Puppet know?" Golden Freddy asked.
"Uh, I think he does, but he didn't tell me. But I did have a dream about it before I woke up. Circus Baby was in the house, so that could be a clue that the place she and her friends are at are under their house. We could go look there, and if we don't find them, then we come back and try to think of a different place...or just, give up, I guess," Springtrap said, shrugging.
"Hm, okey...but, was it a NIGHTMARE? I need to know so I'll know that you're still okay," Goldie told him.
"Uh, I guess it kinda was, but it could mean something, something GOOD this time. When I saw Circus Baby, she popped out from behind the door and jumpscared me, but her scream sounded more scared and distressed than angry, so, that could be another sign that she's friendly and does want out," Spring said to them.
Golden Freddy sighed, "Maybe...But I'm still not sure, we could be risking our lives! This could be really dangerous!"
Foxy nodded, "Could be, probably will be, but what's an adventure without a little bit of danger and risk in it? We can't expect this to be easy, I mean, they WERE made from Afton. We'll just bring some weapons with us to defend ourselves and each other, there ARE some here."

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