Chapter 4

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*I did NOT draw the house! I can't draw houses, sadly. But I did make the bottom part, and the green eyes.*

     Springtrap opened his eyes and found himself standing in darkness, nothing but pitch, black, darkness. He looked around, confused, but there wasn't anything to look at.
"How...did I, get here?"
Suddenly, a house slowly appeared in the distance, but it had no color, only black. A blood-red trail slowly appeared in front of the house, going all the way to Springtrap.
Springtrap looked at it, and then at the house.
It didn't look familiar, and he's never seen it before.
But then he thought, "Could it be the Afton house?"
Spring hesitated before stepping on the trail and following it towards the house. But, as he walked, the darkness around him started to turn into a very creepy, unsettling red color.
Springtrap started to feel uneasy, but he kept walking down the path anyway.
As he made it in front of the house, the path disappeared, it was just the house and him alone. It was dead quiet around them, Spring could feel as if the house was alive and looking at him.
Suddenly, the lights in the house turned on, but there was no one inside. Springtrap frowned and looked closer through the windows, and that's when he saw it.
A pair of bright red eyes stared at him through the window near the front door, a big smile formed in its dark face.
Springtrap's eyes widened with fear, he slowly backed away, but couldn't move any further. He was stuck standing in front of the house, looking at the eyes. Spring breathed heavily, but then...the door started to slowly open.
Springtrap's eyes moved towards the door, looking inside.
At first, there was nothing but darkness, but then a pair of green eyes appeared, peeking behind the door.
Springtrap stood there, still staring at the eyes, it lasted for a few seconds, but it felt longer than that.
Suddenly, without warning, the thing behind the door popped out and screamed in Springtrap's face, it's face opened, revealing the big green eyes, along with sharp teeth.
Springtrap gasped and shot up awake. He looked around, confused, until he started to remember.
He looked over at Mangle, who sat curled up against him, sleeping peacefully. Springtrap sighed and closed his eyes.
"It was just a dream..."
But then he opened them and frowned, thinking, "Or...was it?"
He carefully moved Mangle off of him and slowly got up, without waking her. Spring grabbed the Circus Baby plushie from the desk near him and looked at it. He stared at the eyes and wondered, "Could that have been...her?"
He made sure that Mangle was still asleep before he took off up the stairs, towards the door.
He quietly opened it, stepped out and closed it, and then walked out of the 'Service room.
Springtrap silently walked around the dining area and sighed. He sat down at a table and looked at the clock on the wall, his eyes widened.
"7:10 AM?! I've only been asleep for an hour?!"
Spring rubbed his eyes and buried his face in his hands.
"Man...what did that dream mean?"
He looked at the plushie again, which was still in his hands, and thought for a minute.
"I was at a house...saw weird eyes...but those green eyes looked familiar, they looked a lot like...Circus Baby's eyes! But, why would she be in a house? Who's house even is it?"
Then it hit him, he slowly stood up. "That was...PURPLE GUY'S HOUSE! WILLIAM'S house! She must be underground, and so are the others! They're trapped down there!"
Springtrap looked at the entrance. He thought about sneaking out to go find the place, but then he remembered what Puppet had told him.
Springtrap sighed in disappointment. "Right, I can't go, I'm not suppose to. Besides, I don't have a clue where it's at..."
He looked at the front doors again, he frowned and shook his head. "No, I have to, what if they're good like us? What they did is way in the past, they could change! They could have a chance! Just like my friends gave me a chance..." Springtrap looked at the plushie, "They could still be alive..."
He walked closer to the entrance and reached his hand out towards the handle to one of the doors.
Spring hesitated. "Do I even know what I'm doing?"

Springtrap jumped and turned around. Mangle was standing outside the "Parts and Service" room, looking at him, confused.
Springtrap quickly hid the plushie behind his back. "M-Mangle! Heeey! W-what are you doing up?"
"I should be asking you the same question..." Mangle said, approaching closer to him.
"I woke up and you weren't with me! What are you doing in here? AWAKE?"
"Uh, nothing...Just, walking around for a bit. I couldn't sleep, that's all!" Springtrap said, grinning nervously.
Mangle looked at him tiredly. "Why?"
Springtrap looked down, "Uuh, I don't know...I just couldn't..."
"You just COULDN'T? Or you won't?" Mangle said.
Before Springtrap could answer, Golden Freddy appeared right in front of him. "Alright, you guys are suppose to be asleep, what's going on?"
Springtrap stared at him, surprised. "What- how did you know-?"
"Puppet let me watch you guys over the cameras, remember? To make sure you guys are asleep!" Goldie told him.
"Oh...Wait, but didn't you see me come in through the 'Parts and Service' room?" Springtrap said to him.
Golden Freddy went silent, and then he said, "I...fell...asleep...for a bit..."
Springtrap scoffed, grinning, "Wooow. Goldie, Goldie, Goldie, getting lazy on the job now?"
Golden Freddy glared at him. "Hey! It happened ONE TIME!"
Mangle stepped between them, "Alright, alright, we're getting off topic here! Springtrap, tell me why you're up so late."
"I told you! I just couldn't sleep, that's all!" Springtrap told her.
Goldie frowned. "What? Again? Why? You're not, having nightmares again...are you?"
"What? No! No way!" Springtrap laughed, but also lied. Golden Freddy stared at him, unsure if he was telling the truth or not.

Suddenly, Foxy popped up behind them, "I wanna talk about whatever you guys are talking about!"
The three of them jumped in surprise.
"What the- where did you come from?!" Goldie said, staring at him in shock.
"You didn't see me come out of my cove?" Foxy said, pointing to it.
Springtrap sighed, "I don't have TIME for this!"
Golden Freddy looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Oh really? What's the rush?"
Springtrap went silent as he tried to find a good lie to tell them.
"I saw you were about to open the door and leave the pizzeria, or it looked like you were...Why?" Goldie asked him.
"Wait, what? But it's day! You could get seen by a human!" Mangle interrupted.
Springtrap sighed again, frustrated. "I-I wasn't gonna GO anywhere! I just..."
"You just what? Huh? You just what? You just what?" Foxy asked him over and over, clearly trying to aggravate him.
Springtrap growled and grabbed Foxy by the fur on his chest. "I will BURY you SIX FEET UNDERGROUND. YOU HEAR ME?"
Foxy gulped and laughed nervously.
"Ooh! I wanna watch!" Bonnie said as he approached them.
Golden Freddy put his hand on his face and sighed. "This is getting out of hand..."
Mangle looked over at Bonnie. "Bonnie? You're awake too? Why is everyone waking up? Are we that loud?"
Bonnie shook his head. "No, I just got up so I could get something to eat, but then I heard you guys and came to see what the commotion was."
"Yeah, same here, and I was bored..." said Foxy.
Springtrap glared at him before letting him go.
"Nothing's going on, just go back to sleep before we cause more of a ruckus," Goldie told them.
"Aw, but I wanna watch Foxy get buried underground!" Bonnie said, disappointed.
"And I wanna...I don't know, eavesdrop on you're conversation?" Foxy said, shrugging.
Golden Freddy sighed, "Whatever. Springtrap, just tell us why you're up! Were you actually gonna leave?"
"No! I wasn't leaving! I just got up because I couldn't sleep! I was gonna go back to sleep though!" Springtrap lied.
Golden Freddy, Mangle, Foxy, and Bonnie looked at him skeptically.

But then Goldie noticed it. He pointed to the plushie Springtrap had hiding behind his back, "Hey, what's that?"
Springtrap looked at him nervously. "W-what?"
"You have your hand behind your back! It's been there the whole time we've been standing here! You're obviously hiding something, what is it?" Goldie asked him.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Springtrap said with wide eyes.
"Uh, yes you do! Now show us, or we'll get Puppet on you!" Mangle threatened.
"But he doesn't want you guys to see it! Really!" Springtrap said, truthfully.
"Why?" Bonnie asked.
"He doesn't want me to tell you why..." Springtrap replied.
Golden Freddy came closer to him, "Look, just show us for at least a minute! Puppet won't know, we won't say anything!"
Foxy, Mangle, and Bonnie nodded.
Springtrap thought about it. "He does have a point there..."
He sighed and hesitated before holding the plushie up for them to look at. The three of them frowned.
"Huh, that's weird..." muttered Bonnie.
"Whaaaat?" Foxy looked puzzled.
"I'm confused..." said Mangle.
"Who is that?" Goldie asked.
"I can't tell you, he told me not to," Springtrap told them.
"Did he make you PROMISE not to tell us?" Mangle asked, raising an eyebrow.
Springtrap's eyebrows raised. "No, actually...he didn't."
"Then you're not BREAKING any promises. I mean, yeah, that's still kinda betraying him, but as long as it's not hurting anyone, then we should be fine!" Foxy said.
"Yeah, Puppet won't know you told us if we don't say anything, which we WON'T. But is it REALLY important? Is there something we SHOULD know about it?" Goldie asked him.
"Well, I think you guys should know, it just doesn't feel right not telling you...But you WILL be surprised," Springtrap told them.
Golden Freddy nodded, "Okey, we're listening."
The others nodded too.
Springtrap took a deep breath, and began explaining...

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