Chapter 17

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     Mangle and Bonnie sat in the "Parts and Service" room, fixing Plushtrap, until Springtrap opened the door and stepped in. "You guys fixing Plushy?"
Mangle was about to reply, but Plushtrap quickly stood up, glaring at him again. "I swear, if another person calls me that, I will rip them apart LIMB FROM LIMB, find the closest sewer, and THROW THEM IN IT!"
Springtrap snorted, "Good luck finding one of those, if you haven't noticed already, we're still stuck down here. Plushy." Plushtrap was about to get up, but Bonnie and Mangle held him still.
"Okey! No one will call you that again, we promise! What're you here for, Springtrap?" Mangle asked him.
"I'm gonna help you fix him. Bonnie, you can take a break, just go back to the others," Springtrap said.
"Oh, okey..." Bonnie said, hesitantly. He got up and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Springtrap sat down by Mangle and Plushtrap and started fixing his arm. Plushtrap frowned, "Why do you wanna fix me?"
"Because I don't know what else to do..." Springtrap replied.
"You could go hang out with the others! Get to know them some more, I bet they've found something fun to do!" Mangle said.
Springtrap shook his head. "Maybe later. Besides, I think we know enough about them..."
"Maybe...But we could still find out more," said Mangle.
"I still don't get why you're fixing me..." Plushtrap said.
"Because I like fixing robots and other stuff, it keeps me busy and helps me get my mind off of things..." Springtrap replied.
"Like what? Is something on your mind?" Mangle asked him. Springtrap didn't answer that, he just shrugged. Mangle frowned and said, "You don't know? Are you sure? You've been kinda quiet, and you're roaming the place a lot without taking a break..."
"I am taking a break! This is what I'm doing!" Springtrap said.
"Okey...But, I just wanna know if you're alright," Mangle said to him.
"I'm fine! I'm great!" Springtrap said, annoyed.
"The turd smellin' nazi is lying," Plushtrap hissed.
"Are you just gonna keep calling me that now?" Springtrap asked. Plushtrap nodded. Mangle rolled her eyes.

She looked at Springtrap, a little worried. When Springtrap noticed, he sighed. "I AM fine, really. I'm just...starting to have doubts for Baby..."
Mangle frowned again, "What d'you mean?"
"I can't help but think that we're not getting out of here, and that Elizabeth is gonna kill all of us instead. We don't really know if we're getting out, we could all die for all we know!" Springtrap said.
"Don't say that, you're losing hope, aren't you? Don't give up, there's a good chance Baby can beat her and make her leave! She was able to do it before, like you told us! I bet she could definitely do it again! She's starting to have faith because of you, you can't give up on her now, what will she do?" Mangle said.
"She could still go on without me, she won't always need my help. And I'm not TRYING to lose hope, I just can't help but feel like none of us will make it out..." Springtrap said.
Mangle suddenly realized something. She sighed and said, "I think it's because we've been down here for too long. The longer we're down here, the less faith we have of getting out. But we WILL. When Elizabeth comes back, Baby will take control again and make her leave for good! But she's still gonna need some of our help, we need to be there for her."
Springtrap nodded, "You're right, we WILL be there for her, always. But she has to figure things out on her own sometimes, too. And we have been here for too long, even if it's only been a couple of days. Puppet's probably worried about us and had been wanting us to come home the second he found out we left. But I don't regret coming here, we're saving these animatronics, they just want a life like we have! Puppet will understand...he should. Baby and her friends aren't bad, they're just desperate for happiness. And they'll get that once we get out of here...If we do get out of here..." Mangle nodded too, smiling.

Plushtrap looked at both of them blankly, "Man, do you guys always get this sappy?"
Mangle laughed, "I mean, sometimes! Don't you ever get sad or doubtful?" "Nope!" Plushtrap said, shaking his head.
"That sounds like a load of crap right there," said Springtrap.
"It's true!" Plushtrap said to them.
"Mhm," Springtrap said, rolling his eyes. The three of them went silent for a few seconds, and then Springtrap asked him, "So why do you hate when we call you 'Plushy'?"
"I was wondering that too," said Mangle.
"Because it's stupid! Nobody has ever called me that before, unless they thought I was an actual plushy, which I'm NOT. I ONLY go by 'Plushtrap', that's it!" Plushtrap replied.
"None of those nightmare animatronics ever gave you nicknames?" Mangle asked him.
"No, none of us ever called each other anything, just by our names! We always just ignored each other, it was normal for us. I don't see the point in nicknaming, it's weird..." Plushtrap said.
Mangle looked at him, frowning. "So, you're saying that they never paid attention to you or even cared about you at all? You guys never tried to cheer each other up when you were sad or upset?"

Plushtrap stared at her like she was crazy. "No! They were NIGHTMARES. So am I, but that's besides the point! We weren't made to care about anyone but ourselves. Chris created us in his mind because of how scared he was of animatronics, he saw us as these creatures that came straight from hell, so that's what we were born as! And we really never felt anything except joy from hearing his screams and seeing him scared. I never felt sad, I never had to! I never had doubts, we all knew he was gonna die eventually. We did feel angry at times when we've made each other angry, but we did that for fun, most times. I mostly did it, so they definitely hated me the most. I'm glad they're gone, because I can have my own home all to myself without having to share. So yeah, there you go."
Mangle hugged him, almost crying. "I'm sorry you had to go through that! You don't have to be just this scary monster who doesn't care about anybody, we could give you a better life and home, you know? You'll be surrounded by a bunch of people who'll love and care about you!"
"Are you serious? I'm a MONSTER. Don't you get it?" Plushtrap said.
"Don't blame her for acting like that. She likes to see the good side in people, even the worst ones. That's just how she is, and it usually helps," said Springtrap.
"Well, it won't help me. There's no point in trying to make me a softy. Once we get out of here, I'm going to live in that house by myself, wether you like it or not!" Plushtrap told them.

Mangle looked at him, making that same sad face again.
Plushtrap looked at her, confused. "Why are you making that face?"
Springtrap sighed, "Look, Plushtrap. Before you immediately start deciding you'll live in that house alone, just...hang around here with us a little longer, and see what you think of us. If you start to like us and want to live with us instead, then we'll let you! But if you still don't, then we can still leave you in the house, like you want."
Plushtrap thought about it, and then said, "Alright fine! Right now, I'm not sure..."
Mangle hugged him again, "Yay! You still have time to think about it!"
Plushtrap squirmed in her arms, "Jeez, you hug a lot! How much has she hugged you, Springtrap?"
"Any chance she gets. It's too many times to count," Springtrap laughed. Suddenly, something came to his mind. He asked Plushtrap, "Hey, didn't you tell us yesterday, before we went to sleep, that we didn't kill all of the Nightmares?" Plushtrap tried to remember, and once he did, he nodded. "Yeah. And you wanna know who they are, right?"
"Yeah! Will you tell us? If it's important," said Springtrap.
"Yeah, it's definitely important. But I'll tell you guys once we get back to the others, it's easier if I just tell everyone when they're together," Plushtrap explained.
"Okey," Springtrap nodded.
"Um, are there a lot more of them?" Mangle asked.
Plushtrap shook his head, "No, just three. But they're the strongest, almost impossible to kill."
"ALMOST impossible?" said Springtrap.
"Yeah. They can be killed, but I have no clue how. We'll talk about it when we meet back up with the others," Plushtrap replied. Springtrap and Mangle just exchanged worried glances.

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