Chapter 11

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When Mangle and Baby made it back to the others, Baby's friends came over and hugged her.
"Baby! You're back!" said Funtime Freddy.
"Please don't run off again, we're sorry we all freaked out a while ago!" Ballora said.
"Yeah, we're alright now! Are you?" Funtime Foxy asked.
Baby nodded, "Yeah, I think so. Let's just forget about what happened and find something to do."
"Of course! That's a great idea. We're all just hanging out right now, talking about stuff. There's not really much to do," said Lolbit.
Baby thought for a moment, and then said, "Well, I am curious of what Springtrap and his other friends here are like at their pizzeria."
Mangle laughed, "Oh, it's crazy at our place! We'll tell you a bunch of things we do there."
"Yeah, we'll tell you about our other friends, too, they're great!" said Bonnie.
"Count me in!" Foxy said, joining in.

For the past two hours, they all talked about their friends, each other, and what happened in their pasts. Everyone chatted excitedly about it as if they were reliving those times again.
"Woah, Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie are getting married in a couple of weeks? Awesome!" said Lolbit.
"Yay! We'll get to see another wedding!" Ballora cheered, so did her Minerinnas.
"It would be cool to see you and Toy Bonnie play your guitars together, Bonnie," Funtime Freddy said, grinning.
"Yeah, we do that sometimes," said Bonnie.
"Hold up, you guys get to have PIZZA?! I mean, I know it's a pizza place, but I didn't know you guys could eat too! We haven't eaten in years! Now I'm starving!" said Funtime Foxy.
"Well, when you guys come home with us, you can have all the pizza you want!" Mangle laughed.
"You said that you, Bonnie, Chica, and Toy Chica can cook, right? That's awesome! I wanna learn how," said Lolbit.
"Great! We'll teach you," Mangle smiled.
"I can't wait to meet this Balloon Boy and J.J, we could all play together!" said one of the Bidybabs. The other Bidybabs, Minerinnas, and Bonbon and Bonnet nodded in agreement.
"You guys look like you would make good friends with them, but don't get too rowdy and crazy, the pizzeria will be even more packed soon," said Mangle.
"How many of us would there be?" Foxy asked.
"Uuuuh...thirty-seven of us, if Plushtrap came..." Mangle said, eyes widening. Everyone else's eyes widened too.
"Woah, that's a lot. Will there be enough room for everyone?" Funtime Foxy asked.
"Uh, there should be. We were able to have a lot more humans than that when we used to perform on stage," said Bonnie.
"Would everyone have a place to sleep?" Baby asked.
"Well, Freddy and Chica and I have the stage," said Bonnie.
"I have my cove," said Foxy.
"Golden Freddy, Springtrap, and I have the basement," said Mangle.
"Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, B.B, and J.J sleep in the back room," said Bonnie.
"And Puppet sleeps in his own box in Prize Corner," said Foxy.
Mangle nodded, "Yeah, we could still make more room. No one sleeps in the party rooms, but we can still make some more room in the basement and the back room. And someone can have my old room, Kids' Cove."
"We'll let you guys decide where to sleep when we get there," said Bonnie. Baby and her friends nodded.
"So what's Prize Corner?" Bonbon asked.
"It's this little area by the game area that has shelves with a bunch of plushies and toys of us on them. Puppet's box is by them, but no one else is aloud to go in it or mess with it," Mangle told them.
"There's toys too? Yay! Do we get to play with them?" A Bidybab asked. The Bidybabs and Minerinnas gave her puppy eyes.
Mangle smiled, "We'll see."
"Hey, you guys wanna explore the place? We could show you around," said Funtime Foxy.
"Sure," Bonnie shrugged.
"Yeah. We haven't seen everything here," said Mangle.
"I'll come!" said Foxy.
Funtime Foxy smiled and got up. "Great, let's go!" Everyone else got up and she lead the way.

While, Springtrap, Plushtrap, Goldie, and Yendo continued working on the elevator, Yendo sighed. "You guys wanna take a break?"
"But...the elevator...needs to be...fixed," Plushtrap panted, his hands hurting. Golden Freddy looked at him, frowning. "You okay there? You look tired..."
"I'm FINE. I'm not a wimp, let's just keep working," Plushtrap said, rolling his eyes.
Springtrap stopped and looked at him, "Sorry buddy, but it's about time we stop for a while. We need a break, we've been here forever."
Golden Freddy nodded, "Yeah, he's right. We'll pass out if we keep going. Let's go see what the others are up to."
"Pff, wimps..." Plushtrap muttered.
Springtrap shrugged, "Mk then. C'mon, guys, Plushtrap's got this. He seems like he can do it alone anyways."
Plushtrap stopped and glared at him. He sighed, "Alright, fine! Have it your way!" Springtrap grinned, "Great. Now let's go." They set the stuff down and started crawling through the vent.

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