Chapter 7

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"AH! Get off of me!" Springtrap grunted as he struggled to remove whatever had patched onto him.
"No! Leave now! Trespasser!" The thing growled at him as it kept hitting, kicking, and scratching him. But it didn't sound threatening, it's voice almost sounded like his, but a little more high pitched.
Springtrap kicked it off of him and stood up. He quickly grabbed his axe and stepped away from it.
"What the heck is going on in here?!" His brother yelled as he walked in, Mangle, Foxy, and Bonnie beside him.
"This-this thing attacked me!" Springtrap freaked out.
"I HAVE a NAME!" The creature said, stepping closer to him.
Springtrap raised his axe up, "Don't come any closer! I have an axe and I won't hesitate!"
He took a look at what it was suppose to be, and then his eyes widened with surprise, so did the others'.
It looked just like him, but he had sharp teeth and no colored eyes, and he was really small, about the size of a stuffed animal, and he had cuts and holes all over him.
"Aww," Mangle said, putting her hand on her chest. Foxy gagged.
"It looks...just like you..." said Goldie.
"Uh, yeah, those other creatures also looked like the rest of our friends," Springtrap said.
"Why is he so small?" Bonnie asked.
"Um...I don't know..." said Springtrap.
"He looks adorable!" Mangle squealed.
The small rabbit glared at her, "HEY! I AM NOT ADORABLE! TAKE THAT BACK YOU LIMP NOODLE!"
He ran towards Mangle, but Springtrap grabbed him and pinned him against the wall.
"Enh, let me go you PEASANT!" The creature demanded, kicking and squirming.
"Let's just kill it," said Foxy.
"I don't know, it doesn't look that threatening," said Goldie.
"We are NOT killing him! Just look at him, he's so cute and small! He can't hurt us! And maybe he can help us!" Mangle said.
"Yeah, Mangle has a point, he could be useful. Alright, little guy, what's your name?" Springtrap asked him.
"Plushtrap, the ALL MIGHTY PLUSHTRAP! Bow down to me!" Plushtrap demanded, spitting in Springtrap's face.
"The all mighty Plushtrap? That's what they call you?" questioned Golden Freddy. Suddenly, Nightmare Freddy crawled towards them and said, "Actually, no one calls him that..."
Goldie rolled his eyes and stabbed him through the head with a knife.
"Wa- you just KILLED him!" Plushtrap shouted.
"They tried to kill us!" exclaimed Bonnie.
"No, this is a good thing! That means I can rule over this entire house all by myself! And never be stepped upon again!" Plushtrap cheered.
Springtrap stared at him. "Really? THIS house? We just killed all of your friends, and you're happy about that? Why?"
"That's none of your business!" Plushtrap snapped at him.
Springtrap sighed, "Alright, how about this...We won't kill you, if you tell us about these...creatures. Are they important?"
"They were never important! All they did was scare Chris and give him nightmares, until he finally died!" Plushtrap told him.
Springtrap's eyebrows raised. "Chris? Is he one of Willam Afton's sons? Micheal's and Elizabeth's younger brother?"
Plushtrap nodded, "Yeah! He was an annoying kid, always scared and jumpy. It was fun scaring him though, but I hated when he would win. Wait, how do you know about the Afton family?"
"A friend told me about them and their lives here. He also told me about the Sister you know about that?" Springtrap asked him.
"Kinda. Why do you ask?" Plushtrap snarled at him.
"Because that's where we're trying to go, we know it's under this house, but we don't know how to get there. Do you?" Spring eyed him with hope.
"Yeah. But I won't tell you," Plushtrap grinned.
"Why that little-" Foxy was about to go punch him, but Bonnie held him back. Mangle came closer to Plushtrap and looked at him.
"Uh, Plushtrap, we really need to get underground. There are animatronics down there that might need help, they could've been desperately trying to escape for who knows how long! Look, Springy said we wouldn't kill you, and we WON'T. Please, if you know how to get there, we could really use your help, you won't even have to stay here! You could come live with us! You won't have to be alone!"
Golden Freddy's, Bonnie's, and Foxy's eyes widened.
"Wait, WHAT? Live with us? Uh, how about NO?" said Bonnie.
"Yeah, he'll try to kill us!" agreed Goldie.
"And so could the animatronics underground!" said Mangle. "But Plushtrap can't hurt us, and he doesn't have to! We could help him be good, like us!"
She turned back to Plushtrap, "Look, we'll give you something in return if you help us. Please? We really need this, you don't have to help us find them, just help us get inside! We'll be out of your hair then."
Plushtrap thought about it, and then sighed. "Alright, FINE! If that means you'll leave me alone. But I'm not gonna live with you, you're all annoying and you make me gag."
Mangle looked down, sad.
"And at least tell me your names," Plushtrap added.
"I'm Springtrap, this is my girlfriend, Mangle. That golden bear is my brother, Golden Freddy. That purple bunny is Bonnie, and the red fox is Foxy," Springtrap explained as he pointed to each of them.
Plushtrap nodded.
Springtrap put him down. "Okey, now show us the way."

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