Chapter 16

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     "I haven't always been a good person, Lolbit. Especially in the past..." Foxy looked down. "I try to forget about it, but that's impossible. I used to be a good person though, back in '87, when my friends and I performed on stage. It was only just us five at the time, but we were great friends, and...we still are. I used to like Chica, and I could tell she liked me too. We started hanging out a lot, and eventually started dating. But then, we were replaced by Puppet and his group. My friends and I didn't want to cause any violence, there wasn't any need for that, so we decided to get to know the new robots and make friends with them. Soon, our family became bigger, we all got along great, they even fixed us so we would work again. But...I suddenly started to grow feelings for TOY CHICA too...I wanted to go out with her badly, but I was still with Chica. I started to think that Toy Chica liked me too, but I knew she really didn't, but I refused to believe it...I tried to get close with her and make her like me, but she was more into Toy Bonnie. I tried to get her to pay more attention to me, but I tried too hard. She still liked Toy Bonnie, and that didn't change. I started to get angry and acted out on my friends, I was stressed and desperate."
"So, one night, when I got Toy Chica alone, I tried to kiss her, but she stopped me and told me that she was already dating Toy Bonnie. So, basically I tried to CHEAT on Chica. I tried to get her to change her mind and love me instead, but nothing worked. I got even more mad, and even got in a fight with Toy Bonnie, until everyone broke us up. Toy Chica and I had to explain what happened. Chica got upset and broke up with me, it was for the best, anyway. Almost everyone avoided me for a while, I didn't care at that point. I tried to act better though, I tried taking a break from girls, but then Mangle started talking to me. I instantly knew she liked me, but...I wasn't entirely sure if I felt the same way. I noticed that Bonnie and Chica started dating, and that...made me more desperate for a girlfriend again. So, I hung out with Mangle, a lot. She was amazing, and pretty...but that wasn't what I cared about. Then she got torn apart by a bunch of kids. That broke everyone's heart, but mostly hers. I don't really know what came over me at the time, but if I could change how I acted towards her and the others in the past, I definitely would. Once I saw her, I felt...disgusted...I...couldn't look at her the same way. And at the same time, I was...scared, because I thought she would...go full savage on all of us. And eventually that did happen, and she ended up murdering the first night guard. After that, she was kept locked in Kids Cove, and I know it wasn't her fault...but in the past, I couldn't see that. I was so focused on only what I wanted, and didn't even stop to think about her feelings. But, another reason I was scared was because...I went savage too, long before that. I too, murdered someone- a kid...I was so old and rusty at the time, but it was also because my friends and I were being possessed by those kids, and it made it hard for us to handle our emotions. I guess I just thought that...staying away from Mangle would be best."
"But then...shortly after the pizzeria had shut down, and we were able to roam freely, she tried to keep hanging out with me. But I stopped being around her completely, I didn't like looking at her...I didn't wanna be seen with her. I was such a jerk...Our friends and the employees did try to fix her at one point, but it was impossible for them, so they gave up. But our friends did try their best to make her feel better and be happy like she used to be, but she was really depressed. I didn't see it at the time, I never payed attention to how she felt, I didn't care. I wish I could've seen it though, my friends tried to help me see it, but I never listened to them...I started being REALLY horrible to her, I made fun of her and made her miserable. I hate myself for doing that, but I wasn't like how I am now. My friends hated me even more and made sure I wasn't anywhere near her, but I didn't stop. They even locked me in the back room a lot, but I never learned my lesson. I pestered her whenever we were alone, and when she tried to get away, I sometimes...even hurt her. And it didn't end...until Springtrap showed up, that is."
"And then what?" Lolbit wanted to know more.
Foxy sighed, "Golden Freddy and Puppet brought him back after several years. It took a while because he was really broken and damaged, and Purple Guy kept trying to come back. Once he was fixed and working again, everyone made friends with him. Except for me, I didn't like him a lot, because he started being nice to Mangle, they hung out a lot more. He knew how horrible I was to her, so he made sure I stayed away from Mangle. And then one night, he FIXED her! She looked JUST like how she was built in the 80s! We were all confused, because we couldn't find any of Mangle's other suits that were made for her, they were all gone! Springtrap said he found her old suit in a box that was hidden in a hole in the wall in a party room. Somehow, no one else noticed it, but he did. I was really surprised. I wanted to try having another shot with her, but I didn't even like her. I was again, desperate to have a girlfriend, because all of the girls were taken. But she wasn't, but I knew she hated me, because of how I treated her. She still avoided me, but I never left her alone. I tried so hard to get her to like me again, but she never did. I ended up almost getting into a fight with Springtrap, because I hated how much he protected her, I'm glad he did. But then, not too long after that, we actually DID get into a fight...a bloody one, but it was my fault, I attacked Mangle. I completely lost my temper and just wanted him gone, but he went CRAZY. I still fought him, but I didn't even realize that Purple Guy was controlling him- he didn't either! I wanted to give up at that point, because he was getting way too violent, but then he started to strangle me, almost killing me. Freddy knocked him out and we were both taken to the 'Parts and Service' room to get fixed."
"Once we were fixed, I stayed away from Mangle for a while. Puppet tried to get Springtrap and I to talk to each other and get along, but neither of us wanted to see each other after what happened. And then Springtrap got possessed by William again, and you already know the rest that's happened. After everything was normal again, I finally learned and realized that Mangle didn't like me, no one did. I saw how bad I was, I started to feel like crap. I felt bad for everything I've done, I still do! But Springtrap helped me see that it wasn't too late to change, so that's what I did. I kept avoiding Mangle for a while and let her have her space. I started being nicer to her and everyone else, it took a while until we all started getting along again. I still messed with Mangle and the others, but in a more light-hearted way, instead. Puppet helped me with my anger problems, and now I can control myself and try to solve things without violence. The past year had been awesome! I've felt a lot happier and I've changed, everyone loved me again. We had great times, we still do...but I can't help but still feel bad about my past, what I was like. I wish I could change it, but I know I can't. I couldn't even sleep because I can't stop thinking about it! I'm not that desperate for girls anymore, but it still makes me sad to see that some of my friends are in a relationship...and I'm not. would just feel nice to have what they have...But I know I never will, I've learned to accept it. I don't deserve it! Even if I'm a better person, no one would like me for how I was like years ago! It's just how it is...I can't have a all..."
When he was done explaining, Lolbit sat in silence, thinking about everything he's told her. When she's thought of something to say, she looked back at him. "Wow, that must've been rough for you guys. I'm glad you told me, because you guys are some interesting characters. My friends and I have never been through anything like THAT before! I'm also glad that we're getting to know each other while we're stuck down here, because that must mean you guys are trusting us and warming up to us. It feels nice to have others like us trust us, Elizabeth doesn't, she really hates us. We trust you guys too, we're really grateful that you're getting us out. But we've learned from our pasts, we came to realize that we would've never hurt anyone intentionally, unless they started a fight. We weren't in control at the time, but now we are, and we know what we really would've done, if we wanted to. But our pasts are different from yours, you've learned from yours too, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve love. I bet if you were given just one more chance, it would've worked out for you. But don't be too hard on yourself, everyone still loves you, right? That's all that matters now, don't worry about the past, it's done and over with. You can always start new. But, if you're really struggling, always ask for help, your friends seem great, I bet they would still help you. I would! Maybe I could..."
Foxy frowned, "How?"
"However you want me to, but, nothing crazy, of course. And I can see why you're having a hard time getting a girlfriend, after what happened with you and Funtime Foxy. You're still a little desperate, but you haven't really tried a lot. It seems like you've given up, but you still seem hopeful. I could help you get a girl, if you want."
Foxy shrugged, "Thanks, but I'm not really sure, it doesn't really matter anyway...But, who here would even wanna date me?"
"I dunno, we can find out though. And you're right, it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend or not. But if you still really want one, then you'll need some help. I think I can help," Lolbit smiled.
Foxy thought about it for a minute, and then he said, "Eh, okey. I guess I'll give it one more try. But when, though?"
Lolbit replied, "Well, maybe not now, you shouldn't be focused on this too much. Let's go see what Baby and the others are up to on the stage, you need some people surrounding you and making you happy! I know Funtime Freddy and I are REALLY good at that! C'mon!" "Alright, sure," Foxy said as they started getting up.

Once they've made it over to the stage, they got on it and sat with their friends, who were still playing cards. Bonbon laughed, "Ha! I won AGAIN!"
Funtime Freddy looked at him, shocked, "WHAT? HOW?! There's no way you're just that quickly good at it!"
"Actually, there IS. I just happen to be better than you guys!" Bonbon said, smirking.
"You've gotta be cheating somehow," said one of the Bidybabs.
"I'm not, really! I'm just really good," Bonbon said, crossing his arms.
"What're you guys playing?" asked Lolbit.
"Just this card game Funtime Freddy found called 'Old Maid', it's really fun! You should play with us," said Funtime Foxy.
"I'm gonna stop since BONBON over here won't stop winning!" Bonnet said, glaring at him. "Oh, so I'm the bad guy now?" Bonbon said, glaring back at her.
"I'll stop too, I'm getting a little bored," said a Minerinna.
Lolbit nudged Foxy, grinning, "Hey, looks like we get to play now! You wanna try it?"
Foxy nodded, "Sure, I play games with my friends a lot, even card games. It's more like a competition."
"Alright then. We're joining!" Lolbit said. They sat in a circle with Funtime Freddy, Bonbon, Funtime Foxy, Baby, Ballora, and the Bidybab.
Bonbon put his cards back. "I'll take a break and let you guys get used to the game. Wouldn't want me beating you on your first try!"
"Yeah, good idea," said Ballora. They played cards, talked, and hung out for a while, until Springtrap, Golden Freddy, and Yendo came back. Baby was the first to notice them. "Hey look, they're back!"
She and the others looked over at them as they approached them and got on the stage with them.
"You guys were gone for a while!" said Funtime Foxy.
"Yeah, and I see you've found some weapons in the Breaker room," Funtime Freddy said, looking at the stuff they had in their hands, which were crowbars, knives, and some strange blueprints they haven't seen before.
Ballora frowned, "What are those blueprints?"
"We've been digging around a lot, and we found these. And Yendo's told Springtrap and I some pretty interesting stuff about them," Golden Freddy replied. They sat with the others and set the stuff down.
"Like what?" Funtime Freddy asked.
"Well, take a look at them," Yendo said as he spread the papers out for everyone to see. On the first blueprint was a picture of how Baby was built, the other ones had the rest of her friends on them.
Yendo pointed to Baby's stomach on the picture, in her stomach was what looked like a little claw hand. "You see that? That's what you used to take out some ice cream, so you could lure a child to it, and then kidnap and kill them, but you're the only one that has it." Baby nodded, remembering.
"But what about the rest of us?" Funtime Foxy asked.
"All of our memory cards in our heads were made to make us think we needed to take kids. We weren't able to decide anything else, we were only forced to do just that. We just killed kids without knowing how wrong it was, we weren't programmed for anything else," Yendo replied.
"Oh, I get it...But, I never knew that!" Ballora said, shocked.
"None of us ever knew. The only reasons why they're not working is because one: They're messed up, and two: There aren't any human kids around," said Yendo.
"We need to fix your memory cards and take out Baby's claw hand thingy," Golden Freddy said.
"Good! I want this thing out of me!" said Baby.
"And I don't wanna think about murdering kids!" said Funtime Freddy. Everyone else nodded.
"Don't worry, we'll fix you guys. But not tonight, maybe we'll do it the next night. Right now, we just wanna chill, if that's cool," said Springtrap.
"Okey! We're playing this card game right now, we've been playing for a while. You guys wanna play?" Funtime Freddy asked.
"I'll give it a try," said Golden Freddy.
"Sure, me too," said Yendo. Ballora and the Bidybab got up so they could sit in their spots. Lolbit looked at Springtrap, "What about you, Springtrap?"
"Maybe later. D'you know where Mangle, Plushtrap, and Bonnie are at?"
"They went to go get Plushtrap fixed. They should be in the 'Parts and Service' room," Funtime Foxy replied.
"Mk. I'm gonna go see them for a bit," Springtrap said, he then started to walk away.
"Wait, you're already leaving again? You're not gonna take a break?" Goldie asked, frowning at him.
"I'll be back, don't worry about me," Springtrap said, getting off the stage. He walked back to the broken window and climbed back through it...

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