Chapter 8

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Springtrap immediately recognized Baby, his eyes widened. "That's her! That's Circus Baby! The one I told you guys about!"
The others continued staring at them in awe.
"Woah, they look pretty cool," said Bonnie.
"PRETTY cool? Just look at the vixen over there! She looks amazing!" Foxy grinned.
"Why does she look a lot like me?" Mangle asked.
"Maybe you guys are related," Springtrap joked.
"I can't believe it...we actually FOUND them! And it wasn't even that hard! They've been sitting here all these years, not even turned on!" said Golden Freddy.
"Then let's turn them back on!" Foxy said as he started approaching the vixen.
"Wait, Foxy, we still need to be careful. We don't know if they're dangerous or not," Goldie said.
"Then we'll just have to see for ourselves. If they do start attacking us, we still got our weapons!" said Springtrap.
"Okey then," Goldie shrugged.
Foxy looked at him with a smug grin before switching on the vixen.
The vixen slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Her eyes widened when she saw Foxy standing in front of her.
"H-hi," Foxy waved, blushing.
She gasped, frightened, and punched him in the stomach. He groaned and fell on the floor.
Golden Freddy rolled his eyes and turned on the white and purple Freddy and his hand-puppet. They both woke up and looked at Goldie.
The Freddy smiled and said, "Hey, look! Another Freddy!"
He hugged Golden Freddy tightly, crushing him.
Mangle turned on the ballerina and stepped back. The ballerina woke up and looked at her, "Oh, hey Funtime Foxy!"
Mangle looked at her, confused. "Uh, no, that's not me. I'm that her over there?"
Mangle pointed towards the vixen that was glaring down at Foxy.
The ballerina's face lit up, "It is her! Wait...then who are YOU?" She looked at Mangle, confused.

*Just so ya know, Ballora can open her eyes in the story, cus...I dunno, she just CAN lol.*

     "Don't worry, we won't hurt you guys, we came to save you!" Mangle told her. The ballerina looked over at Baby and gasped. "Circus Baby! Someone wake her up!"
"I got it," Springtrap climbed on the stage and stood in front of her. He pressed the button on the back of her neck and waited.
Once Baby woke up, she looked around, confused. When she saw Springtrap, her eyes widened.
"Uuh...hi," Springtrap said, waving.
Baby gasped, jumped off the stage, and ran off in terror, until she was nowhere to be seen.
Springtrap just stared at her with a puzzled look. "W-was it something I said?"
"No, they just hate us," Foxy said as he got up.
The vixen approached Springtrap and started shaking him, yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, AFTON? HUH? DID YOU COME TO TEAR US APART TOO?" Springtrap backed away, shocked. "W-what? No! I'm not Afton! He's gone!"
"Lies!" said the ballerina.
"Let's get 'em, Ballora!" The vixen shouted.
"Bonbon and I are joining!" said the Freddy.
"Wait, guys, stop! You don't understand! Let us explain!" Goldie stood in front of them. He, Mangle, Foxy, Bonnie, and Plushtrap stood around Springtrap, shielding him.
"Why are you guys protecting him? He killed innocent children!" said the vixen.
"He only created us so we could kidnap kids!" said the Freddy.
"His own children died because of what he's done!" said the ballerina.
"No, wait! Just let us explain, please!" Golden Freddy begged them.
"Why?" The vixen asked.
"Because you don't know everything that's happened!" Goldie told them.
"It's true!" joined Mangle, "If this was Afton, his eyes would be glowing purple-but they're not! And we wouldn't be protecting him, for sure! We would be trying to kill him too!"
The Freddy, vixen, and ballerina looked at each other, unsure if they should believe them.
"Just hear us out, please...Springtrap isn't a bad person, none of us are!" said Golden Freddy.

They thought about it for a moment, and then the vixen sighed, "Fine, we're listening." The Freddy and ballerina nodded.
"THANK you. Okey, first off, we should introduce each other first, because we're gonna need to get to know you guys before we decide if we should trust you, too. I'm Golden Freddy, Springtrap's brother," Goldie said.
"I'm Mangle, his girlfriend," Mangle grinned, wrapping her arm around Springtrap.
"I'm Bonnie," Bonnie waved.
"I'm Foxy the PIRATE!" Foxy exclaimed with pride.
"And I'm Plushtrap, I helped them get here. And DON'T ask why I'm SHORT!" Plushtrap said, glaring at them.
"Oki-doki then. I'm Funtime Freddy, this is Bonbon!" Funtime Freddy said, smiling. Bonbon waved, "Hello."
"I'm Funtime Foxy. Don't mess with me," the vixen growled.
"And I'm Ballora! The one that just ran off was Circus Baby," said Ballora.
"Yeah, we already know a little bit about her. Now how much do you guys know about William Afton?" Golden Freddy asked them.
"Well, we know he created us in 1982, but only to kidnap and kill kids..." Funtime Freddy said, lowering his head.
"Yeah, but we also performed on stage too. We sung songs, entertained and played with the kids! It was really fun, it's all over..." Bonbon said, feeling sad.
"We also know that William had three kids, but I can't remember their names. But I know two of them didn't survive here..." said Ballora.
Springtrap frowned, "Was one of them a little girl named Elizabeth?"
Ballora nodded, "Yeah! That was her! Baby...well, killed her, but...she was MADE to do that! It wasn't her fault! It was neither of their faults, but Elizabeth loved her too much, and Baby just couldn't control herself...she had NO control at all! None of us did, we never even WANTED to do it, but we were forced to...I just don't understand why William was like that..."
"He was insane, Ballors', any insane person who loves killing kids would for sure do the same, if they were also good at mechanics..." said Funtime Foxy.
Springtrap continued, "Okey...And the second child was Micheal, the older brother. My friend told me he came here to set Elizabeth's soul free from Baby's body, because he knew she was trapped in her, plus he was having hallucinations and nightmares about her. He did die here, but did he succeed in freeing her?"
Funtime Foxy sighed, "No, he didn't, but he tried really hard. We were forced to try to kill him so he wouldn't be able to set her soul free...which he wasn't. She's still trapped in our friend, she's been for a long time. She's possessed Baby so many times to try to kill us for the things we've done, but we would always just knock her out and keep her locked in the 'Parts and Service' room for a while, we had to! We didn't know what else to do, we still don't!"
Springtrap nodded. "And what happened to Micheal when he died? Did anyone find his body?"

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