Chapter 12

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"Springtrap!" Mangle called out as she crawled though the vent. When she got out, she noticed Springtrap coming out of the other vent from Ballora Gallery.
"Mangle?" Springtrap said as he crawled out and got up. Plushtrap, Golden Freddy, and Yendo were behind him.
"We've been looking for you guys! Where's everyone else?" Goldie asked.
"Everyone's in 'Funtime Auditorium', but something happened to Baby! She's in trouble!" Mangle said, panicked.
"What? What happened?" Springtrap asked.
"Just come on!" Mangle said as she started crawling back through the vent. Springtrap, Plushtrap, Goldie, and Yendo followed behind. Once they've gotten out, they ran over to the others, but then stopped and their eyes widened. What they saw in front of them was Baby attacking her own friends, and theirs. Some were laying on the ground, hurt. She jumped on Funtime Foxy and started hitting her, Funtime Freddy ran over to them and yanked Baby off by the back of her shirt.
"Oh no..." said Yendo.
Springtrap looked at him, "Is that Elizabeth?" Yendo nodded.
"I do not like the sight of her eyes..." said Plushtrap.
"I-I didn't know THIS happened! When I was in here, Baby was trapped in the 'Parts and Service' room, and we think something must've attacked her, because we heard a loud crash. It must've been Elizabeth..." Mangle said.
"Well then we need to stop her, NOW," said Golden Freddy.

Springtrap, Golden Freddy, and Yendo went to go help fight off Elizabeth, while Mangle and Plushtrap went over to some of their friends and started helping them up. They got most of their friends huddled into a corner, while Foxy, Bonnie, Funtime Freddy, Golden Freddy, Springtrap, Plushtrap, Yendo, and Lolbit still fought off Elizabeth. Elizabeth jumped on Funtime Freddy and bit his arm, Yendo and Golden Freddy grabbed her and pulled her off of him. She pulled away from them and ran at Foxy, but he kicked her away. Plushtrap climbed on her back and bit her shoulder, she screamed in pain and tried to get him off of her, but he clutched on to her tightly.
"Guys, try not to kill her or injure her too badly, Baby's still in there!" said Funtime Freddy.
"How did this even happen?!" Springtrap asked.
"We're not really sure, we're guessing that when Baby was alone, Elizabeth got her chance and took over her!" Funtime Freddy said.
"We haven't even figured out how to get her out yet!" said Golden Freddy.
"We told you this would happen at random times!" said Funtime Freddy.
"Then how do we make sure it WON'T happen again?" Plushtrap asked, jumping off of Elizabeth and stepping back from her.
"Literally all we've done that's worked was make sure Baby wasn't alone, but she always kept running and hiding from us, thinking it'll protect us and make things better. But it's only made it WORSE!" Yendo replied.
Elizabeth jumped on top of Yendo and tried to strangle him. Springtrap, Goldie, and Bonnie ran over to her and tried pulling her off, but she held onto him tightly. Once they've finally gotten her off, they threw her on the ground and kept their distance.
"Haven't you guys been watching her?" Golden Freddy asked Funtime Freddy.
"We have! But the second all of our backs were turned, she was gone! I wasn't expecting her to run off again!" He replied.
"I don't think any of us were expecting it, we were all surprised!" said Lolbit.

They all circled around Elizabeth, making sure she didn't go past them. She looked at them and growled in anger.
"Elizabeth, just give it up already! We're not trying to hurt anybody!" Lolbit said.
"Well, nothing's really changed because it's already been over THIRTY YEARS and you STILL haven't been able to kill us! What's taken ya so long? Huh?" Lolbit said, taunting her.
Elizabeth glared at her. "You wanna know why it's taking me so long? It's because of your friend, BABY. She's been keeping me away every time she's around you guys! It's because of the disgusting happiness she feels around you! She only feels safe and secure when she's with you guys, but a part of her still thinks it's dangerous, which it is, because I still try to take over her! She thinks you guys have all the answers and can figure things out for her, but really, you guys have NOTHING. You'll never get rid of me, anything you try will never work, because there IS NO WAY to make me leave!"
Everyone was silent, they looked at her, surprised.
Springtrap stared at her, "So that's it, then? You're just going to keep us down here and torment us until we're dead? What will you do after that, though? Just suffer down here alone? You said there isn't a way for you to leave, but have you even tried?"
Elizabeth came closer to him and whispered, "I've tried SO HARD to get out of here, but I COULD NEVER DO IT, I still CAN'T! And even if I could, I won't until I know you're ALL dead. And it WILL change something, it means no one else will die from you're disgusting, bloody, robotic hands! And once I do kill everyone here, I'll leave and find you're OTHER friends. Yeah, I know about them too! I'll destroy them, and then find a way out of Baby. And if I can't...I guess I'll just find more bad people and make them suffer too."
Springtrap glared at her, but then grinned and said, "Wow, you remind me of your Dad a LOT...And, aren't you suppose to be the sweet one? I guess that's not you anymore, you just wanna kill us and then go around and kill other people too. That's exactly what William wanted to do, but he didn't care if they were bad people or not. Don't you see how much you've become like him? You'll become a murderer! And all for something that's happened more than THIRTY YEARS AGO. Hey, there's another thing you have in common with him! You both want REVENGE for something that's happened WAY in the past!"
Elizabeth went silent, and then she stared at him with anger and rage. Without hesitation, she pounced on him and started hitting and scratching him.
Goldie, Plushtrap, Yendo, Funtime Freddy, Lolbit, Foxy, and Bonnie all started running towards her, but she teleported herself and Springtrap to Ballora Gallery. She slammed him against the wall and held her hands tightly around his neck.
Springtrap continued grinning and laughed, choking, "W-wow, like Father, like Daughter, huh?"
"SHUT UP!" Elizabeth screamed. She threw him on the floor and walked towards him. Springtrap sat up and crawled backwards from her.
Elizabeth huffed, "I'll kill you first, just to make you shut up!"
"Why, though? Is it because I'm right? Have you realized that all this time you've been becoming like him, but you just didn't want to admit it? William's the one that made us! He MADE Baby and her friends to kidnap children, it's him you should blame!" Springtrap said.
Elizabeth got on top of him and grabbed him by the neck. "I thought I told you to NEVER mention him AGAIN?!"
"S-so you ARE too guilty to admit it?" Springtrap said. He started gasping for air as Elizabeth started choking him. He tried pulling her hands away, but she was too strong.

Just when he was about done for, Funtime Foxy came up behind her and hit her head forcefully with a bat. She fell to the floor, unconscious. Springtrap got up, coughing. He looked at her, surprised. "Where the heck did you come from?"
"The Breaker room. While you guys were handling her, I snuck there to get the bat. And then I saw you two appear in here, so I took my chance," Funtime Foxy replied.
Springtrap nodded. "Oh...thanks. Let's get Baby and go back to the others."
"Good idea!" said Funtime Foxy. After he wiped the blood from his face, Springtrap picked up Baby and they headed back to the vent.
Spring frowned and asked, " are we going to get her through the vent?"
"I'll go first, and then you'll put her in and push her through to the other side, I'll pull her out," Funtime Foxy replied.
"Is this what you guys have had to do?" Springtrap asked.
Funtime Foxy nodded, "Yep. It was pretty tiring..."
She got inside the vent and started crawling through it. Once she made it back into the Control Module, she waited for him. Springtrap put Baby in the vent feet first and started pushing her through. Funtime Foxy crawled back in, grabbed her legs, and started pulling her towards her. Once she had Baby out with her, Springtrap crawled through next and came out beside them.
"Alright, I'll go get the others here so we can go back to the Circus Gallery, wait here," Funtime Foxy said. Springtrap nodded.
After she went through the other vent and let everyone know what happened, they all took turns crawling back in the vent to her and Springtrap. Then they went through the vent to the Circus Control room, and then back to Circus Gallery. Funtime Foxy and Springtrap followed behind with Baby. Once they were all in the room together, Funtime Foxy sat down on the stage, holding Baby, with the rest of her friends by her.
"I hope she's okay..." said Ballora.
"She doesn't usually get damaged from the bat, so she'll be alright. She might not remember what happened, though," Funtime Foxy said.
"So...what now?" Golden Freddy asked.
"We could talk about what just happened," said Funtime Freddy.
"What is there to say? Baby got possessed by Elizabeth and attacked us again, that's it! Just the same old thing that's been happening to us for years..." said Funtime Foxy.
"We need to keep a closer eye on her! We let her run off way too easily! She can't be alone!" Yendo said.
"Yeah, this is our fault anyway. Until we find a way to get rid of Elizabeth, we need to watch for Baby!" said Lolbit.
"But you heard what Elizabeth said, there ISN'T a way to make her leave..." Funtime Freddy said to her.
"Unless we kill Baby, though..." Foxy added.
"Which we WON'T do," Golden Freddy said.
"There's GOTTA be some way to free her, and I'm sure there is, but I don't think she even knows it," said Springtrap.
"You could be right...But we don't even know what it is!" Goldie said.
"Then we'll figure it out while we're still down here!" said Funtime Foxy.
"Speaking of being down here, if Elizabeth REALLY doesn't want us to leave, then she's gonna make sure there's no way out of here at all. Which means that she'll probably keep messing up the elevator the more we try to fix it," Plushtrap said.
Everyone looked down and sighed.
"Well then...I guess we can just stay here and...try to stay calm while we think of a way to save Elizabeth and Baby..." Goldie said. No one said anything else.

Everyone spent the last hour hanging out and sitting around quietly until they decided to get some rest. Ballora and her Minerinnas went to Ballora Gallery, Funtime Freddy, Funtime Foxy, Bonbon, and Bonnet shared her cove in Funtime Auditorium, and Lolbit, Yendo, Baby, and her Bidybabs shared the stage in Circus Gallery. Springtrap and his friends went back to the elevator and sat in there huddled together.
"I really hope we get out of here soon..." said Foxy.
"Yeah, I miss Chica...and her pizza..." said Bonnie.
Foxy's stomach growled. "Oh great, now I want some!"
"Don't worry guys, we'll be out of here soon..." Goldie said.
Mangle looked up at Springtrap and asked, "Do you think Puppet will come for us?"
Springtrap sighed, "I'm not sure, I don't even know if he knows where the house is at...if he does come, he would have to find his way to us, and when he does, he would be stuck down here with us and wouldn't be able to get us out because of Elizabeth..."
"I said in the note for him to watch the others, in case anything happens while we're gone, I know he wouldn't just leave them," said Golden Freddy.
"Plus, he would be putting himself in danger if he did," Plushtrap said. They all looked at him.
"What do you mean by that?" Goldie asked.
"He probably means that humans would see him," Foxy said.
"Well, not just that...but something else," said Plushtrap.
"Like what?" Springtrap asked, raising an eyebrow.
Plushtrap yawned, "Um, the others..."
"What others?" Golden Freddy asked.
Plushtrap sighed, "You didn't...kill all the...nightmares..." Then he fell asleep.
The others looked at each other.
"So there's MORE of them?" Bonnie whispered.
"How many more are we going to have to kill?!" Foxy said.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow night, let's just sleep," said Springtrap. They all quit talking and fell fast asleep...

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