Chapter 6

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WARNING: This chapter has a lot of violence in it, sooo you can skip it if you want.

"Are we there yet?" Foxy asked as they continued walking.
"Um, I'm not sure yet..." Springtrap replied as he kept following the shadow figure.
It looked like it was trying to lead them to where they needed to go, and it seemed to know where it was going too. But only Springtrap could see it, unlike his friends.
But Spring had a feeling that he had to follow it, it kept popping up everywhere he went and would try leading them a different way. One that was the right way, he had hoped.
It didn't look, or even seem to be threatening either, it just watched them and made sure they followed, like it was a dog that wanted to show them a bone.
"Uh, how do you know we're going the right way?" Golden Freddy asked.
Springtrap wasn't sure how to answer that, he sighed.
"Gut feeling. The house should be this way, we should be getting close. I can only try to remember, based off of my dream."
"Take your time," Goldie nodded.
"Man, it's so weird being out here, we don't usually stay out this long..." said Bonnie.
"Yeah, this is pretty new. We finally get to go somewhere else instead of being stuck in the pizzeria," Mangle said.
"Are we there yet?" Foxy asked again.
"Nope," Springtrap replied.
They continued walking in silence and didn't think of anything else to say.
The cold air made Mangle shiver, Bonnie and Goldie looked around to see if they were being watched or not.
"Are we there now?" Foxy asked for the third time. Springtrap sighed again.
He stopped and turned around to look at Foxy.
"I swear, if you ask that again, I will take this flashlight and bonk you in your other eye with it so you'd need to wear TWO eyepatches!"
Foxy gulped and shut his mouth.
Once they took a left turn on a long road, they followed it until they reached a small area with a few trees surrounding it.
They walked through and came face to face with a house...THE house.
"That's it, right?" Golden Freddy perked up.
Springtrap nodded, "Yep, here we are."
He looked around and noticed that the shadow figure was gone.
Bonnie sighed with relief, "Finally, my back is killing me."
"The walk back home should be just as fun," Mangle said with sarcasm.
They approached closer to the house until they were inches away from the front door.
Springtrap tried opening it, but it was locked.
He held up the axe he had in his hands and broke the doorknob off, making the door crack open.
"Alright, let's be careful before we walk in, we don't know if something will jump at us or not," whispered Golden Freddy.
They all nodded and slowly followed Spring inside. Golden Freddy felt around for a light switch and flicked it on. To their surprise, it still worked just fine.
"The lights here still work? Hasn't it been, like...over thirty years since people lived here and used the electricity?" Bonnie asked.
Springtrap shrugged, "I guess so. But I don't think they'll stay for long, I can see them flickering a little."
Mangle sighed, "Great. I hate flickering lights. Hey, Foxy? Remember that time when you guys PRANKED me and my friends with those flickering lights? When you scared us half to death?"
Foxy chuckled, "Oh yeah, I remember that! Ah, good times."
Mangle growled and elbowed him in the ribs, he squealed and fell on the floor, groaning.
"Guys, guys, you can try to kill each other later. Right now we need to find a way to get underground to them," said Springtrap.
"Well, I think we should look around first to see if we can find anything important," Goldie said to him.
Springtrap nodded, "Good idea."
The five of them started searching the filthy and cluttered place, moving things around and knocking stuff over.

     They spent almost an hour of looking, but no one found anything. They all met up in the living room.
"I don't know about you guys, but I didn't find anything that looked useful at all..." said Bonnie.
"Same here, all I found were old toys, books, and furniture, but not a single one contained anything that would come to use," added Goldie.
"Yeah, there's not really a lot of stuff here, this place is mostly just a junkyard," Mangle said as she looked around.
"Sooo are we going to find a way to get to the underground then, or what?" Foxy asked.
"I mean, sure, let's go ahead and do it. But there's gotta be something here that'll help us," Springtrap said as he searched some more.
"Hey Springtrap, what's that by your foot?" Goldie asked, pointing to it. Springtrap frowned and looked down by his left foot and noticed a little stuffy laying by it.
He picked it up and took a closer look, and then his eyes widened.
It was the Circus Baby plushie.
"Wait, isn't that the plushie you showed us?" frowned Bonnie.
"Yeah, I didn't see you having it in your hand when we were walking..." said Mangle, confused.
"That's because I WASN'T holding it, I didn't even bring it with me! I left it under the stairs...Did one of you bring it?" Springtrap asked them, to which they all shook their heads in response.
"That's really weird, how did it get here? There's no way it just WALKED here all on its own!" said Goldie.
"Heh, that would be funny if it did," Foxy snickered.
"Okey then...Well, it shouldn't be a big deal, it's just a doll. I'll just keep it with me until we get home," said Springtrap.
Suddenly, they all heard a low growl.
Mangle gasped and hugged Springtrap, nearly crushing him.
"W-What was that?"
"Oh good, I'm not the only one that heard it...but uh...what is it?" Foxy asked, nervous.
They all looked around, but didn't see anything, or anyone, but each other.
"Um, guys, I'm starting to have a feeling we're not the only ones here..." said Goldie.
"Uh, yeah, I'm getting that same feeling too," said Springtrap. Everyone else nodded.
They started hearing more low growls around them, and they all immediately huddled together, getting their weapons ready.
Bonnie slowly backed up, but then bumped into something behind him.
He slowly turned around, and what he saw in front of him made his eyes go so wide they stuck out of his head.
It was a bigger version of Foxy, but he had holes all over him, he had sharp claws and teeth and glowing yellow eyes with dark circles around them.
"F-Foxy? What happened to you?!" Bonnie shook.
"What? What are you talking about? I'm over here!" Foxy called out, stepping beside him.
Once he noticed the bigger version of him standing in front of them, his eye widened too. The thing screamed in their faces and knocked Bonnie to the floor, and pinned Foxy to the wall.
Everyone else yelled, terrified at what they had just watched.
Suddenly, more bigger and scarier versions of them came closer to them from the darkness, surrounding them. They all looked like Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, Mangle (except she was broken), and Balloon Boy, but they were all bigger and had sharp teeth and claws, too.

Nightmare Freddy lunged at Goldie, Nightmare Chica got on top of Bonnie and started hitting him, Nightmare Bonnie grabbed Springtrap by the neck and held him up against the wall, and Nightmare Mangle wrapped herself around Mangle and held her up in the air and started scratching her.

Springtrap took his axe and swung it in the back of Nightmare Bonnie's head, making him fall to the floor, unconscious. Nightmare Freddy scratched Golden Freddy's chest and punched his chin, Goldie slammed his head against his and stabbed him in the eye with his flashlight. He kicked Nightmare Freddy off of him, but he tried to grab him again and hold him down.

Springtrap came up behind him and swung the axe in his back. Goldie pushed Nightmare Freddy off and stood up. While Mangle was still being held up in the air, tied up, she bit the endoskeleton head's neck and ripped it out of Nightmare Mangle.

Nightmare Mangle screamed and tried to bite her, but Springtrap grabbed her by her foot and yanked her to the ground, releasing Mangle. Mangle got up, took Springtrap's axe from his hands, and chopped her head off.
Spring stared at the dead Nightmare Mangle, and then at normal Mangle, with wide eyes.
"Well god dang..."

Suddenly, Nightmare Balloon Boy jumped at Springtrap from behind and they both fell to the floor, fighting. Nightmare B.B tried to bite him, but Spring grabbed his head and held his mouth open, but was unable to fight back.
Nightmare B.B started scratching him, but Mangle grabbed him by the back of his neck and threw him at Nightmare Chica, who fell off of Bonnie.

Mangle helped Spring up and they both helped Bonnie with Nightmare Chica. Springtrap held her down while Bonnie punched and kicked her, and then stabbed his machete through her head. When Nightmare B.B tried to get back up, Mangle grabbed Springtrap's axe again and chopped his head off, but his bottom jaw stayed.

Nightmare Foxy cut Foxy's ear and shoulder with his hook, and then he tried to take out his eye, but Foxy grabbed him around the waist and forced him on the ground, and started punching and cutting him. Nightmare Foxy grabbed his left arm, but Foxy stabbed him in the chest with his hook.

Foxy got up, but then Nightmare Foxy quickly got up and knocked him to the ground. He tried to pick up Foxy, but Golden Freddy came up behind him and swung a bat to his head. Once he fell motionless, Goldie helped Foxy up and walked over to the others. They all looked around at the creatures' bodies.

"I think that's all of them," Springtrap panted.
But he spoke too soon.
Before they knew it, they were jumped by two more animatronics, but they looked different as well.
They looked similar to Bonnie and Chica, but they were an orange-brownish color, their names were Jack-o Bonnie and Jack-o Chica.
Jack-o Chica scratched Mangle's cheek, Mangle bit her shoulder, then Jack-o Chica shoved her to the ground.
Springtrap grabbed her from behind and held her in a headlock, while Foxy punched and stabbed her.
Jack-o Bonnie punched Goldie, Bonnie grabbed him by his ears and stabbed the machete through his neck, making him release Goldie.
He helped Goldie up and then helped Springtrap and Foxy with Jack-o Chica. Once they had killed her, they all sat down to catch their breaths, all covered in sweat and oil.
"Okey, that SHOULD be all of them..." Springtrap said, sighing.
"Is everyone alright?" Goldie asked. Everyone nodded.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just got attacked by a big scary version of my WIFE, that's all," said Bonnie, dramatically.
"Jeesh, and I thought Chica was scary," muttered Foxy.
"We all need bandages, we've been damaged pretty badly," Mangle said, holding her bleeding arm.
"Well what are we gonna use? We didn't even bring anything!" said Foxy. Springtrap stood up from the torn up couch and looked at it.
"We could...use some pieces from this couch and the curtains, and those blankets from the bedrooms."
The others looked at each other and nodded.
"Alright then, let's do it before we bleed out," said Goldie.
They all got up and started making bandages for their wounds.
Springtrap went into a bedroom and started ripping up a blanket, until something jumped him and they both fell to the ground...

I hate not posting in several days, but I couldn't stahp watching Netflix and YouTube :(

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