Chapter 9

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"What? No! No way!" said Funtime Foxy.
"We are NOT killing our friend!" Funtime Freddy said to him.
"We'll have to, if we're not able to get rid of Elizabeth! We can't just leave Baby down here alone, and that would be one of the ways to set Elizabeth free, if there ISN'T any other way! Neither of them shouldn't suffer down here, but they won't if we find another way to get rid of her!" Springtrap explained to them.
Funtime Foxy sighed, "You have a point there...Then, we just need to try as hard as we can for her!"
Funtime Freddy nodded, "Yeah, they both deserve freedom, Elizabeth should be put to rest and Baby won't have to suffer anymore."
Springtrap nodded too, "Right. Now let's go find your other three friends."
"Everyone should stay here and wait, we don't want too many of us going. I'll go with Springtrap, Funtime Foxy can lead the way," said Golden Freddy.
"I'm coming too, and you can't stop me!" Mangle said while smiling, joining his side.
Goldie shrugged. "Eh, okey. Lead us the way, Funtime Foxy."

He, Springtrap, and Mangle followed Funtime Foxy back to the broken window and they crawled through it, back to the Circus Control room. They went through the vent until they reached the Control Module and they followed her through the right vent inside a room called Funtime Auditorium, then they broke open a door and stepped inside.
"This is the room. There they are!" Funtime Foxy pointed to three animatronics that sat on a table, not moving. One of them was a pink rabbit that was also a hand puppet, just like Bonbon. Her cheeks were a darker pink and her eyes were green, she wore a red bow tie. The animatronic sitting beside her was a vixen that looked just like Funtime Foxy, except her colors were white and orange instead. Her cheeks, lips, and bow tie were purple, and her eyes looked just like Golden Freddy's, she also had a hook on her right hand. The third animatronic sitting to her right was a bear, who was wearing no suit. Only his bare endoskeleton covered in wires showed. His eyes glowed yellow.
"These are some interesting characters," Golden Freddy's eyebrows raised.
"Let's shut them on!" Funtime Foxy said as she ran over to the white and orange fox and switched her on. Springtrap and Goldie turned on the bear and pink rabbit.
Once they all woke up, they looked around, confused, and then they noticed Funtime Foxy, Springtrap, Golden Freddy, and Mangle.
When the orange and white fox saw Funtime Foxy, she gasped, "FUNTIME FOXY!!!"
She got up and they both hugged each other tightly.
"Lolbit! It's so good to see you again!" said Funtime Foxy. They hugged the pink bunny and grey bear, then Funtime Foxy introduced Goldie and Springtrap and Mangle.
"That's Golden Freddy, that's his brother, Springtrap, and that's Spring's girlfriend, Mangle! These guys, and three of their other friends, came to rescue us! We're going to live with them!"
The orange and white fox, whose name was Lolbit, looked at her, confused, "Wait, what? We're doing what? What's going on? C'mon, we just woke up, you're gonna have to explain more than just that! And isn't Springtrap William Afton or something?"
"No, but we will explain once we get back to the others. The rest of our friends are fine, they're all just hanging out right now. Now guys, this is Lolbit, my best friend, the pink bunny is Bonnet, Bonbon's sister, and the bear is Yendo. He's fine without a suit, don't worry. Now let's go!" Funtime Foxy said excitedly, grabbing Lolbit's hand and dragging her back to the others.
Mangle picked up Bonnet and followed behind, and so did Yendo, Springtrap, and Golden Freddy.

     "So uh, do you live with them too, Plushtrap?" Bonbon asked him as they stood observing both groups.
"No, they found me when they were in Afton's old house, killing those Nightmare animatronics- which attacked them. It was a pretty interesting meet, though. I was attacking Springtrap 'cause I thought he was intruding, which they kinda were," Plushtrap replied.
"Oh. I remember the Nightmares, we don't know much about them, but Baby told us who they were. Aren't you one, too?" Bonbon asked him curiously.
"Yeah, but I'm waaay better than those fart-nuggets. I'm here because I knew where the elevator was that leads to here, and they were constantly begging for my help, so I took them here. But we shouldn't be here for long. Once we get back to the surface, you guys will be leaving, and I will be staying at the house, alone and happy. It's better that way, their other friends probably wouldn't want a Nightmare living with them anyway," shrugged Plushtrap.
"Hm. Well...You don't really know that. And what's so great about being alone, with no one to talk to or hang out with?" Bonbon asked. "I can't imagine that..."
"I won't get bothered by anyone anymore! For years, those turd-wipes have been huge jerks, bossing me around, and being...annoying! It would be nice to be alone for once, because I'd finally get to do my own thing and not have to worry about following orders 24/7!" Plushtrap complained.
"Well, I wouldn't be like that to you, and I don't think the others would too. They seem nice, you seem nice, we're ALL nice! I think we could all make good friends. Why don't you get to know us more and see if you would wanna come with us or not?" Bonbon suggested to him.
Funtime Freddy overheard their conversation and approached them to add, "Yeah, the Nightmares are gone. We could be better friends to you than they ever were! Plus, I'm great with jokes!"
Plushtrap didn't say anything else, he just shrugged and rolled his eyes. Suddenly, they and everyone else heard Funtime Foxy shouting, "WE'RE BAAAACK! WE FOUND THEM! WE HAVE ALL OF OUR FRIENDS NOW!"
Everyone ran over to her and the others and circled around them.
"It's Lolbit, Bonnet, and Yendo! They're back! Heck yeah!" Funtime Freddy shouted. He, Bonbon, the Bidybabs and Minerinnas all started hugging them.
"Alright, we're gonna have to tell them what we were all talking about a few minutes ago, because they don't know a single thing that's going on, or remember what's happened the past...while," said Funtime Foxy.
Everyone groaned.
"Aw man! We should've gotten them before explaining everything!" said Foxy.
"Oh boy...Welp, anyone can sit down if they want to, 'cause we're gonna be here for a while," said Golden Freddy.
"Let's wait until Ballora comes back, because we didn't tell her everything either," said Funtime Foxy.
Everyone sat down and waited, until she came back a couple minutes later. "Alright, I've told Baby everything we've talked about, but she won't come back until Springtrap comes see her and talk to her."
Springtrap nodded, "Okey, I'll go, but you'll have to show me where she's at."
Golden Freddy got up, "Hey, I'll come too and watch you guys, just in case anything happens."
Ballora nodded, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We couldn't even stay in a room alone with her without Elizabeth possessing her and trying to kill us, so come on."
Golden Freddy got up and walked with them out of the room.

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