Chapter 19

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"Elizabeth, stop!" Yendo said as he tried to hold her back from everyone else. She bit his arm and shoved him off, then she jumped on Foxy. Lolbit went over to help him.
"Are we seriously doing this again?" Plushtrap said, rubbing his eyes.
"We're gonna have to if we don't want our friends to die!" Springtrap said as he ran over at Elizabeth and tackled her.
"But I'm still tired though," Plushtrap said as he went over to help them.
Golden Freddy helped Yendo up and said, "We're all tired! And we weren't expecting this to happen so quick, too!"
Foxy got up, "This better be the last time we're fighting her! I'll go get the chair..."
"Get off of me!" Elizabeth said as she pulled at Springtrap's ear. He tried holding her down, but she kicked him off of her and got back up.
"Elizabeth, this has to end at some point!" Springtrap said as he stood up.
"This WILL end once you all are dead!" Elizabeth shouted.
"And how long will it be until you've killed us all? You're not the only strong one here, you know! There's over twenty of us against you, we're gonna be here for a while!" Springtrap said.
"I don't CARE! I'll take all of you out no matter how long it takes!" Elizabeth growled.
Lolbit sighed, annoyed. "C'mon, this is starting to get old. Just give it up already! You're not going to stop, but neither are we! You've been beaten countless times over the years, you're obviously not cut out for this."
Elizabeth glared at her and shoved her against the wall. "Well, it seems like you guys aren't cut out for this either. You're all tired and you look like you're about to pass out, which is why I came at this time, so you would all be too weak and tired to fight me. I'll have a BETTER chance against you!"
"Baby, if you're in there, we could REALLY use your help right now!" Lolbit said, trying to get out of her grasp.

When Elizabeth wasn't looking, Springtrap, Golden Freddy, and Yendo grabbed her from behind and pulled her away from Lolbit. They held her down in the chair that Foxy brought out and tied her up with ropes and cords. She screamed and struggled hard to break free, but nothing worked.
"LET ME GO! ALL OF YOU!!!" Elizabeth screeched.
"Heh, good one," Foxy said, rolling his eye. He and Golden Freddy held the chair down so she wouldn't try to fall over.
"Stop fighting, Elizabeth, you're becoming like your DAD!" Springtrap said to her.
"She already is..." Plushtrap muttered.
Elizabeth growled again with anger and frustration. "NO I'M NOT! I'M NOTHING LIKE HIM! HE WAS A KILLER, BUT I'M NOT!"
"You WILL be if you kill US! Murdering us for revenge is still murdering us! You even said that you'll just continue killing more people if you're stuck inside of Baby, that would make you a MURDERER, just like he was!" Goldie said.
"NO ONE has to suffer, Elizabeth, including you! There IS a way for you to leave, but you're the only one that can do it! If you don't get out of her body, you're both going to suffer down here. No one will get out of here alive unless you give in and let us go!" Springtrap told her.
He knelt down to make eye level with her and said, "We don't wanna fight you, Elizabeth, but you're giving us no choice but to do that since you won't stop attacking us! We're not going to kill you, because there's a way for both of you to be free! Plus, Baby would die as well. Please, don't be like your Father, he was a horrible person! You're being a horrible person by trying to murder us! We're REALLY not what you think we are, you're letting your past get in the way. Don't let it control you and make you do things you'll regret..."

Elizabeth went silent, she looked away from him, still mad. Suddenly, she lifted her head back up and looked to her left. Her eyes went wide. The others looked at her, confused, and then looked at what she was looking at. Their eyes widened, too. It was the Circus Baby plushie, laying on the floor a few feet away from them.
"What the..." said Foxy.
"Wait, didn't you leave that back in the house, Springtrap?" asked Golden Freddy.
"I, uh...yeah..." Springtrap replied, shocked.
Funtime Foxy looked at him, "Wait, you guys knew about that plushie?"
"Yeah...H-how did it get here?" Mangle asked.
Without warning, Elizabeth snapped the ropes and cords to pieces and jumped up out of the chair. She started running towards the plushie as fast as she could, but Springtrap beat her to it and scooped up the plush from the ground.
She stopped and stared at him in anger and surprise. "Give. It. TO ME!"
"Why should I?" Springtrap said, glaring at her. She started walking towards him, but he held up the plushie and pulled at its arm. "Don't come any closer, or I'll rip it to pieces!" Springtrap threatened.
Elizabeth stepped back, glaring at him with fury. "Don't. You. DARE!!!"
The others started walking towards her, but Springtrap held his hand up for them to stop. "Guys, don't go near her. Just hold on a minute."
Golden Freddy looked at him, surprised. "Are you kidding me? She could KILL you!"
Springtrap looked back at Elizabeth. "Look, I know this belongs to you. I'll give it back, IF you promise not to kill us, just let us go!"
"Do you really THINK I'll believe that?" Elizabeth snarled.
"No, but what else would I do with it? Throw it out? Rip it apart? Its rightful owner is still here, so I could just return it to them, if they don't kill me and my friends. Just stay where you're at and I won't rip it up, I really don't wanna have to do that..." Springtrap said.
"Wouldn't that make her even angrier, though?" asked Foxy.
"Probably, but all she has to do is keep her distance and nothing will happen to it. I promise I'll give it back, Elizabeth, just get out of Baby's body and let us all go!" Springtrap said to her.
"No, YOU'RE the one that's suffering, Elizabeth. You're the only child left that's stuck inside of an animatronic! Every kid that's been murdered by William is free, they've been free for a long time! They all left after they got their revenge on him for killing them!" Springtrap told her.
"And now I'M going to get my revenge on ALL OF YOU for killing me and the children here! I may be the only one left, but I still got some unfinished business!" Elizabeth said.
"Unfinished business that doesn't even MATTER anymore! You're taking your anger out on the wrong people, we were all just animatronics that were only made to entertain children at the time, YOUR DAD was the one that did this to you! He created Baby and her friends to kidnap kids and KILL them! He never wanted YOU to go near them, though, because he didn't want to lose you! But it was too late, you got trapped with Baby and now look where you're at! You're blaming us for the things we couldn't control all those years ago, it would've been different if we could!" Springtrap said.
Elizabeth glared at him with balled up fists and clenched teeth. "But...he made her just for ME...Why would he make a killing machine for me? Why would he make any of them for the kids?"
"Because he was INSANE, Elizabeth, he was OBSESSED with it! If he was still here today, none of us would be here to save you! The reason why you keep failing to kill us, is because WE'RE not the ones you should be after! You're only here to get rid of us, when we've done horrible things that we had NO control over! The one you SHOULD'VE been after was William, but he's already gone! We've already taken care of him! You shouldn't be scared or worried about any more kids getting murdered by him, because he's never coming back. Yes, kids get killed every day, it happens, but we have no control over it! People try to stop it from happening every day, but it never stops. Life is scary, and not everyone is careful. All we can do is try to help, but not everyone is able to do that..." Springtrap said, looking down.
Tears stung Elizabeth's eyes. She was quiet for a moment, and then she said, "Why is life like this? Why can't kids just be left alone?"
Springtrap sighed, "I...don't know. But, at least you won't have to suffer anymore, all you have to do is free yourself from Baby, you would be doing both you and her a favor."
"B-but...where would I go?" Elizabeth sniffed.
"Well, no one would know until they get there. I bet your Mom and your brothers are missing you, though," Springtrap said, smiling.
"But...h-how do I-I leave?" Elizabeth asked, a tear falling down her face.
"Just...Let us go, let Baby go. You don't have to control her, you don't have to keep holding on. Let go of the past, let everything go..." said Springtrap.
Elizabeth sniffed, "C-can I have my plushie?"
"Uh...yeah, sure," Springtrap hesitated before handing her the plushie. Elizabeth took it and hugged it, then she looked up at him. He smiled nervously. Elizabeth smiled back, but then her expression quickly changed back to anger. She growled and grabbed him by his chest and pulled him closer to her. The others gasped and were about to approach her, but then she hugged him, crying. Springtrap's eyes widened, he looked at her, surprised.
"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything!" Elizabeth cried, hugging him tightly.
He rubbed her back, "It's okey, Elizabeth, I forgive you."
Everyone else nodded with agreement. They went over to the two and hugged them.
"It's going to be okey, Elizabeth," Ballora said.
"Yeah, you don't have to feel any more pain. Just rest," said Funtime Foxy.
"Thanks for understanding," said Golden Freddy.
"We hope you go to a better place!" Mangle said.
"Especially a place better than this," said Plushtrap.
Once they were done hugging, everyone stepped away from Elizabeth to give her some space.
"Alright, you ready to go?" Springtrap asked her.
Elizabeth nodded her head, "Yeah, I think so. the elevator working for you you can leave. And Golden Freddy's teleporting powers should be back. Again, I really am sorry for all of the pain I've caused you guys, I was just angry a lot of pain. Now that I look at all of you, you really don't seem so bad after Father really is to blame. But I hope you guys have a good life, especially Baby and her friends."
"Aw, thanks!" Ballora said, tears stinging her eyes.
"We hope you have a good after-life," said Lolbit.
"Yeah. We're happy that you understand now. I know it must've been really hard..." said Golden Freddy.
"And speaking of Baby, did she forgive you?" Springtrap asked.
"Yeah, she has. She's gonna let me leave her body now...Well, was nice fighting with you guys," Elizabeth half smiled.
Foxy laughed, "It was nice fighting with you too, mate!" Lolbit punched his arm, laughing.
"Bye, Elizabeth," Mangle said, smiling at her.
"Bye, everyone. Hopefully we won't meet again, hehe..." Elizabeth laughed.
"Yeah, hopefully," said Plushtrap.
Everyone waved goodbye to her before she slowly started rising from Baby's body. Both of their bodies turned glowy white, Elizabeth's eyes turned bright green and white as her spirit lifted above everyone. She held the plushie tight in her arms, smiling, and then she disappeared into a bunch of white sparks and dust.

     "Okey, is everyone ready to go?" Goldie asked. Everyone nodded.
"Since you can teleport again, wouldn't you be able to just poof us out of here?" Plushtrap asked.
"Well, they're not fully back yet, it'll take time. But we still got the elevator though," Goldie replied. Plushtrap nodded.
"Man, a part of me is actually gonna miss this place," said Funtime Foxy.
"Well, I won't miss it one bit," Baby said.
"Glad to see you in a good mood, Baby," Lolbit smiled.
Baby hugged Springtrap, "Thanks for being here for me."
Springtrap smiled, "Thanks for not giving up. You did great, fighting back Elizabeth. She's gone now."
"Heh, believe me, I tried hard. But it looks like I didn't have to fight a lot, Elizabeth actually gave in and let us leave. I feel better now," Baby said, smiling.
Springtrap patted her back, "Great. Don't stop being a fighter, Baby. There's no reason for you to stop, and there's nothing about you that's weak."
"Thanks," said Baby.
She hugged Mangle next, "You too, you were so nice to me!"
"And I'll keep being nice to you!" Mangle laughed.
"I'm so glad this is all over. Once we get home, I'm going to sleep!" Bonnie said, yawning.
"Same here, we really shouldn't be awake right now, but we can't be here much longer either, so let's get out of here," said Golden Freddy. Everyone climbed through the vent to the elevator. Once they were all inside, Plushtrap pressed the button, and up they went.
Mangle hugged Springtrap tightly. "I don't care what Puppet says, we're not taking them back."
"You're dang right we aren't, we came all the way here, wearing our legs out. I'm not sure how much longer I can stand," said Springtrap.
"So, have you guys ever seen the outside world?" Plushtrap asked Baby and her friends.
"Uh, I think I remember seeing it through the windows when we used to be in a pizzeria, but I don't really remember it much," said Funtime Freddy.
"Me neither. But we'll get to see it now!" said Funtime Foxy, the rest of their friends agreed.
"Have you ever been outside, Plushtrap?" Bonbon asked him.
"No, I've only seen it through the windows too. It looks alright, it's nothing new," Plushtrap replied. Everyone talked the whole time they were in the elevator, sharing memories they had or could be having in the future.
Mangle looked up at Springtrap, still hugging him, and asked, "Hey Springy, where do you think Elizabeth could be right now?"
"With her Mom and brothers," said Springtrap.
"But WHERE though? In heaven?" Mangle asked.
Springtrap shrugged, "Maybe, we'll never know."
"Where do you think we'll go when we die?" Mangle asked him.
Springtrap looked at her and said, "I have no idea. Hopefully a good place, too. We shouldn't worry about that because it's gonna take us years to rot and turn to dust. We can live longer than humans, so we can still live out a happy life. Especially with new friends."
" you think more spirits will keep coming after us?" Mangle asked him.
Springtrap didn't know how to reply to that. It could happen, will it? He just sighed and said, "Mangle, you ask too many questions." ...

Sorry I've been gone. I've been ignoring writing for a bit, and I've been kinda lost...And sorry if it's a bit rushed, I don't wanna make this story too long, but the last chapter will be coming really soon.

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