Chapter 2

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     Mangle, Chica, Toy Chica, and J.J were all sitting on the roof, in the cold air, feeling relaxed. Mangle was doing J.J's hair while she colored some drawings she made, while Chica and Toy Chica talked about wedding plans and other stuff.
"Are you excited?" Chica asked her.
"Uh, yeah, but also kinda nervous...I don't really know a lot about this stuff," Toy Chica told her.
"That's alright, I was nervous too when Bonnie and I were getting married! But there's nothing to be scared or worried about, we can handle this," Chica said. Toy Chica nodded.
Chica looked over at Mangle. "So when are you and SPRINGY getting married, Mangle?"
J.J giggled, Mangle looked at Chica, surprised. "Um, I don't know...we're talking about this now?"
Chica laughed, "I was just curious, I'm sure it'll happen some day..."

When Mangle was done braiding J.J's hair, J.J sat up and held a drawing in front of her face.
"Look at what I drew, Mangle!"
Mangle smiled and took the drawing and looked at it. It was a picture of a little girl with red hair tied in pig tails, she wore a pink button-up shirt with a blue skirt, her eyes were green and she wore a red bow on the top of her head.
Mangle frowned, "Who is this, J.J?"
J.J shrugged. "Dunno, I just had a dream about her a couple of days ago, I haven't seen her again..."
Toy Chica laughed, "Maybe she's your 'guardian angel' or something."
Chica rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, they heard a voice call out, "GIRLS!"
"What was that?" Chica asked.
"That sounded like Foxy, let's go see what he wants," Mangle said as she got up. J.J, Chica, and Toy Chica got up and the four of them walked to the edge of the roof and looked down at Foxy, who was looking a little a panicked.
"What is it, Foxy? Can't you see we're busy?" Toy Chica asked him.
Foxy panted, "You guys have to come inside NOW. There's something you need to see! It's important!"
Chica raised an eyebrow. "Really? Like what? Why is it so important?"
"I-it's hard to explain, and I can't show you, you have to come look for yourself! Hurry!" Foxy ran inside.
Toy Chica sighed, "I guess we should go check it out, I bet it's SO important."
"Wait, but what about this?" Chica asked.
"It's fine, Chica, we can have a girls' night another time, I'm getting kinda hungry anyway. Let's go get some pizza while we're in there," T.C said.
Chica sighed, but followed her off the roof, along with Mangle and J.J.

"Alright, What is it that you wanted to show us?" Mangle asked as they stepped inside the pizzeria, but Foxy was nowhere to be seen.
"Foxy?" Mangle looked around. The girls did as well, but didn't see anyone in the restaurant.
"Where is everyone?" J.J asked.
"Probably HIDING from us," Chica said sarcastically.
"Whatever, let's go get something to eat!" said Toy Chica.
"Eh, alright," Mangle shrugged. They walked their way to the kitchen, but then heard a crash in the arcade room. Chica jumped, J.J gasped.
"What was THAT?" Chica asked, shakily.
"Ugh, I'll go check it out, you guys start making the pizza," T.C told them, and then she walked off to the arcade room.
When Mangle, Chica, and J.J made it to the kitchen, they started taking out the stuff to make the pizza.
"The guys are probably messing with us or something," Mangle said.
"That's mean, we were having fun earlier!" said J.J.
"Well, we don't really KNOW if it's them, something could've just fallen!" Chica told them.
Suddenly, they heard Toy Chica screaming. They all left the kitchen and ran towards the arcade room.
When they came in, they saw Toy Chica on the ground, looking petrified.
Chica gasped. "T.C!" They ran over to her and helped her up.
"What happened? What is it?" Mangle asked her.
Toy Chica replied in a shaky voice, "I-it was a s-spider! It c-crawled up my arm!"
Chica and Mangle looked at each other, they knew how much Toy Chica hated spiders.
"Hey, don't worry! Spiders can't hurt you, no bugs can hurt us! We're robots!" Mangle told her.
"Yeah, but they still look scary!" T.C said.
Chica rubbed her back, "Hey, everything's gonna be fine, it's gone now! Let's go make that pizza!"
Toy Chica nodded and they left the arcade room.
"Did you check out what happened in the arcade room?" Mangle asked her.
"Yeah, an arcade machine fell. Maybe Freddy or someone will fix it..." T.C replied.
"Wait, an arcade machine just fell all by itself? How is that possible?" Chica asked.
"It's not, someone must've knocked it over, just to mess with us or something. Anyway, we should start looking for the guys, they've been gone for a little while  now and we should start looking for them, because this is getting ridiculous," Mangle said.
"But what about the pizza?" J.J asked.
"Sorry J.J, it's gonna have to wait, but we'll get to it later though," Chica assured her.
Suddenly, the lights started flickering. Chica sighed, "Great. Now what?"
"Either there's something wrong with the lights, or we're just being messed with," Mangle told them.
"Let's go check the generator," said Toy Chica.
They began walking towards the back room to check the generator, but then they started hearing low growling. J.J gasped and hugged Toy Chica close.
"Alright, who's messing with us? Come out now!" Mangle demanded, looking around.
"Seriously, this isn't funny. If you think this is funny in any way, then you're crazy!" said Toy Chica.
Then the lights completely shut off. The girls gasped in fear.
The growling got louder, then more growls and snarls joined in. The girls huddled together and hugged each other tightly.
"We're not kidding! This really isn't funny! Just stop, we didn't do anything!" Mangle yelled.
Suddenly, all the lights went back on, but as they did, a horn was blown loudly in their faces. The girls all screamed and fell to the floor. When they looked up, they saw all of the guys standing around them, laughing.
Foxy was holding an air horn.
"Oh man! That was HILARIOUS!" said Toy Freddy.
"Yeah, did you see their faces? That was priceless!" Toy Freddy laughed.
"Huh, I guess it wouldn't be so bad after all! Gosh, that was funny at the end," said Freddy.
The girls stared at all of them in both shock and anger, they all got up.
Foxy laughed, "Oh boy, best prank ever-"
Mangle slapped him. She glared at him with anger.
"No, it WASN'T the best prank ever! You scared the CRAP out of us!"
"Hehe, well, not LITERALLY," Springtrap told her. Mangle stared at him. "Springtrap, why would you guys do this? This wasn't funny at all!"
"Oh come on, it was a little funny! At least no one got hurt!" Springtrap said.
"Yeah, good thing no one did! Because if any of my girls got hurt, you guys would wish you have never even thought of this stupid idea!" Mangle said with her voiced raised.
"Hey, we didn't come up with this prank, it was all Foxy! He told us his plan and convinced us to help him with it," Bonnie told her.
"Not surprising. But it's still all your faults for even doing it with him! You could've decided not to do it, but guess what? YOU DIDN'T," Toy Chica said to them.
"We were bored! There was nothing else to do! We thought you guys would find it funny and not be THIS mad, but I guess we were wrong..." said Golden Freddy.
"Yeah, we just wanted to have some fun, but we would've never agreed to hurt you!" said Freddy.
"Good, because once we prank YOU GUYS, it WILL hurt! So you all better prepare yourselves. Actually, don't, because then it wouldn't be as funny," Mangle told them. All of the guys exchanged worried glances.
"Don't EVER do this again, alright? We're serious, this actually scared us! You could've pulled a less scary prank on us, but no, it just HAD to be this one!" said Chica.
"Alright, we won't. Sorry! It was a jerk move," Bonnie said as he hugged her.
"Yeah, it was. Look, we get that you guys are bored and were just trying to find something to do, but it didn't have to be this! You could've come hang out with us, even if we were having our own little night together, we could've cancelled it or something. But why did it have to be TODAY? You guys could've done this another time, but it's been done now, and you're NOT doing it again," Toy Chica told them.
"We won't. We're keeping our word. Right, Foxy?" Freddy said, turning to him. Foxy sighed, "Oh alright. Sorry we scared you...and made you mad..."
"I guess we can forgive you, unless you decide to do it again. We won't tell Puppet, but that doesn't mean we're gonna let you guys get away with this," Mangle said to them.
She turned to Chica and Toy Chica and J.J. "You guys wanna go back on the roof again? There's still some time left before we have to go to sleep."
The three of them nodded and walked with her back outside.
Golden Freddy sighed, "Welp, that happened..."
"Looks like it wasn't as funny as we thought..." Freddy said.
"Yeah, I guess I can agree with that. Let's try pulling a prank on them that won't make them as mad as they just were a few seconds ago," said Foxy.
"Alright, but I'm not joining in on it, I have my own pranks I'll do on my own. But if you prank me, I will literally kick your butt," Springtrap told him.
Foxy looked at him nervously.
Freddy sighed deeply. "Okey, let's fix the pizza for everyone, so they won't have to. Who's helping me?"
"I will," Bonnie said.
"Me too," said Toy Bonnie.
Freddy nodded, "Okey, that's all we need. You guys come with me to the kitchen." Bonnie and Toy Bonnie nodded and followed him.
Golden Freddy looked at Springtrap, "Hey, have you seen Puppet anywhere?"
Springtrap shook his head, "No, why?"
"It's just weird, he's been gone for a while, and we don't even know where he is! You wanna help me look for him?"
Springtrap shrugged. "Sure."
They began going around the pizzeria, searching for Puppet, while everyone else sat around and chilled for a bit.

Wow, This chapter was pretty long, meh. I've made chapters longer than this, if you've read the first story. Which I hope you have, cus if you didn't...whY? Also, wUbbA lUbbA dUb DuB!

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