Chapter 3

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     The next night, Mangle sat in Kids' Cove, coloring with J.J, until J.J left to go get some pizza. Mangle stayed and looked at the drawings J.J made.
"Heya, Mango."
Mangle's ears perked up. She turned around and saw Springtrap, standing in the doorway.
She raised an eyebrow, "MANGO? Really?"
Springtrap smirked, "Come on, it was all I could think of!"
He walked over to her and sat down beside her. "Watcha doin'?"
"Just hanging out with J.J. Chica and T.C are hanging out with their boyfriend, or husband. I didn't really know what else to do...What have you been doing? Planning your next prank with Foxy?" Mangle asked, not looking at him.
Springtrap scoffed, "Come on, that was the first, and LAST time I did a prank with him! And I'm sorry! I'll never get involved with another one of his pranks, I swear! I got my own pranks to do anyway, but, you know, just small ones instead."
Mangle sighed, "That's great, Springtrap, but you guys still ruined our night, you know we don't like being disturbed! I don't bother you when you're with your friends!"
"I don't bother you when you're with your friends either! That was the ONLY time I did it! I saw how upset you got, so I won't do it again, really! Let's just forget this ever even happened and put it all behind us! If you want revenge, I'll let you punch me or something. Go on, I'm okay with it," Springtrap said to her.
Mangle didn't say anything, she still didn't look at him.
Springtrap grinned. "Oh, that's right, you're too nice to do something like that! You would NEVER do it, you're too scared!"
Mangle glared at him, but then smiled and said, "Come here."
Springtrap grinned more and leaned closer to her. Mangle placed her hand on his cheek and touched noses with him.
They were about to kiss, but then Mangle shoved him on the ground, smirking. Springtrap sat up and stared at her in shock as she started laughing.
"Wow, now THAT was funny! Look at your face! You actually fell for it! You poor thing! Haha!"
Springtrap smirked and got up. He picked her up and swung her around, making her dizzy.
Mangle giggled, "Ah! Okey, that's enough! I'm getting a little dizzy!"
Springtrap held her upside down and dragged her around the room, she laughed more.
"Okey! Let me go! I've had enough!"
Spring picked her up again and kissed her, and then he set her back down on her feet.
Mangle blushed. "You deserved that, you know..."
"Yeah, and you deserved to be dragged all over the room," Springtrap said, grinning at her.
Mangle rolled her eyes, and then asked, "Toy Freddy told me you and Goldie were looking for Puppet. Did you guys find him?"
"Yeah, he was outside...but he was just standing there, looking up at the sky...weird. We don't know why he was out there, it's probably not important," Springtrap told her.
"Oh, okey. You wanna go get some pizza? I'm getting hungry," Mangle said to him.
"Sure, but I gotta go do something first," Springtrap said.
Mangle nodded and they left the room.

     Springtrap went in the "Parts and Service" room and walked down the steps to the basement. When he was in the room, he walked over to a box of junk and started digging in it.
"Come on, where is it?" he searched around, a little frantic.
Suddenly, he heard a loud thump from under the stairs. Springtrap slowly got up and looked at the steps. There was something sticking out from under one of them.
Springtrap grabbed his axe and slowly started approaching it.
As he came closer, he noticed it was a little white arm.
He knelt down and carefully picked it up. He stood up and looked at it, it was a doll. The doll had red pigtails, green eyes, and wore a red dress, it had an unsettling smile on its face.
Springtrap frowned, "Where did this come from?"
He's never seen it before. He checked under the stairs to see if there was anything else, but there wasn't.
Springtrap hid the plushie back under the stairs and walked back out to eat with the others.

     After everyone was finished eating, Springtrap was about to go back in the basement to get the plushie, but then Golden Freddy approached him.
"Hey, we're all about to go play the arcade games for a while, you wanna join?"
"Uh, yeah, maybe later. I gotta do something first, I'll be back," Springtrap told him.
"Alright," Goldie nodded and walked off.
Springtrap entered the "Parts and Service" room, went down the basement, grabbed the plushie, and headed his way to Puppet's box.
When he made it there, Springtrap hesitated before knocking on it.
After a few seconds, Puppet came out and looked up at Springtrap.
"O-oh, hey Springtrap! What have you been up to?"
Springtrap held up the plushie for him to see it, and asked, "Um, you know what-or, who this is?"
Puppet looked at the plushie, but quickly frowned. He looked around to see if anyone was watching them, and when no one wasn't, he looked back at Springtrap.
"Don't show that out in the open! No one can know about that thing! Where did you even find it?"
"I...found it under the stairs in the basement...why can't no one know about it?" Springtrap asked, frowning at him.
"Look, I can't explain it, just give it to me, I'll take care of it," Puppet said, reaching out his hand.
Springtrap slowly backed away a couple steps.
"No...I wanna know why this is so important! Why can't anyone find out about this? Why can't I can't know about it? Look, you haven't really been around a lot, and that's not really like you...Is there something you're not telling us? I'm not giving it to you unless you tell me what's going on."
Puppet looked down and sighed. "Alright, fine. Follow me..."
Puppet climbed out of his box and lead Springtrap to the back room.
Once they'd made it, Puppet closed the door.
"We need to be somewhere quiet and alone, so no one can hear our conversation," Puppet told him.
"Okey. Now tell me EVERYTHING you know about this thing," Springtrap said, holding up the plushie.
Puppet sighed deeply, "Okey, if you really want to know everything, fine. That plushie used to belong to Purple Guy's daughter, Elizabeth. It's name is Circus Baby..."
Springtrap's eyes widened, "C-Circus Baby...Elizabeth...Purple Guy's DAUGHTER? He had a KID? He had a FAMILY?!"
"Yep...he had a wife, an older son named Michael, Elizabeth was the middle child, and a younger son whose name I don't know. Purple Guy's real name was William Afton. They weren't always a happy family...they slowly fell apart. Michael, who was sixteen, dealt with anger problems and just...wasn't a good kid. Afton and his wife argued a lot, as well. The younger brother, who was ten, was a very quiet, and...scared kid. Elizabeth, who was eleven, was sweet, there wasn't really anything wrong with her. There wasn't anything wrong with any of the kids, actually..." Puppet said.
Springtrap nodded, "Oh, Okey...but what about Circus Baby? Who's that?"
"She's...WAS another animatronic, just like you guys. Look, you and your brother weren't the first animatronics that were built, there were robots that existed before you two did. Back in 1982, Afton's first pizzeria, 'Circus Baby's Pizza World', was built, and Baby and her friends were placed on their very own stages. I don't know their names, but I know there were about three or four that performed with her. They entertained children, just like you guys used to. But Circus Baby was made just for Elizabeth, other kids could play with her too, but she was mostly made for Afton's daughter. But then William started programming the robots to kidnap kids, to...well, you know. He knew that Baby would do the same to his daughter if she went anywhere near her, so he made sure that Elizabeth stayed away from Baby as much as possible. But...Elizabeth just loved the robot too much, she didn't want to be away from her, she didn't understand why she had to keep away from her all of a sudden..." Puppet sighed.
"She went back to her...didn't she?" Springtrap asked.
"Yep. When her Father wasn't around, she approached the animatronic one last time...before it killed her. I don't know how, but it happened so fast. The place was immediately shut down...the whole family was miserable. William kept that plushie in memory of her. The younger brother was afraid of animatronics since then, Michael got worse and started bullying him constantly. A year later, you and Golden Freddy and 'Fredbear's Family Diner' were built. It was a success for a while, but Afton still murdered kids without anyone knowing. The younger brother didn't like you or your brother, because you guys reminded him of what had happened to his sister, he even started having nightmares a lot. But then one day, when he and Michael were in the pizzeria with their Dad, Michael and his friends grabbed the kid. They picked him up, carried him over to your brother...and...when his mouth was open..."
"They...killed him, didn't they? They put him in Goldie's mouth?" Springtrap asked him.
Puppet slowly nodded, "Yeah, he was sent to the hospital and slipped into a coma. He died a few days later. It wasn't Golden Freddy's fault though, you guys were only programmed to move and talk, you weren't able to control it at the time."
"Oh...Wait, how come Goldie and I don't remember any of that happening?" Springtrap asked.
"I erased that part of your memories, so neither of you would remember that horrible time...Anyway, Michael went into a deep depression, but then he started having hallucinations about his sister and the animatronics. He went down to this place underground, called the 'Sister Location', to try to find her and set her free. Um, I'm not sure if he succeeded, but he did die on his last night there... Afton murdered his wife when she found out about the killings, and then he continued his killing spree for several more years, until he died in your suit. The animatronics? I have no idea what happened to them, they could still be trapped down there, who knows? They need to stay down there anyway, all they were programmed to do is kidnap and kill kids, they don't perform anymore, they haven't for a long time...And I don't know how the doll got here, I guess we'll bury it, or throw it away..."
"No, I'll keep it until I figure out what to do with it. do you know all of this? And why didn't you tell us?" Springtrap questioned.
"I've been having dreams about it- nightmares, actually. It's been happening for about a month, and then I started hallucinating the family. I tried to reach out to one of the kids to get more information about them and their family, but nothing I tried worked. And the reason why I'm not telling ANYONE about this is because I'm afraid you guys will try to bring the animatronics back or something. And they're better left forgotten anyway, they were nothing but horrible monsters that were created to murder innocent children. They could've been destroyed," Puppet told him.
"Oh...But, where is the place underground at?" Springtrap asked him.
"Uh, I think it's...Wait, why do you wanna know?" Puppet asked, looking at him, suspiciously.
"Uh...just curious?" Springtrap said, grinning nervously.
"Springtrap, if you're thinking about finding that place, DON'T! You could get hurt, or stuck down there! It'll be too risky, it's not worth it! You have no idea what they could do to you, if they're even still alive! They could kill you, or worse, trap you down there forever! And we wouldn't know where you would be! Please, Springtrap, don't do it, it's already bad enough that I even told you! They're not safe to be around, they're not friendly like us. If you do it, we wouldn't be able to get you back..." Puppet told him.
Springtrap sighed, "Alright, alright, I won't go! Since you're so desperate and you were literally pleading, fine. I...won't go..."
Puppet nodded. "Okey, good. Alright, let's stop talking about this and get out of here, the others are probably wondering where we're at...But, don't tell ANYONE, got it?"
Springtrap nodded.
"Alright then, let's go and act like I've never told you any of this," Puppet said as he opened the door.
They both stepped out and went back to the main area. Springtrap sighed and eyed Puppet as he floated off to the others...


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