Chapter 13

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The next night, everyone woke up and met up back into Circus Gallery and talked for a while. They stood by the stage and waited for Baby to wake up.
"So uh...has anyone thought of an idea of how to free Elizabeth?" Golden Freddy asked. Everyone shook their heads, but then Funtime Foxy said, "Honestly, I don't see the point in it really. My friends and I have tried EVERYTHING to get her out, but she WON'T leave. She said so herself, she won't leave until she's killed us all. We can't force her, she's too strong! She would have to do it on her own..."
Goldie sighed, "You have a point there..."
Mangle thought for a moment, and then she said, "Well, what if we try to convince her that we really are good? We should at least try to talk to her and show her that we've changed! There's got to be a way that we can do that..."
Lolbit shook her head, "I dunno, last time we tried that, she wouldn't stop attacking us! She doesn't want to listen, she just wants us gone! We've tried talking to her a bunch of times before, but all she did was nearly murder us!"
"Then we'll MAKE her listen! No matter how hard she tries to fight back, we will too! It's twenty-eight against one! We could all fight back together!" said Mangle.
"Yeah! Tie her to a chair! We'll teach her friendship lessons and force her to watch!" said Foxy. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.
"My Little Pony fan much?" Springtrap said.
"Shut up," Foxy growled.
"You know what? Sure, let's do it. That's the only option I can think of, and it could actually work. But Elizabeth is strong too, we need to fight back with all we got!" said Funtime Foxy.
"Yeah, just make sure she doesn't teleport any of us to a different room and throw us around and strangle us," said Springtrap.
"Wait, are we actually gonna force her to learn friendship or something like that?" Bonnie asked.
"Uh, something like that. Maybe don't FORCE her, let's just talk to her and try to get her to understand," Mangle said.
"I'll give it a shot, what about everyone else?" asked Lolbit. Everyone else thought about it before agreeing too.
"Okey then. So how and when are we doing it?" Goldie asked.
"Hold on, Baby's waking up," said Funtime Foxy.

Baby slowly opened her eyes and looked around. When she saw her friends, she sat up and looked at everyone. When she noticed the bandages on her and everyone else, she asked, "W-what happened?"
"You don't remember?" Funtime Freddy asked. Baby shook her head.
"Try to! Remember the last time you saw Elizabeth?" Funtime Foxy asked. Baby took a minute to try to remember, and when she did, her eyes widened. "Oh no...I-is everyone alright?" Everyone nodded their heads.
"Well uh, you almost killed Springtrap, but he's fine-" Foxy was cut off when Mangle stomped on his foot. He squealed and fell on his butt. Baby gasped and looked at Springtrap, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-"
"It's fine now! I'm fine! I'm not dead, I'm alright! See?" said Springtrap.
"You have bandages on your face! I scratched you!" Baby said.
"But it doesn't hurt now!" Springtrap told her.
"I tried to strangle you!" said Baby.
"ELIZABETH tried to strangle me!" Springtrap said.
"You almost DIED!" Baby said.
"ALMOST, but look at me now!" Springtrap grinned.
"Both of you shut up. Springtrap's fine, we're fine, EVERYBODY'S fine!" said Yendo.
"I'M not! I almost killed my friends!" Baby said.
"Well whose fault is that for not stopping it?" Foxy asked as he started to get up, but Mangle pushed him back on the floor.
"Oh, well that was nice to say," Ballora said, sarcastically.
"No, he's right, I should've been able to take control! Now she'll probably come back again, but next time, we'll all probably be dead!" Baby said, putting her face in her hands.
"I swear if you start crying," Lolbit said, holding in her breath.
Baby looked up at her, "I can't help it! It's not my fault I'm being possessed by a stupid spirit!" Everyone looked at her, surprised.
"No one said it was your fault, it's not! We'll still help you!" Mangle said.
"Actually, um, Foxy said it was..." Bonnie said.
"Well he can go eat dog poop," Mangle said, crossing her arms.
"I can hear you, you know!" Foxy said, still on the ground. He tried to get up again, but Mangle kicked his leg.
"Stop doing that!" Foxy said.
"Nah, keep doing it, Mangle," Springtrap said, grinning.
Golden Freddy sighed, shaking his head. He looked back at Baby, "We WILL help you, Baby. No matter how long it takes, we'll make sure everyone gets out of here alive!"
Baby shook her head, "No, no one can help me, it's too late. Elizabeth said there's no way to make her leave, and she's right! You guys have tried everything, but it's no use..."

Tears stung Baby's eyes. She got off the stage and tried to leave again, but Springtrap grabbed her and sat her back down. He looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "Alright, listen here. Don't EVER say that it's too late, because it's NOT. We really are trying here, we've only been here for a couple of days, but we're not leaving until EVERYONE is in that elevator alive! This is why Elizabeth has more control over you, it's because you keep losing hope. You have people that love you and care about you, we won't stop trying until Elizabeth is gone! We've already come up with something, it hasn't been completely thought through, but we're getting there. Elizabeth doesn't understand us as much as we understand each other, she only thinks we're killer robots, which isn't true. We're just as normal as everyone else! If this plan doesn't work, then we'll think of something else! But if she doesn't leave...then we will have to kill you. We don't want you to suffer down here, alone...I'm sure you wouldn't want that, either. Either she kills all of us and let's you live, or we kill you and she's set free. But that's not the only way, we'll prove it! You can't keep running away forever, because you have us. You don't need to go through this alone. We just want you to be okey...both of you."
Baby looked at everyone, who was also looking at her, hoping she would agree. She sighed and nodded, "Okey..."
Funtime Foxy frowned, " 'Okey?' That's it? No 'I won't run away again', 'I'll try to be braver', none of that?"
Baby sighed again, "Sorry, I won't run away again, I promise. I'll stay with you guys. I'll also try not to be such a baby, I'll try to be braver for everyone. I'll let you help me. Better?" Funtime Foxy smiled and nodded.
"Okeeey then, so what now?" Funtime Freddy asked.
"Let's all just chill and hang out for a while, we need some happiness in us anyway," said Lolbit.
"Sure, I'm down. But what about the elevator?" asked Golden Freddy.
"Let's just leave it alone for a while, since Elizabeth won't let it work again. Maybe we'll try to get her to get it working again too, while we're talking to her and 'teaching her friendship stuff'," said Plushtrap.
Golden Freddy nodded "Okey then. Plus, Baby needs to feel better, so she won't worry so much about Elizabeth, that girl is pretty scary..."
Foxy got up as he said that, "PRETTY scary? Please! I think she was more terrifying than Purple Guy!"
Springtrap scoffed and muttered, "Big baby..."
Foxy glared at him, "Really?"
Springtrap looked at him. "What?! Hey, I was the one that got thrown around and strangled by her, and all I see is a little girl with anger problems! Seriously, someone get some therapy for her!"
"Oh we'll get her some therapy alright," said Plushtrap, cracking his knuckles.
"Uh, not that kind of therapy," Mangle laughed nervously. Everyone chuckled.

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