Chapter 18

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     "Hey Foxy, I got a joke for ya!" Funtime Freddy said as they still played cards with their friends.
Foxy looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Oh great, here we go..." said Bonbon.
Funtime Freddy grinned, "Alright, so a pirate walks into a bar. The bartender notices that the pirate has a ship wheel coming out of his pants. Out of curiosity, the bartender asks, 'you are aware that there is a wheel coming out of your pants, right?' Then the pirate replied, 'Ay, it be drivin' me nuts!'"
Everyone burst out laughing, some shook their heads.
Foxy laughed, "Good thing I don't ride a ship."
"Where did you hear that from?" Mangle asked.
"Lolbit. She used to tell the funniest pirate jokes to kids back in the day," Funtime Freddy replied.
"Oh, I remember that! I remember the jokes too, if you wanna hear them," Lolbit said, smirking.
"No, no more corny jokes!" Bonbon said.
Lolbit shook her head, "Too late! Okey, so what did the ocean say to the pirate?"
"I dunno, should I ask what?" Mangle asked.
"Nah, because the ocean didn't say anything. It just waved!" Lolbit smiled.
Mangle giggled, "Oh, I get it."
"That's an old one," said Ballora.
"Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?" Lolbit asked, trying to keep from laughing at Bonbon's angry face.
"I don't know, Lolbit. Why?" Funtime Freddy asked, trying to make Bonbon more mad.
"Because they spend years at C!" Lolbit answered, bursting out laughing. Everyone else started laughing as Bonbon's eyes widened with anger.
"Well shiver me timbers, I don't think I can handle anymore of these stupid jokes!" Foxy laughed, his cards slipping out of his hand.
"How did we even start this?" Goldie asked, wiping a tear from his eye.
"I didn't mean for it to end up like this! I just took one look at Foxy, and I suddenly started to remember those dumb jokes Lolbit used to tell to annoy us!" Funtime Freddy laughed.
"Hey, you knew they were funny! But only because they're dumb!" Lolbit said.
"Alright, no more jokes. Seriously, Bonbon looks like he's about to explode. You guys wanna find something else to do? We've been on this card game for nearly two hours!" said Funtime Foxy.
"Alright, alright. But what else are we suppose to do, though?" Funtime Freddy asked her.
"Uh...I'm not sure..." said Funtime Foxy.
"What about Hide and Seek? We haven't played that in years!" said Baby.
"Oh I remember that! Yeah, let's play it!" Ballora agreed. The Bidybabs and Minerinnas agreed with them.
"Oh man, I remember when I've won so many times!" said Funtime Freddy.
"Yeah, you were the best at it. But let's see if any of our newcomers here can beat you!" said Bonbon.
"I'm down. We did this sometimes back at our pizzeria," said Golden Freddy.
"Yeah, it was so fun scaring the girls!" said Foxy.
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with him, there."
"How did you guys play it?" Mangle asked Funtime Foxy, to which she replied, "Well, first, Funtime Freddy would pick a random name from his hat. For example, if it was Baby, she would have to count down from thirty seconds so we could go hide, and then she'd come find us. Same goes to the rest of us if any of our names were picked. The first person she finds has to help her find the rest of us, if we're all found before the thirty minutes is up, then she wins."
"Awesome. Let's do it," said Springtrap. Once everyone else agreed to it, Funtime Freddy grabbed a piece of paper and tore it into little pieces, then he wrote everyone's names on each one. He put them all in his hat and dug around in it with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes once he took out a name and looked at it. "It's Springtrap."
"Hah! Good luck finding me!" Foxy said, smacking Spring's back.
"Heh, well, I hope you all have an extra pair of pants," Springtrap joked.
"Alright, no one is aloud to hide together, you all have to find your own spot. Well, except for Baby, in case Elizabeth comes," said Funtime Foxy.
"I'll hide with her!" Mangle said, hugging Baby close.
Funtime Foxy looked at Springtrap, "Okey Spring, start counting. You can't use a flashlight, either. And NO peeking!"
"I bet he'll peek, he always did that!" Mangle said, smirking at him.
"What? Nah! I won't look, really," Springtrap promised. He turned his back to them and closed his eyes, then he started counting as he heard people leaving the room. Once he was finished, he turned back around and started searching.

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