Chapter 14

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     "So, you really think that Baby can defeat me?" Elizabeth glared.
"Why did you come back so soon?" Springtrap ignored her question.
"Because I'm not gonna let you robots leave here ALIVE! You know that! There's no way out of here unless I let you leave, which you already know I won't," Elizabeth replied.
Springtrap scoffed, "Man, I know you're just a child and all, but THIS is crazy! I don't know how many times we have to tell you, but we HAVE changed. I mean, just look at us! Do you see us like how we were in the past? You shouldn't, because we're completely different now! And haven't you at least watched us to see for yourself if we were really good or bad? Or are you just bad at paying attention?"
Elizabeth growled and slammed him against the window, holding him by his chest. "You're getting on my nerves every second you SPEAK! I HAVE been watching you, and all you guys wanna do is get rid of me! You're no different from what you were like in the past, you're all still monsters! I can SEE it! You're wearing these masks to make people think that you're these goody two-shoes, but really, you'll still kill people ANY TIME YOU LIKE. Knocking me out with a bat won't make me go away, not for long! I'll always be back, I shouldn't have to say that again!"
"You shouldn't be saying that at all, because you're WRONG. Maybe knocking you out won't get rid of you, but there's another way, a better way. A way to make you leave and never come back! Don't say you'll always be back, because you don't really know that for sure!" Springtrap said to her.
Elizabeth didn't say anything, she just grinned at him. "So you think there's a way to get rid of me? You really think so? What is it then, huh? Are you gonna spray holy water on me or something?"
Springtrap laughed, "Good one, but I'm the one that tells the jokes here! And holy water wouldn't be good for either of you, because you're not a demon, and Baby would die, or just stop working. But there is a way to make you leave, and we're not gonna tell you, obviously."
Elizabeth laughed too, "I almost forgot how stupid you animatronics can be. You can keep trying all you want, but nothing will work on me."
Springtrap just shrugged. "Okey, if that's what you really believe, then alright. But don't say I never told you so."
Elizabeth glared at him. She lifted him up and was about to throw him through the window, but something stopped her. She was held still, still holding Springtrap up by his chest.
"Wha- What the...?" She looked confused.
"Uh...don't look at me," Springtrap muttered. Suddenly, her hands were forced off of him and she was pushed to the ground. Springtrap got back up and stared at her. Elizabeth tried to get back up, but something was holding her back.
Springtrap frowned, "Baby?"
Elizabeth's eyes flashed from Baby's eyes to hers. She struggled and fought to get back up, but Baby forced her to crawl further away from Spring.
"S-stop! What're you doing?!" Elizabeth shouted. Baby gripped and pulled at her hair and tried anything else to hurt Elizabeth. Elizabeth yelled in pain and tried to make her stop, but it was like she lost all control. Baby scratched and hit herself and Elizabeth. She continued hurting her and herself until Elizabeth had enough and left her body. She glowed white again for a few seconds before turning back to normal, so did her eyes. Baby was laying on the ground, panting and sweating.
Springtrap went over to her and helped her up. "You okay?"
Baby nodded, "Um, yeah. She should be gone for a while..."
"That was awesome, Baby! See? You can do it! You did great!" Springtrap cheered.
"But I don't know if I can do it again! That was way too hard, it wore me out!" Baby said.
"I know. But for now, you need to take it easy. Let's take you back to the others, you might need some rest," said Springtrap.
He followed her back to the Circus Control room and then to Circus Gallery, and laid her back on the stage. Once everyone saw them, they ran over to them, asking what happened.
"Is she alright?" Ballora asked.
"What happened this time?" Golden Freddy asked.
Springtrap looked at them, "Elizabeth possessed her again."
"Um, WHAT? Again?" said Lolbit.
"What happened?!" asked Golden Freddy.
"Well, it didn't last for long. She was about to try to kill me again, but Baby stopped her and made her leave," Springtrap told them.
Everyone looked at him, and then at Baby, surprised.
"A-are you serious?" asked Funtime Freddy. Springtrap nodded.
"HOW? How did she do that?!" Funtime Foxy asked. After Springtrap explained it to them, they started to understand and nodded.
"Oooh...But...that still sounds crazy!" said Yendo.
"Yeah, she was NEVER able to make her leave before! she can! That's amazing!" Funtime Foxy said.
"Yeah, if she can do it again, then we won't have to worry about Elizabeth! We might just have a better chance of getting out of here!" said Funtime Freddy.
"This could make Baby stronger, she could have a better chance against Elizabeth!" said Golden Freddy.
"Man, and just when I thought we would never be able to leave this place!" Foxy said.
"Alright guys, Baby needs her rest, we should leave her alone. I'll watch her, though," said Ballora.
"Mk. Let's go, guys," Goldie said. Everyone else left while Ballora sat on the stage with Baby and watched her. The Minerinnas and Bidybabs stayed with her.

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