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feeelic: minnnnnnnnnnnnn

hoelee: what do you want

feeelic: ur attention :(

hoelee: fuck off

feeelic: why u so cranky old mam

hoelee: I didn't get any sleep

feeelic: poor u

hoelee: ughhhhh it's because of that stupid pervert idiot

feeelic: who?

hoelee: this rando who dmed saying "can you warm my cock" :/

feeelic: (ノ゚0゚)ノ~

feeelic: and you didn't say "sure daddy?!"

hoelee: what the fuck

hoelee: no wtf

feeelic: damn u suck

hoelee: :/


feeelic: you could've gotten a sugar daddy minho....

hoelee: i mean.....

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